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Sweet Seduction (The Bad Boy Billionaires #6) Page 21
Author: Judy Angelo

Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who noticed this.  Out of nowhere he saw a suit-clad man with short-cropped blond hair walk over to Sam.  He leaned down to say something to her.  It must have been damn funny because she gave a little laugh and then shook her head.  Jake frowned.  Who in the blazes was that guy, anyway?  He looked across at where he’d come from and saw two other men in suits.  They were standing by a freestanding banner that read, ‘First National Credit Bank.’  So he was a banker and one who, by the look of things, had taken a serious liking to Sam.

Jake rested his glass of wine on the nearest table and walked over to her.  As he approached the man looked up, a look of annoyance flashing across his face.  Obviously he'd said something cute and charming to make Sam laugh and now that she’d been softened up he was ready to move in for the kill.  Jake narrowed his gaze.  Well, it wasn’t going to happen.  Not on his watch.  “Ready to go, sweetheart?”  He stepped close and cupped Sam’s elbow.

She looked up at him, eyebrows raised, but smart girl that she was she gave him a warm smile and nodded.  “Whenever you are,” she said sweetly.  Then she turned to the man who now looked like he’d been fishing and had just lost a prized catch.  “Thanks, again, for your kind words.  I wish you much success.”  Then she gave him her signature smile and slipped her hand into the crook of Jake's bent arm.

Jake didn’t talk much as he drove home with Sam in the seat beside him.  His mind was still on the man who had approached her.  It had probably been childish but seeing him go up to her and stand so close had filled him with a jealousy he hadn’t felt in a long time.  It was stupid, he knew, but he’d felt like someone had invaded his space.

It had pissed him off but more than anything it made him realize how complacent he’d been.  Sam didn’t need to sit there waiting on him to come around.  She was a very attractive woman and he had no doubt that he wasn’t the only man interested in her.  Tonight’s incident had proved that.  If he wasn’t careful he’d lose her to a more aggressive shark in Tonawanda’s ocean.  And there was no way he was going to let that happen.


Sam settled back in the passenger seat, closed her eyes and smiled.  The last few weeks with Jake had been some of the happiest of her life.  She knew, without a doubt, that she was in love.  It didn’t matter to her that their interaction was focused primarily on the charities and had had nothing to do with love or a relationship.  All that mattered to her right then was that they’d been spending so much time together.  At least she could say with confidence that their new relationship had gone past that of business associates.  They had become friends.  Of course, she wanted a lot more than that, but for now she was happy.

It had been so funny, though, when the investment banker had walked over to compliment her on the brief speech she’d given when she’d handed over the check.  ‘Eloquent’ he’d called her, and ‘inspiring’.  And then, in an instant Jake was by her side, his face dark and serious, looking for all the world like he was ready to pummel somebody into the ground.  She’d almost laughed.  She wasn’t stupid.  She could see the jealousy plain as a poster on his face.  And she’d been pleased.  He wouldn’t be jealous if he didn’t have feelings for her, right?  All in all, a good sign.

And now, as he drove her back to his house where she would pick up her truck, he was silent and solemn, staring straight ahead and not speaking.  If you asked him he’d probably say he was just thinking but Sam knew better.  Typical man, he resented the appearance of what she would call ‘healthy competition’.  She, on the other hand, was enjoying it.

Then a mischievous thought popped into her head.  Sometimes it didn’t hurt to let a man know what he was up against.  Or at least give him the impression that there was something going on.  Keep him slightly off balance, so to speak.  It was never a good idea to make a man think he had you all bagged up and ready to go.  There had to be a hint of uncertainty or else he’d just take you for granted.  And tonight’s little turn of events had given her the perfect opportunity to insert that little pebble of uncertainty.

Sam smiled to herself. Like the story of the princess with the pea under her mattress, all it took was the tiniest doubt to make a man so uncomfortable he felt he had to make a move.  And now that she had her little pea of doubt she was going to work it to her advantage.

She put up her hand and pressed her fingers against her mouth to hide the smile that tickled her lips.  This would be the second round in her sweet seduction of Jake McKoy.  Her mother would be so proud.

“Mark thought I looked very nice tonight.”  She turned her face toward Jake as he drove.

“Mark?”  He gave her a quick glance then turned his attention back to the road.  “The man who came over to speak to you?”

“Yes.  He said my dress brought out the beauty of my dark eyes.”

Jake was scowling now.  Several seconds passed before he spoke.  “I could have told you that,” he said in a rough growl.

Well, why didn’t you?  She didn’t bother to ask the question that popped into her mind.  Instead, she just smiled and waited for him to make the next move.

“Do you know him from somewhere?”

“Who, Mark?  We just met.”

Another round of silence, this one longer than the first.  Sam could just imagine what was going through his mind.  But still, she remained silent.  The ball was in his court and she was going to leave it there.

“I think you look stunning tonight.”

Sam raised her eyebrows and looked across at him.  “Why, thank you, sir,” she said in her best Southern belle voice.

That brought a smile to his face.  “No, really,” he said, his tone more relaxed.  “You were the most beautiful woman there tonight.  Hands down.”

Sam didn’t know what to say to that one so she just smiled.  Luckily she was saved from having to find an appropriate answer when they turned into the driveway of his home.  When he switched off the engine and turned to her she knew what to expect – a thank you and a quick peck on the cheek and so she would be summarily dismissed.

Judy Angelo's Novels
» Bossing the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #17)
» Billionaire's Blackmail Bride (Bad Boy Billionaires #16)
» Babies for the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #15)
» To Tame a Tycoon (The Bad Boy Billionaires #5)
» Rome for Always (The Bad Boy Billionaires #14)
» Dangerous Deception (The Bad Boy Billionaires #4)
» The Billionaire Next Door (The Bad Boy Billionaires #13)
» Billionaire's Island Bride (The Bad Boy Billionaires #3)
» Married by Midnight (The Bad Boy Billionaires #12)
» Maid in the USA (The Bad Boy Billionaires #2)
» So Much Trouble When She Walked In
» Tamed by the Billionaire (The Bad Boy Billionaires #1)
» Her Indecent Proposal (The Bad Boy Billionaires #10)
» Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (Bad Boy Billionaires #9)
» To Catch a Man (The Bad Boy Billionaires #8)
» Daddy by December (The Bad Boy Billionaires #7)
» Sweet Seduction (The Bad Boy Billionaires #6)