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Temptation (Club X #1) Page 28
Author: K.M. Scott

“Cassian March, what’s new?”

Stretching my legs, I closed my eyes and let the memory of my last time with Trina run through my mind. Long black hair, perfect tits, and an ass meant to be backed up against a man, she was one hell of a lay. Perfect for what I needed to forget Olivia.

“Trina, just the woman I need tonight.”

“Really? You at your place? I can be there in ten.”

“Come on over. I’m up.”

Moaning into the phone, she purred, “I bet you are. See you in a few.”

Throwing the phone back onto the bed, I ran my hand down the front of my silk pajama pants, cupping my already hard cock. With any luck, Trina would do the trick. If not, then maybe I’d have to step up my efforts to get Olivia out of my system.

* * *

“TGIF, big brother! You doing anything interesting tonight?” Stefan asked as he barged into my office and sat down in front of my desk at seven o’clock on Friday night. He had a twinkle in his eye, which told me he thought he was being clever or he’d just gotten laid.

God above, please let it be that he’s just being clever.

Crossing my arms, I stared across my desk at his grinning face. “Nothing that would concern you. Shouldn’t you be out on the floor getting ready?”

“I have time. I just thought I’d stop in and see my favorite big brother.”

“Favorite? You and Kane on the outs again?”

Stefan threw back his head and laughed. “No, but he’s only my half big brother. Not blood like us, Cash.”

I leveled my gaze on him, suspicious of his motives. Something was going on. “We all have the same father, Stef. We’re all blood. So what do you want?”

He licked his lips like an animal about to feast on prey he’d just killed. “A little birdy told me something interesting and I just thought I’d see how true it is.”

I hated when he was like this. It made being civil to him almost impossible. In fact, it made me want to knock the annoying fuck right on his ass. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to my laptop. “I don’t have time for your games, baby brother. Whatever you heard likely isn’t true, and even if it is, it’s likely none of your business.”

My dismissal of him didn’t work. Intent on irritating me, he continued. “I hear that one of my brothers has a new woman in his life.”

Attempting to remain cool, I shot him a look intended to make him think I didn’t care, but my fingers stilled on my keyboard at what I knew was a reference to Olivia. “Nice to see Kane getting out. I wouldn’t fuck with him and whatever woman he has in his life now. If he doesn’t kick your nosy ass, she likely will.”

Stefan laughed again, this time even louder. “As much as the idea of Kane’s possible girlfriend scares the hell out of me, it’s not that brother I’m talking about. I can’t believe you’d keep this a secret from me, Cash. I thought we were closer than that.”

I stared at him in amazement. Closer than that? And fucking Kane gossiping to Stefan like some kind of schoolgirl. I thought I could trust him. “There’s nothing to tell, Stefan. Drop it, and tell Kane to drop it too.”

“What’s Kane have to do with this?”

Turning away from my computer, I folded my arms across my chest and shot my younger brother a look of disgust. “He’s the one who told you, isn’t he?”

“No. Rachel told me the other day at the gym. So who is this mystery woman?”

A surge of rage coursed through my veins at the thought of my ex and my brother gossiping about my personal business. And fucking Rachel! Why I ever thought I could trust that conniving bitch was beyond me.

“Go away, Stefan, and don’t spend your time believing what my ex has to say,” I bit out, barely able to contain my anger at the two of them.

He stood and took a step toward the door before turning around. “I didn’t mean anything bad by that, Cash. I just wondered.”

“I’ve told you before, little brother. Don’t stick your nose in my business, unless you want to endanger what you have here.”

I turned away from Stefan, not wanting him to see how furious I was about him and Rachel going behind my back once again. He closed the door, and I slammed my hand down on the top of my desk. Fucking bitch! And she wondered why I’d never forgiven her.

At midnight, I left my office and scanned the club for any sight of Stefan. I didn’t need him ruining Olivia’s fantasy, regardless of how I felt about her. I saw him pawing up one of the bartenders behind the bar at the far end of the club, so I quickly headed up the stairs toward the room I knew Olivia would be waiting in, still angry about Stefan’s visit hours before. As if our being blood meant a fucking thing to him. He’d betray me again in a heartbeat, but this time if he did, Olivia could be the one to get hurt.

Kane stood at the top of the stairs at his usual perch watching all the action in his area. I had to give it to him. The guy had every chance to fuck dozens of women every night, yet he never did anything to endanger us or the club’s reputation. I could trust my half-brother more than the one I’d grown up with.

“Nice to see you again, Cash. It is Friday, though, so not a total surprise.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned forward toward me. “By the way, Stefan knows you’ve been seeing someone. He spent two hours earlier tonight pumping me for information. I didn’t tell him anything.”

“Thanks, Kane. What room is she in?” I asked, consciously sidestepping any discussion of Stefan and his childish antics.

“Halfway down on the right. You’ll see the gold emblem on the door.”

Nodding, I left him and headed toward Olivia, strangely needing to see her again like this. After hours of insomnia focused on her, I’d tried to fuck her out of my mind with Trina, but it hadn’t worked. All that happened was I had sex with someone as I pretended it was her.

Maybe it was time to admit I wasn’t going to get this woman out of my head until I slept with her. It had worked with every other woman after Rachel, so why wouldn’t it work with this one? Once she admitted she knew it was me there with her, I’d make my move tonight. If I didn’t, I was never going to shake her.

I entered the room and found Olivia there sitting silently on the chair with her blindfold on. Instead of the black skirt and beige blouse I’d seen her in all day, she wore a blue sundress and looked innocent and gentle waiting for me. She turned her head toward me as the door clicked closed but said nothing as I approached her.

K.M. Scott's Novels
» Crash into Me (Heart of Stone #1)
» Possession (Club X #3)
» Surrender (Club X #2)
» Temptation (Club X #1)
» Ever After (Heart of Stone #3.5)
» Give in to Me (Heart of Stone #3)
» Fall into Me (Heart of Stone #2)