home » Romance » Kendra Little » Bedding The Billionaire » Bedding The Billionaire Page 22

Bedding The Billionaire Page 22
Author: Kendra Little

"What's so funny?"

Abbey shrugged. "Just thinking about last night at the restaurant."

Lucy snickered. Abbey had told her about that too.

"Bet he'll never be able to dine out again without thinking of you."

Abbey grinned. "That could get embarrassing."


Abbey sighed again.

"Forget about him," Lucy said. "The guy's a creep. You deserve someone better."

"Do I?"

Lucy moved her chair closer to Abbey's and put an arm around her. "Of course you do. And you'll find him one day. A guy who's programmed not to cheat on his wife. A guy who's not an arrogant pig."

"Do they exist?"

Lucy smiled. "I'm hardly the girl to answer that now, am I."

Abbey laughed then sobered. "I've been really stupid, this time, haven't I?"

"This time? Nah. You've done some far more stupid things."

"Like putting up with Tarken for two years?"

"Yeah. Wonder what he's doing now that he's lost the only person who knows how to run that office?"

Abbey grinned. "Hopefully getting fired."

"Hopefully getting dumped by Melinda."

Abbey shook her head. "She wouldn't. She's too nice. Poor girl. She doesn't know what he's like."

"Neither did you, remember?"

Abbey shrugged. "You're right, and I should listen to you more, oh Wise Woman."

Lucy squared her small shoulders and puffed out her chest. "That's right. You should. And this Wise Woman is telling you to forget about Damien Vane, and get back into your life. Go get yourself a job."

Abbey saluted. "Yes, Ma'am."

"I mean it, Abbey Girl," said Lucy slumping back into her chair. "Damien's a jerk. Guys who cheat on their wives always are. You need to treat them the way they treat women—like they're not important. It's the only way they learn."

Abbey dragged a hand over her face and through her hair. Salt water and a stiff breeze had turned it into a mass of uncontrolled curls.

"I shouldn't have had sex with him in the water today," she said. "I wasn't going to, but the heat of the moment just took over."

Lucy giggled. "No you shouldn't have, but you're one up on me. I've never done it in front of a beach full of people."

Abbey felt her face color. "Did anyone notice?"

Lucy shook her head. "Just me. And boy, was I getting turned on watching you two. I was ready to drag that guy off when you returned."

Abbey's face burned. "You're impossible," she said. "And you can do better than that gorilla. The guy had muscles where there shouldn't be any."

Lucy giggled then sobered. "Seriously Abbey, maybe you shouldn't have had sex with Vane today, but what's done is done. Now just forget about him." She squeezed her friend's arm. "Once you get a job you'll feel more like yourself and you'll realize what an idiot you've been."

"Gee, thanks."

"Any time."

Abbey knew she meant well. It's just that she didn't think getting back into the routine of life was going to make her forget about Damien so easily. Not if the cold stab in the vicinity of her heart was anything to go by.

The phone in Lucy's bag rang and she ran inside to get it. A few moments later she was out on the balcony again.

"That was the gorilla from the beach."

"You gave him your number?"

"Sure, why not. He wants to see me tonight."

"Are you going?"

Lucy shrugged.

"Go on, off you go. I'm fine."

Lucy sat down again. "I'm not leaving you. You need a friend right now. Besides, I don't know if I liked him all that much, now that I think about it."

"Since when did you have to like them?"

Lucy grinned. "Maybe you're beginning to rub off on me."

"I wish you'd rub off on me. I wish I could just have meaningless sex and not get emotionally involved. A few days ago I thought I could but it seems I'm just not wired that way."

"That's because you're doing it wrong. You need to pick a guy you have absolutely no interest in. Someone like the gorilla whose vocabulary consists of monosyllabic words only. That way there's no danger of getting emotionally involved because the only emotion he can express involves sex and beer. Possibly at the same time."

Abbey giggled.

"Hey, I've got an idea. How about I hook you up with one of mine?"

"That's very generous of you, Lucy," Abbey said with a wry smile, "but I don't think so."

"Why not?" Lucy looked thoughtfully up at the rapidly darkening sky. Her face brightened and she turned back to her friend. "How about Mick the plumber? His hands are rough, but he's got a large dick. And as an added bonus, he'll unclog your sink."

Abbey laughed. "No thanks."

"Okay, what about Lance? Sensitive new age guy. He recites poetry when he's climaxing. Actually, on second thoughts, he's not a good idea. The last thing you need right now is a sensitive man."

"I don't need any man, thank you."

"Don't be silly. Listen to me—I know you better than you know yourself. Okay, there's a guy I met about a month ago at the races. He's got a huge gambling problem so he can't buy you dinner, but he will give you a good tip. Or there's Vaughn. Well hung, knows all the best moves and is as supple as a gymnast." Lucy paused. "On second thoughts, I think I'll keep that one for myself."

Abbey giggled. "Stop it, Lucy, this is serious."

"I know! Why don't you take the gorilla? You're completely incompatible so he'd be perfect. No chance you'd fall for a moron like him."


Lucy held up her hands. "Okay, okay. I tried."

Abbey nodded, still smiling. "Thanks, but I think I'll wallow in self pity for awhile."

Lucy glared at her but said nothing. Abbey breathed a sigh of relief. She meant well, but Lucy didn't understand how she felt. She didn't really understand it herself, but she knew it was more than just sex.

As unlikely as it seemed, she had feelings for Damien Vane.

And that scared her more than anything.


Tarken hated these things. Not only were they dull, but software demonstrations were something only computer geeks could get a kick out of. He was an administrator, a manager, not an I.T. specialist. That's why he'd brought Donaldson along—to talk geek-talk. Tarken was at the Crown Complex software seminar to talk numbers. Donaldson didn't have a clue about money, but he knew everything about software. Tarken knew everything about money and nothing about computers, except how to read and send email. Together they made a formidable team.

Kendra Little's Novels
» Billionaire Bad Boy
» Bedding The Billionaire