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Billionaire's Blackmail Bride (Bad Boy Billionaires #16) Page 20
Author: Judy Angelo

It hadn’t been easy, getting here. When she dropped the bombshell Ridge was surprised, which was to be expected. What she hadn’t expected was for him to go ballistic and demand that she stay right there in Texas and send someone else.

“No wife of mine is going traipsing through some jungle,” he’d declared. “Do you know how dangerous the jungle is?”

She’d laughed him off. “I’m hunting for plants,” she’d told him, “not anacondas and alligators.”

“That doesn’t mean you won’t find some along the way,” he’d practically snarled. “You’re not going.”

“Oh, yes I am.”

“No, you’re not. Don’t even think about it.”

And so they’d had a huge fight that night until, probably realizing that she would never back down, he’d finally relented. Sort of. He’d finally accepted that she was going to Brazil but only, he said, if he went with her.

And so, to Lani’s chagrin, she’d acquired a chaperon and not the most pleasant one either. He’d been a pain the entire flight, issuing warnings that she could do without. Now that they were at the hotel she had to thank the stars he’d gone downstairs to consult the concierge, giving her a well-needed break. Now she could relax.

She’d just gone out onto the balcony and plopped her bottom down on the tropical print sofa when she heard her cell phone ringing inside the living room. “Oh, Lord,” she groaned as she got up, “let it not be Ridge calling to tell me not to drink the water or something like that.” He’d kept her so busy with his safety tips that she hadn’t even had time to take in the sights and scenery of the city.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she dug the phone out of her handbag and realized it wasn’t him. “Hi Mom,” she said as soon as she tapped the answer button. “How are you and Dad?”

“We’re fine, as always,” her mother said drily. “The question is, how are you? Since you got married you’ve spoken to your mother what, three times? Is this how it’s going to be?”

“Oh, Mom, you know it’s just because I’ve been busy. I think about you and Dad every day.”

“That’s not good enough. I want to hear from you, know how you’re doing. Is that husband of yours treating you well?”

“Yes, Mother. Very well. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“Mmhmm.” For some reason her mother sounded doubtful. “So if he’s treating you so great why doesn’t he let you call your mother?”

Lani rolled her eyes. Not that question again. “Mom, if I don’t call often Ridge has nothing to do with it. It’s not his fault that I’m busy.”

“Oh. So it’s your fault that you haven’t been calling.” Lani could hear the huff in Marie's voice.

“Yes, Mother. All my fault.” Then, desperate to change the subject, she asked, “Did you and Dad see that play I told you about? Mama Mia. Did you go?”

“No, not yet, dear. But getting back to you, how are you feeling? Have you been woozy? Nauseous? Anything like that?”

“Nauseous? Why would I…” The words died in Lani’s throat. “Mother, are you asking me if I’m pregnant?”

“Are you?”

“No, I’m not. What kind of question is that?” Lani couldn’t believe her mother.

“Have you been working on it, though? Remember our discussion about grandbabies.”

“Mother, I’ve only been married four weeks. And anyway, I explained the nature of my relationship.” What part of ‘business arrangement’ didn’t her mother understand?

“Well, be that as it may, you have to remember that you’re almost thirty years old. Don’t linger until your biological clock runs out, Leilani.”

“No, Mom, I won’t.” Lani had to stifle a sigh. When her mother got like this it made no sense to argue with her. For an easy life it was better to just go along with what she said.

And then, to Lani’s relief, her cell phone screen lit up with another call. “Sorry, Mom. I have to go. An important call’s coming in.”

Marie heaved a sigh. “Busy as usual. Okay, dear. Call me later.”

It was the call Lani had been waiting for. “Yes? Aurelio?”

“Aurelio here, Dr. Donatelli. I was told you arrived in Manaus today.”

“Yes, I’m here right now, at the Caesar. Thanks for connecting with me so soon.”

“No problem, doctor. I know your time in Brazil is limited so I wanted to see if we can get started early. Tomorrow, if possible.” The man’s voice was coarse and deep but he sounded friendly enough. She’d heard he was an excellent guide and she was more than ready to take advantage of his services.

“Call me Lani,” she said, “and tomorrow would be perfect. What should I bring?”

“I’ll have the tents,” he replied, “and if you give me your e-mail address I’ll send you a list of items to bring. We have to be prepared for this trip.”

“Of course.” She gave him her e-mail address then wrote down the phone number he gave her.

“We will leave before sunrise,” he said. “I will come to the hotel to pick you up.”

“I'll be ready,” she said and as they said their goodbyes she remembered she should have said they. Ridge would never let her go alone. But too late. Aurelio had already hung up.

When Ridge returned to the hotel room Lani was all smiles. “Guess what?” she said as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

He gave her a look that was sharp with suspicion. “Whenever you have a happy grin on your face I know it’s time to worry. What is it?”

“First thing tomorrow,” she said, her smile widening, “we’re heading into the Amazon jungle.”


When he’d told Lani he would come on this Brazil trip with her Ridge had no idea what he would be getting himself into.

After she’d slapped him awake at the ungodly hour of four in the morning she'd loaded him up with a backpack that was bulky and heavy, even for him. It was like the woman had stocked him up with all the canned goods that could fit in the darned thing. And everyone knew how heavy canned goods could be.

Then they’d met her guide downstairs, a small, round-faced fellow who looked old enough to be Lani’s grandfather. Where in the world she’d found him, Ridge had no idea. He just hoped the man didn’t croak on them during the trip.

Judy Angelo's Novels
» Bossing the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #17)
» Billionaire's Blackmail Bride (Bad Boy Billionaires #16)
» Babies for the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #15)
» To Tame a Tycoon (The Bad Boy Billionaires #5)
» Rome for Always (The Bad Boy Billionaires #14)
» Dangerous Deception (The Bad Boy Billionaires #4)
» The Billionaire Next Door (The Bad Boy Billionaires #13)
» Billionaire's Island Bride (The Bad Boy Billionaires #3)
» Married by Midnight (The Bad Boy Billionaires #12)
» Maid in the USA (The Bad Boy Billionaires #2)
» So Much Trouble When She Walked In
» Tamed by the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #1)
» Her Indecent Proposal (The Bad Boy Billionaires #10)
» Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (Bad Boy Billionaires #9)
» To Catch a Man (The Bad Boy Billionaires #8)
» Daddy by December (The Bad Boy Billionaires #7)
» Sweet Seduction (The Bad Boy Billionaires #6)