home » Romance » Samantha Towle » The Ending I Want » The Ending I Want Page 44

The Ending I Want Page 44
Author: Samantha Towle

Where am I?

Liam’s apartment. Cinema room. I was watching a movie. I must’ve fallen asleep.

I blink open my heavy eyes to see Liam’s autumn eyes staring back at me.

God, he’s beautiful.

“Hey.” I stretch my arms out, smiling at him. “I fell asleep, watching a movie.”

“So I see. Which movie was it? Just so I know not to watch it. Couldn’t have been that good if you passed out.”

I don’t tell him half the reason I fell asleep was because I’d been fighting a headache that hit not long after he’d left for work, and I’d spent most of the morning either in the bathroom, vomiting up the breakfast he’d made me, or lying in his bed with the shades drawn.

It wasn’t until lunchtime that I’d felt half-human, so I’d showered the smell of vomit off me while remembering what Liam had done to me in the shower that morning. Even though it’d made me smile, it’d actually made me feel lonely, too.

Lonely for him.

After my shower, I had taken some more pain pills, and then I’d come into the cinema room and put a movie on.

“Latest Bond film,” I tell him.

“I’ll give it a miss then.” Lifting my legs, he sits on the sofa beside me and puts my legs back in his lap.

Liam’s cinema room is amazing. Instead of separate cinema chairs, he has one huge black U-shaped sofa that is loaded with these über soft gray-and-black cushions. It’s the comfiest sofa I have ever sat my ass on.

In the center of the room is a glass coffee table, and the walls are padded. On the far wall is the screen, which is quite possibly the size of the ones you see in a theater. It’s freaking awesome.

“How was work?” I ask him, turning to lie on my back.

“Dull. I would have much rather been here with you.” His hand is running absentmindedly up and down my bare leg.

I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt, which I packed in my overnight bag to sleep in. As I ended up sleeping naked last night, I thought I’d wear them as my lounge-around clothes.

“Here with me, watching a boring film?” I chuckle.

“Yeah, but boring with you is much better than being stuck in a meeting with a bunch of men. With you, if we’re both bored, then at least we can make up our own fun together.” His eyebrows rise, his lips lifting, and pure sex is written all over his face.

“True.” I grin, biting my lower lip.

I touch my feet together and realize they’re cold. Lifting my legs, I tuck one foot inside his suit jacket and the other between his firm thighs.

He’s wearing a navy blue three-piece suit. He looks incredibly sexy in a suit. But then again, he looks just as sexy without one…more so actually.

Naked Liam is a beautiful sight to see.

“Comfy?” he asks, grabbing the foot that’s burrowed inside his jacket through the fabric.

“Very. Thanks.”

He starts massaging my foot.

“Mmm, that feels good.” I shut my eyes.

“Don’t fall asleep again. We’re going out soon.”

“We are? Do I have a say in this?”

I have a feeling I already know the answer. And I know I shouldn’t be lazy because it’s not like time is my luxury, so I shouldn’t waste it. I’ve already lost enough time today being sick and sleeping.

But I’m just super comfy right now.

“No. But trust me when I say, you’re going to want to do this. Tonight, we’re going to be checking something else off your list.”

My mind starts to work quickly, running through my list and what I have left to do. “Ooh, what?”

He smiles. “I’m taking you to a rock concert.”

That gets my attention. I pull my foot from between his legs and the other from his hand. I sit up. “A rock concert. Really?”

“Really.” He smiles again.

“Who are we going to see?”

“The Mighty Storm.”

“Holy shit!” I get up onto my knees. “Are you serious?”

His lips creep up into a smile. “As serious as a heart attack.”

I tilt my head, confusion furrowing my brow. “I have no clue what you just said.”

“You’ve never heard of that saying?” Liam looks surprised.

“Nope. But then I’m not an old man like you,” I tease, shrugging.

He grabs ahold of my waist, his fingers digging in, and he tugs me onto his lap, so I’m straddling him. I rest my hands on his shoulders.

“Any more of your lip, and I’ll spank your arse.”

“Ooh, is that a promise?” I grin.

Liam chuckles, shaking his head. “Dirty girl. And when I say that I’m as serious as a heart attack, I mean, yes, I’m serious.”

“So, why not just say you’re serious?”

“Because I’m old, and us old people like our sayings.”

That makes me laugh.

“So, Boston, you and I are going to watch The Mighty Storm in concert tonight, and we’re also going to meet the band backstage.”

“Holy fuck!” I scream. I actually scream, making Liam wince. “Sorry,” I say. “But this is exciting! I fucking love The Mighty Storm! They’re my favorite band ever!” Did Liam know this? Did I tell him? Or is it just a coincidence?

Either way, who cares? I’m going to see The Mighty Storm!

“I can’t freaking believe we’re going to see them! And actually meet them in person! Oh my God! I’m going to meet them for real!” I scream again. “How did you manage to score backstage passes for The Mighty Storm? Not that I’m complaining because I’m totally not. I’m the absolute opposite of complaining right now. I’m like the most grateful person ever.”

Samantha Towle's Novels
» Revived (Revved #2)
» Revved (Revved #1)
» The Ending I Want
» The Storm (The Storm #3.5)
» Unsuitable
» Trouble
» Wethering the Storm (The Storm #2)
» The Mighty Storm (The Storm #1)
» The Bringer