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Bedding The Billionaire Page 41
Author: Kendra Little

She joined the three men in the boardroom and listened to them figure out the details. She contributed little, her thoughts way too jumbled to form coherent arguments. Besides, they were still discussing the technology aspect, which wasn't her area.

For the rest of the day she found her eyes periodically wandering to Nick of their own accord. Sometimes she caught him watching her, other times he seemed to be listening to Donaldson and Willis. Occasionally he threw in his two cents worth.

When six o'clock rolled around, the meeting was called to a halt.

"How about we all meet for dinner," suggested Willis.

"Actually," said Nick, "Abbey and I should discuss some financial details and I thought tonight would be a good opportunity. Abbey?"

She hesitated then nodded slowly. They needed to get this encounter over with. The sooner the better.

"I'll pick you up around seven-thirty?"

She nodded again and numbly followed Donaldson out of the boardroom. When they reached the elevator, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Nick's face very near hers.

He stared into her eyes, his black orbs sparkling for the first time that day, the way they used to. A half smile twitched playfully at his lips. "I look forward to seeing you," he whispered.

Abbey stepped inside the elevator, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was going to be hell trying to resist Nick tonight.


Abbey's heart thudded at the sound of knocking. She quickly checked her appearance in the mirror, took a deep breath and walked as steadily as her weak knees would allow to the door.

Nick smiled warmly down at her. He took a step toward her then hesitated. She knew how he felt. Kissing him was an automatic reaction for her too.


She grabbed her purse then stepped into the corridor.

"Where to?" she asked brightly. No need to let him think her stomach was doing back flips or that she needed to pee for the tenth time in the last hour.

"A nice restaurant on the Harbor. It has a great view." He took her arm and steered her towards the elevator. "It's also very private."

Abbey held her breath. Did he want privacy to talk or to re-enact their last restaurant encounter?

Nick's hand felt reassuring and strong on her arm. He directed her to a black BMW and opened the door for her. She stepped inside and waited as Nick jogged around to his side. The sticky heat of the evening poured in when he opened his door.

They sat in awkward silence until Nick parked in a space alongside a strip of shops and restaurants. Being Monday night, it wasn't very busy.

He was right about the restaurant being private. Dim lights, a lot of room between tables and few patrons meant they could talk and not be overheard. But the table cloths barely came to the edge of the tables and afforded no privacy whatsoever for anything other than talk.

Abbey glanced at Nick to see if he noticed them too, but if he had, he didn't show any signs of it. In fact, he didn't show signs of any emotion whatsoever. His face was solid stone and his eyes avoided hers. He was in complete control.

They were directed to a table near the window with breathtaking views of Sydney Harbor and the boats bobbing up and down on the water.

"This is nice," said Abbey, attempting to make conversation. Suddenly this had become very awkward. She was beginning to regret accepting the invitation. After all, they had absolutely nothing in common except a hot week of sex in Melbourne and the pending business deal. Maybe she should concentrate on that —a nice, safe topic.

Nick held her chair out for her as she sat, then smiled politely when he took his own seat.

"I thought you'd like it. They have a great selection of wines." He handed her the list.

Abbey took it, hesitating when he didn't immediately let go. He was smiling at her again, this time it was friendlier, familiar.

She scanned the list and selected a shiraz from a local vineyard that she liked.

"Nice choice," said Nick. "You have great taste in wines."

"Expensive taste you mean." It was meant to be a joke but it wiped the smile clean off Nick's face.

She glanced away. He couldn't possibly still think she was after him for his money? Could he?

"Maybe this was a bad idea," she muttered, standing.

Nick shot to his feet. "No! You can't go, we haven't even...eaten."

"Look, Nick, this is uncomfortable. We're here to work, not re-live what happened a month ago. I think we should concentrate on the business at hand."

His face hardened and lost color. He grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly. "Abbey, don't go. I'm sorry. That was my fault. I don't think... well, I don't think you're a hooker anymore." He smiled tentatively and Abbey blushed but nodded.

She sighed. She was being irrational. This was business. They had to spend tomorrow brokering the deal, so she should at least remain polite to him, despite what he might still think of her.

They sat again, but Nick hadn't let go of her hand. He held it across the table and his thumb rubbed gently along hers. The movement was sensual.

Their wine arrived and the waiter took their order. Nick let go, somewhat reluctantly it seemed, and sat back in his chair. He watched her through black eyes that were as hot as coals.

"Congratulations," he finally said.

Abbey looked up at him sharply. "What for?"

"The promotion. Tarken must've been surprised."

She grinned. "Angry more like it. I had threatening phone calls for a week afterwards."

Nick frowned and sat forwards. "He didn't try anything did he?"

"No. He's all hot air and no action. Anyway, he got another job the following week and I haven't heard from him since."

"Good. I'd hate to think he was bothering you. There's nothing worse than having a psycho ex boyfriend on your hands."

"Speaking from experience?"

Nick grinned. "Not about the boyfriend."

Abbey had forgotten how great that smile could be, how infectious. She couldn't help smiling with him.

"Melinda also found another job," Abbey said. "She suddenly felt uncomfortable with me as her boss."

He chuckled. "I don't blame her. I think you'd make a scary boss."

"Scary! I'm the nicest boss around. Unlike you, I imagine. I hear they call you The Machine."

Nick frowned. "Who told you that?"

She shrugged and pretended to admire the view.

"The Machine?" he said, half to himself. "I wonder what that's supposed to mean? That I work long hours?"

The look on his face was priceless. All of a sudden he seemed utterly concerned that his staff didn't like him.

Kendra Little's Novels
» Billionaire Bad Boy
» Bedding The Billionaire