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Billionaire's Island Bride (The Bad Boy Billionaires #3) Page 32
Author: Judy Angelo

“Dare!” Erin screamed but there was no answer.  All she could hear was the deafening, diabolical roar of the hurricane winds.


“Oh, no," Erin cried out and ran to kneel at Dare’s side.  Her robe was immediately soaked with the water running freely on the floor.  She shone the flashlight onto Dare and saw that he had fallen face down on the floor, water only inches from his nose.  And he was not moving.

“Oh, God,” Erin whispered.  “God help me.”

Quickly, she propped the flashlight on a pile of cushions nearby then reached for Dare, lifting his face clear of the water.  Without hesitation she sat in the water and slid her legs under his head to lay it on her lap.  Then, gently but urgently, she patted his face.  “Dare, wake up.  Please, honey.  I need you to get up.”

Her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears.  Dare had been knocked unconscious.

Erin looked around, her mind racing.  They could not stay there with water swirling around them and the shrieking wind threatening to pelt them with more debris.  But what could she do?  She couldn’t possibly lift Dare but she couldn’t leave him there either.

Then her eyes flew to the cover on the bed.  If she could just roll him onto it then she could drag him out of the room and out of danger.  Erin reached for a pillow that had fallen to the floor.  Gently, she slid Dare’s head from her lap and laid it on the soft support.

Slowly, she pulled her hand away and she almost cried out again.  Her hand was smeared with blood.  She had to move quickly.  Dare was hurt even worse than she’d realized.

Braving the howling winds she half-dashed, half-waded to the bed in the middle of the room.  The cover was soaking wet and heavy but she had no choice.  She stripped the bed of its cover and dragged it over to where Dare lay.  She spread it out on the ground then slowly, gingerly she lifted his head then she heaved and was just barely able to shift his head and torso onto the fabric.  His bottom half was easier.  When he was stretched out on the cover she propped the flashlight on his chest, angling it so it lit her path.  Then she grabbed two handfuls of the cover and pulled.  He did not budge.  Kicking off her now sodden bedroom slippers she planted her feet on the ground and heaved.  And that’s when he began to move.  Inch by inch she dragged Dare through the door and out into the hallway.  Inch by inch she pulled him to safety.

By the time she got him out of the room and at a safe distance away she was panting from the effort.  Unable to go further she slid down in a heap beside her prostrate husband.

Drawing up her legs she wrapped her arms around them and dropped her forehead onto her knees.  What was she going to do now?  Dare needed help but even if she got phone service what ambulance would come running in the middle of a hurricane?  But what if he slept himself into a coma?  Heavens, what was she to do?  She couldn’t just sit there all night.

Worn out with worry, a soft sob escaped Erin’s lips and then another until she was sobbing in earnest.  What made it worse, the harder she tried to stop the faster the tears came.  Where had the practical levelheaded Erin gone?  Pregnancy had turned her into a mountain of mush and she didn’t like it, not one bit.  But still she could not stop crying.

“Erin, are you alright?”

The sobs froze in Erin’s throat.  Her head snapped up and she peered down at Dare who was still stretched out on the cloth but this time his eyes were open.  Those wonderful gray eyes were staring back at her.

“Dare,” she said, her voice breaking, “you’re back.”  She scrambled to her knees and reached over to gather him in her arms.  When he flinched she drew back.  “I’m sorry.  I’ll be gentle.  I promise.”

“It’s okay,” Dare said in a hoarse whisper.  “I’m fine.”  His eyes roamed the hallway.  “How did I get here?”

“I brought you out here,” she said gently.  “You were about to step into Francine’s

room when a flying board slapped you.  It knocked you out cold.”

“And you…brought me out here?”  He looked around then slowly raised himself on his elbows.  “But how?”

Erin shrugged.  “I dragged you out.  On the blanket.”

“You did what?”  Dare’s eyebrows shot up.  He struggled to sit up then swayed and put a hand to the back of his head.  “I got clobbered real good,” he said with a groan.

“Yes you did, so move slowly.  Very slowly.”  She put out a hand and gently held his chin then turned his head ever so slightly.  She shone the flashlight on his head.  There was a gash at the back of it but thankfully it was not as bad as she’d expected and the blood had already begun to dry, matting the hair to his scalp.  That was good.  It would stem the flow.

Erin got up and held out both hands to Dare.  “You’re soaking wet.  We have to get you dry before you fall sick.”

“I can get up,” he said, ignoring her outstretched hands.  He put out a hand and, using the wall as support, slowly and carefully got up from the floor and stood looking down at her.

She could see he was far from steady.  Without hesitation she went to stand beside him and pulled his arm across her shoulders.  Then step by step they made their way to the safety of Dare’s suite.  There, Erin stripped him of every article of clothing then helped him into the bathroom where he washed away the grime from his recent repose in the pool of water on the floor.

Erin felt no embarrassment at Dare’s nakedness.  All such cares were swallowed up in her concern for him.  With the dispassion of a nurse she toweled him dry then placed a robe around his shoulders and led him to the bed where she tucked him in.

Dare leaned back into the pillows with a sigh then looked over at her standing by the bed.  “Thank you,” he said.  “You make an excellent nurse.” Then he waved his hand toward a huge walk-in closet.  “There’s another robe hanging on the hook by the door.  Why don’t you change?  You’re all wet.”

Erin didn’t need to be told twice.  She’d begun to shiver and she knew it was because of the damp clothes clinging to her body.  She got the robe then went back to Dare’s bathroom where she shed her garments and took a quick shower.  Within a few minutes she was back at Dare’s side.

Judy Angelo's Novels
» Bossing the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #17)
» Billionaire's Blackmail Bride (Bad Boy Billionaires #16)
» Babies for the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #15)
» To Tame a Tycoon (The Bad Boy Billionaires #5)
» Rome for Always (The Bad Boy Billionaires #14)
» Dangerous Deception (The Bad Boy Billionaires #4)
» The Billionaire Next Door (The Bad Boy Billionaires #13)
» Billionaire's Island Bride (The Bad Boy Billionaires #3)
» Married by Midnight (The Bad Boy Billionaires #12)
» Maid in the USA (The Bad Boy Billionaires #2)
» So Much Trouble When She Walked In
» Tamed by the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #1)
» Her Indecent Proposal (The Bad Boy Billionaires #10)
» Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (Bad Boy Billionaires #9)
» To Catch a Man (The Bad Boy Billionaires #8)
» Daddy by December (The Bad Boy Billionaires #7)
» Sweet Seduction (The Bad Boy Billionaires #6)