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Impossibly (Dante's Nine MC #1) Page 19
Author: Colleen Masters

In the event that the Intern falls in love with Declan Tiberi during the course of the summer internship, this contract will be deemed null and void and the Intern will lose everything.

I have to swallow hard to keep from spitting coffee all over the page.

“What the hell?” I choke, re-reading the strange little passage. But my eyes do not deceive me. It’s really right there in the contract that I’m not allowed to fall in love with Declan over the course of my internship. Images from my dreams flood through my guilty, embarrassed mind all at once.

How presumptuous do you have to be to include a thing like that in a legal document? My cheeks are burning as I wonder if Declan put that clause in for my benefit alone. How could he have known that I'd be interested in him, even before our interview? Is he making sure I get the message loud and clear that he’s not into me? And what the hell could “losing everything” mean in this circumstance? Hell if I know.

I lean back against the couch, letting the contract fall to the floor. I’m past the point of being shocked by any strange twist in this job offer. It’s a strange, unprecedented agreement, that’s for sure. But this one little extra layer of weirdness can’t be a deal breaker, after all this. I’m a little annoyed that Declan assumes I’m the type of girl who falls in love that easily, but I’ll get over it. Hell, I’ve never had a relationship with a guy in my life, and certainly haven’t slept with anyone. I’d say I’m more likely to get struck by lightning, twice, than to fall in love with Declan Tiberi. Sure, I’ll desire the hell out of him, but that’s not the same thing. Kassenia Bennett is not a girl who falls in love, sexy bad boy boss be damned.

“Fuck it,” I mutter, snatching the contract up from the floor, “What have I got to lose?”

I sign and date Declan’s contract, feeling my blood rush through my veins as I do. This feels momentous, somehow. It’s like I’ve just signed away a bit of my heart and soul. But for $250k, I think I can handle it. I have no idea what to expect, working with a man like Declan Tiberi, but I know that it’s going to change my life, one way or another.

Contract signed, I all but skip over to my phone. Declan’s cell number is listed within the document, and I shoot him a quick message.

Hey Declan. It’s Kassenia. I just looked over and signed the contract. Will mail it to you today. Let me know how you’d like to proceed with arrangements for the summer. Really excited to start working with you!

I’ve barely raised my coffee mug back to my lips when my phone dings with a message received. Sure enough, it’s from Declan’s number.

Kassenia, that’s great news. Did you make sure to thoroughly review the contract before signing? I want you to be absolutely positive before you agree to this internship. We both have a lot riding on this partnership, and I need you to be certain.

I frown at his reply. My whole look-before-leaping thing with sending off this contract is getting weighed down by his insistence that I be sure. For all his daredevil, bad boy energy, I guess he really is a shrewd businessman after all.

I’m certain, Declan. I admit, there were a couple of unexpected clauses in the contract, but I assure you that I agree to all of your conditions. You don’t have to worry about me.

That should do the trick, I think. I all but spelled out, “I’m not going to fall in love with you, dude.” My phone goes off once more, and I snatch it up.

That’s good to hear. I just want to be very clear and honest from the get go. That’s what good business relationships are built on, right? You should focus on your finals for the next few weeks while I get things all set up here. Your internship will commence on June 1st. I will arrange to have you driven to Las Vegas on that date. Pack what you like, you won’t be wanting for space. See you soon. — D

And just like that, I’ve signed on for a summer working side by side with the enigmatic Declan Tiberi. I look around my humble apartment, all of my threadbare and second hand belongings. In less than a month, I’m going to be living on the Las Vegas strip. Since I lost my family, I’ve been living pretty far from any sort of comfort. I wonder what it will do to me, being around all of that excess, all that money?

After all, it was money that really destroyed my family. Sure, my dad’s ambition sealed our fates, but it was greed and the need for luxury that really caused our downfall. We’d grown so accustomed to the finer things in life, my dad just couldn’t deal when it seemed like all of that was going to slip away. His drastic measures were his way of making sure we didn’t lead ordinary lives. I shake my head, marveling at his backwards logic.

“Well Dad,” I mutter, “My life is going to be anything but ordinary from now on. No thanks to you.”

I’m not going to be like him, no matter how much money I come into. Even with $250k to my name, I’ll never let money corrupt my mind and willpower the way my father did. He may have cast a dark shadow over my past, but my future is my own. And right now, it’s looking brighter than ever, thanks to Declan Tiberi.

My final three weeks of graduate school fly by in a flurry of papers, exams, and celebratory parties. Despite my nerves and my incredible workload, I make it through the ordeal with flying colors. With my GPA and sanity intact, I’m finally ready to receive my masters and move on to bigger and better things.

As it happens, our graduation is set for June 1st—the day I’m supposed to start my internship with Declan. But he gives me the go ahead to attend the ceremony, fetch my diploma, and be done with school for good.

It’s bittersweet, saying goodbye to my years as a student. As those caps go flying into the air all around me, graduation ropes billowing everywhere, I can’t help but feel separate from everyone around me. All of my classmates have families waiting for them, jobs to begin now that school is over. But me? I’ve got no past to speak of, and a future that’s shrouded in mystery and excitement. Not exactly your standard American dream, but I’ll take it.

“We did it!” Kelly cries excitedly, hugging me close at the gates of our school. “Congratulations, babe.”

“You too,” I smile, giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

The rest of our computer science classmates congregate around us, including that ficklest of flings, Stephen.

“We’re heading over to the bar for some celebratory shots,” he says, begrudgingly, “Do you girls want to come with?”

Colleen Masters's Novels
» Impulsively (Dante's Nine MC #3)
» Imperfectly (Dante's Nine MC #2)
» Impossibly (Dante's Nine MC #1)
» Stepbrother Billionaire
» Stepbrother Untouchable