home » Romance » Kendra Little » Bedding The Billionaire » Bedding The Billionaire Page 36

Bedding The Billionaire Page 36
Author: Kendra Little

Nick growled. "I'm going to kill that little weasel, Vane."

"Don't blame him. He might be a weasel, but you're a pig, Nick Delaware."

Nick's eyes rolled into the back of his head. So she knew. "When did you find out?"

"When his wife recognized you in the photos."

"You came to the party knowing who I was?"

She nodded and Nick blinked at her. That meant she'd been playing him all night—she'd known who he really was but had said nothing.

"You lied to me," she said. "You got Vane to lie to me too. You’re despicable."

She stood and paced the length of the bed, then paused and glared down at him. Her chest heaved.

"What sort of woman do you think I am, Nick? Oh, yes, that's right," she sneered, "you think I'm a whore."

"I don't think —"

"No, you didn't think, did you? Do you have any idea how it made me feel when I found out you two were concocting a little game between yourselves to trap me?"

"It wasn't a game and I wasn't trying to trap you."

"Then why the secrets? Why was it so important you keep your identity from me?"

"Abbey, calm down. I just wanted to know whether you liked me for who I was, or because of my money."

"So you let me think I was sleeping with a married man with a string of mistresses, just to see if I really liked you? That's low, Nick, real low."

He hadn't thought of that. He hadn't considered that Abbey knew about Vane's past, and that it mattered to her. In a way, knowing that it did matter was heartening. It meant she liked him, had feelings for him, perhaps even wanted him all to herself.

But it also justified her anger and he didn't think his meager apology was going to make up for it.

"Well?" she asked, before he could say anything. "Did I pass your test?"

Nick gulped. Abbey's eyes flashed blue sparks at him as she stood, hands on hips, glaring down at him. He felt very vulnerable.

It was not an emotion he liked.

"Abbey, this is ridiculous. Let me go. I mean it. This isn't a joke."

"It never was a joke, Nick. And no, I will not let you go until you answer me. Did I pass your little test?"

He ground his teeth together. "Of course you did. You came here didn't you? We made love..."

She crossed her arms. "After I was with Vane."

Nick felt like his intestines had been tied into a knot and someone was pulling the ends. His head dropped back onto the pillows and he groaned. Damn Vane.

And damn Abbey. She could go to hell for all he cared. She'd slept with Vane. She'd actually slept with that slimy snake, just to get back at him for lying.

The thought made him sick. He drew in several shallow breaths and focused on a spot on the ceiling. It didn't help. He was going to throw up.

No, he wasn't, he just wanted to. He wanted to get the taste of Abbey off his lips and out of his system. How could she have slept with Vane after all that had passed between them? Had she done it just to get back at him?

He closed his eyes and heard her breathing suddenly become labored. Then he heard a sob. He opened his eyes again and glanced up at her. She stood beside him, her face in her hands. The sight was painful and he was glad he was tied up so he couldn't comfort her like his instincts wanted to.

No, she needed to regret what she'd done. She needed to know she'd made the wrong decision by sleeping with Vane. He wanted her to suffer the way he was suffering.

But his instincts pulled hard. He tried to move but his tight bonds prevented him. Trapped. He hated not being able to do anything. Hated feeling useless, vulnerable.

"Abbey," he said quietly. She didn't look up. "Come here. Untie me and we'll sort this out."

She shook her head, wiped away her tears and walked toward the door. She turned, then with a toss of her hair, left.

"Abbey! Abbey get back here! Abbey!"

The door closed and Nick swore until he had no energy left.


Abbey sat on her couch, head in her hands, trying not to cry. She didn't want Lucy to think she was weak and hopeless when it came to men. After ten minutes, she gave up trying to hold back the burning tears and let them pour out of her. Lucy would understand. She knew what Abbey was like anyway.

She heard Lucy sigh, pad across her floor and felt her comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Lucy asked.

Abbey shrugged. She didn't have an answer to that. She just figured she was genetically geared to fail where men were concerned. She had a habit of picking the wrong ones, except this time it was worse. She really felt like her heart had been ripped out of her body, tossed around, then put back upside down and inside out.

She felt awful.

And she had no one to blame but herself.

"I let him think I slept with Vane."

"What! Why?"

Abbey shrugged. "It seemed like a good way to punish him at the time." She sobbed. "And because I'm an idiot."

Lucy hugged her. "You're not an idiot. It's probably your subconscious helping you out."

Abbey withdrew her hands and looked at her friend. This she had to hear.

"Maybe you're really not interested in Nick Delaware after all and it was your subconscious telling you. Besides, it's a great punishment. I couldn't have thought of a better one myself."

Abbey returned her head to her hands and let out a low wail. "That's the lousiest piece of advice you've given me yet."

Lucy sighed. "I know but it was the only thing I could come up with on short notice. Look, Abbey Girl, he's gone back to Sydney already. Unless the hotel’s housekeeper didn't arrive on time." Lucy burst out laughing. Abbey shed a fresh set of tears.

"Oh, now, I was kidding. It's just that the image of a little old woman walking in on a naked Nick Delaware tied to a bed is hilarious. It’s exactly what he deserves. Imagine his humiliation! It’s fantastically funny."

"No, it's dreadful. He must hate me."


"Oh, Lucy, what am I going to do?"

"Nothing. Forget about him."

"I can't. I think I'm in love with him."

"You haven't even known him a week! How can you be in love with him?"

Abbey shrugged. She didn't know the answer to that, but her heart told her it was true. Surely it wouldn't hurt this much if she didn't love him.

"Besides, it's only been a day since you saw him —these things take time to get over. Give it another week or two and you'll laugh about this." Lucy laughed. "It's very funny. I can just picture his face —"

Kendra Little's Novels
» Billionaire Bad Boy
» Bedding The Billionaire