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Imperfectly (Dante's Nine MC #2) Page 44
Author: Colleen Masters

Leo slings an arm over my shoulder and leads me back across the Wraith’s Nest. He wears a proud grin on his face as we stride across the lot together. I’m at once elated and heartbroken by his satisfaction. He has no idea that I’m actually working behind his back. And sure, I’m trying to diffuse tensions between the Wraiths and the Nine to keep everyone safe, but I’m still not being honest with him. Will he ever be able to forgive me for that when my secret gets out?

I’d love to think that he’ll admire me even more, when he learns what I’ve been up to. Once Kassie and I have found a way to mend the clubs’ relationship, everyone will be better off. But I’m afraid that’s just wishful thinking. Leo’s far too proud to take my goodhearted deception in stride. On principal, he’ll have to turn away from me. Cast me out. I have to prepare myself for that. At least I’ll be able to comfort my broken heart with the knowledge that I’ve helped keep Leo safe. The Nine are pretty morality-minded, for outlaws, but who knows what kind of violence could erupt if this malignant conflict is left untreated?

“What a gentleman, walking me to my car at the end of the night,” I purr, as Leo and I stroll up to my little blue Prius.

“End of the night?” Leo growls, letting his hand slide over the rise of my ass, “Say it ain’t so, babe.”

“Shouldn’t I head back to my place for a while?” I ask, stopping beside my car. It’s parked right in front of the Nest’s central strip club. The noise from the Playpen is overwhelming, and I find myself shouting to be heard.

“If you think I’m letting you out of my sight, you’re crazy,” Leo replies, circling my waist with his strong arms, “I haven’t had nearly enough of your company yet tonight.”

I smile up at him, my heart in my throat. As much I want to spend every waking moment with this man—preferably naked in his bed—I was hoping to steal away and meet up with the Nine before morning. Kassie and I traded notes during our little summit, and I promised her I’d bring Declan word that she was alright. And bring a message back to her from him. But my commitment to that promise is wavering under Leo’s insistent, and rather lusty, gaze.

“I didn’t think you’d be the type to invite a girl to sleep over,” I laugh, running my hands over his hard chest, the smooth black leather of his cut. My fingertips brush against his club patches, those unshakeable beacons of his identity. God, why does he have to be a Wraith? And why should it matter to me? I’m starting to understand how Romeo and Juliet felt, here.

“You’re not just some girl,” Leo says, pulling me flush against his body, “You’re my girl. And I want you to come stay with me.”

My heart is drawn and quartered, torn in so many completely opposing directions. My entire body thrills at the idea of shacking up with this gorgeous, cunning man. But how am I supposed to get in touch with the Nine under Leo’s watchful gaze? I’m sure he doesn’t suspect anything as of now, but tensions are heating up between the clubs. It’s only a matter of time before things come to a head.

“I don’t know...” I mutter, shuddering with pleasure as Leo’s hands glide down my back, “All of my stuff is at home...”

“I’ll let you use my toothbrush,” he grins, letting his hips grind, just the slightest bit, against mine. He knows exactly how to drive me wild, this one. Like I could ever refuse a night alone with him...

“Leo,” I whisper, my voice lost in the cacophony pouring out of the club, “How am I ever supposed to say no to you?”

“You’re not,” he growls, lifting my face with one strong finger.

He brings his lips to mine, kissing me hard and deep. I fall against his perfectly balanced body, helpless against my desire for him. All I want is to let him carry me back to his home, lay me out across the bed, and have his way with me until the sun comes up. Schemes and plots can wait until the morning. I’ve got more pressing matters to attend to.

I run my fingers through Leo’s long, black locks. His strong arms hold me up as I melt into him, giving myself over to the moment. I can feel the lust pulsing through his body, swelling between his legs. It’ll never get old, the thrill of turning him on.

“Yeah chief, get some!” a drunken, boisterous voice hollers from the doorway of the Devil’s Playpen.

Leo pulls away from me sharply, and we both blink up toward the unfamiliar voice. Backlit by the blaring lights of the club is a portly, extremely wasted man in a mediocre suit. Emma is there beside him, trying like hell to keep him on his own two feet as he sways drunkenly in the doorway. But the man can’t be bothered to notice her care. He’s too busy grinning at me and Leo like a horny schoolboy.

“Where’d you find her, man?” the drunk goes on, clinging onto the slight Emma, “She’s smokin’ hot. Wanna trade?”

“Oh no...” I murmur, as Leo straightens up and squares off against the tipsy asshole.

“The fuck did you just say?” my man growls, his eyes hardening to rocky flint.

“Leo,” Emma pleads, “He’s loaded. He doesn’t know what he’s—”

“I like yours better,” the man blunders on, licking his lips in my direction, “All those tight little curves...How much do you want for her? I’d hand over some big bucks for a taste of that juicy little—”

“Leo!” Emma and I shout in unison, as my tank of a lover charges the stout patron.

“One more word, and you’re done,” Leo snarls, seizing the red-faced man by the poorly-cut lapels, “How dare you talk about my woman like that. You’re not man enough to even look at her. Apologize, before I put you out, chief.”

“Come on man,” the patron whines, staring up at Leo like a hurt puppy, “I didn’t mean anything by it. Hey, we could take turns if you want. What do you say?”

Leo spits, lifting the man off the ground.

“Come on Leo, I was just about to take him to the barracks,” Emma says, tugging on Leo’s cut with her slender hands, “He’s some fan boy from Wisconsin. Apparently a big fan of my schoolgirl movies. He was going to give me two grand for a hand job!”

Without ceremony, Leo chucks the blasted idiot into the air. The man goes toppling to the ground, rolling to a stop in a muddy puddle teeming with engine grease. He scarcely seems to notice that he’s been tossed to the curb, save for a befuddled groan and a look of wonder on his face. For a moment, I fear what Leo might do to the guy. But my man isn’t a complete barbarian. He knows that this idiot is no match for him, even sober. He walks up to the guy, cool restored, and looks down at him with disdain.

Colleen Masters's Novels
» Impulsively (Dante's Nine MC #3)
» Imperfectly (Dante's Nine MC #2)
» Impossibly (Dante's Nine MC #1)
» Stepbrother Billionaire
» Stepbrother Untouchable