home » Romance » Kendra Little » Bedding The Billionaire » Bedding The Billionaire Page 33

Bedding The Billionaire Page 33
Author: Kendra Little

Unfortunately they were replaced by Tarken.

"Look at those two," said Tarken. "Can't keep their hands off each other. Makes me sick."

Tarken probably thought that, as men scorned by Abbey, they had something in common now, making them comrades-in-arms.

Nick's grip tightened around his glass as he imagined it being Tarken's throat. Then Vane's.

"How could you work for such a scumbag?" Tarken shook his head. "I thought Abbey had a little more self respect than to go for that type. He's obviously a sleaze."

"Maybe she likes that type," growled Nick, ripping his eyes away from Abbey and Damien. The view was killing him.

"If she did then she'd still be with me. No, there's something odd going on. I can tell, she hates the guy but she's trying to flirt with him." He sniggered. "She's not very good at it, is she?"

Nick's gaze flew back to Abbey. Was she only pretending to flirt with Vane? Her body leaned into his, she smiled as she looked up into his eyes.

"Seems to be enjoying herself from what I can see," he said.

"You don't know her as well as I do."

Nick suddenly felt very cold, despite the heat. The truth in that statement stung.

"Well, this has been a waste of my time," Tarken said. "Abbey dumps me for that bloke just because he's got more dollars than sense and here I thought she liked you." Tarken shook his head. "Women! I don't understand them."

Nick nodded. He had to agree with that. But what Tarken said ate at his gut. More dollars than sense. Abbey might not like Damien but she was willing to put up with an awful lot just because he was loaded. Actually he wasn't, he, Nick was, but he was damned if he was going to tell Abbey that.

Or maybe he would, right before he said goodbye. It would be fitting justice to see her face as she realized her mistake.

Nick swallowed another mouthful of his champagne and glanced around the room, everywhere except at Abbey. He wondered how long he needed to stay at this thing until he could leave.

But he knew he wouldn't leave. Not until Abbey did. It would kill him not knowing what she did with Damien. If she left with him. From the way they were leaning into each other, he was fairly sure—sickeningly sure—that she would.

Fifteen minutes later, Abbey swayed over to him. She was a little blurry, but he put that down to the dim lights. One thing he could tell, she was beautiful. That dress just enhanced her curves, her small waist, her pert br**sts. He imagined getting her out of it, letting his hand move down her bare back to the zip at her ass. He could almost feel her naked bottom in his hands, her breast in his mouth.

He drew in a deep, ragged breath as she approached. Had she finally realized what a bore Vane was?

No, he was trailing behind her. She held his hand, as the creep stared at her ass.

Nick wanted to throw up. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Outside," she said.

"Back to the hotel," said Vane at the same time.

"Why?" growled Nick.

"Why not?"

He glanced from Vane to Abbey. "Don't go," he whispered desperately.

He thought he saw something flicker in her bright blue eyes.

"What did you say?" she whispered back.

He shook his head. It felt dizzy, clouded. "Nothing. Go. What you do is none of my business."

He was almost sure her smile was more of a wince, but he couldn't tell. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.

Damien's hand snaked around her waist. Nick took another mouthful of whatever was in his glass.

"We're going," said Vane. "See you in the office on Monday, Vane."

Nick thought about admitting everything as he watched them walk away, Vane's arm around Abbey. He thought about running after them, spinning Abbey around to face him, taking her in his arms and kissing her long and deep and telling her that he was the real Nick Delaware and he was loaded.

Then he reminded himself he didn't want a gold digger on his hands.

With a deep sigh, he ran his hand through his hair and drained his glass. He turned away and suddenly he felt weak in the knees. He glanced around for a seat and spotted one near Tarken. What the hell. At least the guy was in love with Abbey too. Just like him.

Just like him.


Abbey bit her lip. Sleeping with Damien Vane, the real one, wasn't supposed to be part of her plan tonight. Making Nick jealous was, but she wasn't even sure she'd achieved that.

The arm snaked around her waist was beginning to make her feel sick, especially as it was directing her to Le Meridian. She wondered if it would be impolite to extricate herself and say goodbye now. Probably, but she was beyond caring about this man's feelings. His fingers seemed to find their way to her ass on a frequent basis. Since Nick wasn't around anymore to see, she had no reason to keep the charade going.

She held out a hand to hail a passing taxi.

"Where are you going?" Vane asked, grabbing her waist tighter.

"Home. I'm tired. Thanks for a, uh, nice evening."

Vane looked like a child denied dessert. "But I thought that you were... I mean that maybe we could have a drink first."

Abbey feigned a yawn. "I'm very tired."

Vane frowned, then his face suddenly brightened. "I have a secret to tell you," he said. "Something to do with me and Vane."

Abbey stepped away from the curb and the approaching taxi. "Go on."

"Come upstairs with me and I'll tell you there."

Abbey doubted he would tell her anything but her curiosity was getting the better of her. Maybe she could go upstairs and see what he had to say while stopping him from clawing at her body. It might be completely insane to go to this guy's room—it probably was—but she had a burning desire to find out why Nick was lying to her. She wanted to know what was going on. She needed to know, more than anything else right now.

She drew in a deep breath and nodded. She hoped she wasn't about to make a huge mistake. How sleazy was this guy anyway? Surely Nick wouldn't have let her leave with a homicidal maniac.

His room was on the floor below Nick's and wasn't as large. He closed the door behind Abbey and pushed her back against it. He kissed her.

Repulsed, she placed both hands to his chest and shoved him away.

"What?" he cried. "Don't play hard to get now."

"I'm not playing anything with you, Vane, especially anything that involves us having to touch."

"Awe, now come on, Babe."

She jabbed a finger into his chest. "Don't call me Babe. I'm not your Babe." She drew in a deep breath and crossed her arms. She wasn't moving from the door. At least with her back to it he couldn't get his arms around her and grope her rear like he'd been doing all the way to the hotel.

Kendra Little's Novels
» Billionaire Bad Boy
» Bedding The Billionaire