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Bedding The Billionaire Page 45
Author: Kendra Little

That morning when he'd arrived at the office, he'd called Vane's home number. A woman who didn't sound like Vane's wife said he'd already left for the office, so Nick had tried him there, only to be told he was in a meeting. He knew he ran the risk of Vane calling back and Beverly retrieving him from the meeting with Abbey, but it was a risk he had to take. So what if Abbey knew he was calling Vane? At least she'd know he was trying to clear everything up so that they could be together without any issues hanging over their heads.

"So what does my ex boss want?" asked Vane casually.

"There's something I need to know about the night you spent in Melbourne a month ago."

"Ah, you want to know about that hot little woman in the blue dress." There was a sneer to his tone that Nick didn't like.

He clenched his teeth together and held back a retort. "Yes. I want to know if you slept with her."

Vane chuckled. "Got you by the balls has she, Delaware? Doesn't surprise me. She looks like the type that would cling. Me, I like the ones who just want a night of pure ecstasy. It makes life easier when they don't want commitment."

"Just answer my question."

"Seeing as I'm such a nice guy and I think you two will make a cute couple, I'll tell you the truth, even though it'll damage my reputation. No, I didn't sleep with her. She left as soon as she got in my room. Seems she was just trying to make you jealous. Sounds like it worked if you're still thinking about her after all this time."

Nick hung up on a laughing Vane. He leaned back in his chair and pressed a hand to his heart. She'd been telling the truth all along. And he'd practically called her a liar, and a whore. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his desk, then ran both hands through his hair. He sat like that, with his head down, for a very long time, thinking about what a fool he was. What a damned, stupid, stubborn idiot.

How the hell was he going to make this up to her? How could he explain he was just too scared to accept the truth without proof?

At least now he could go to her, tell her he knew she was telling the truth all along and hope that they could pick up where they left off. At least he knew for sure that Abbey really did love him and not his money. She had all along.

With a sigh and an apology already prepared, he stood, then changed his mind and buzzed Beverly.

"Send in Ms. McPherson please. There's some last minute details to go through for the contract."

A moment later and Abbey was standing inside his office. She closed the door and turned slowly to him. The expression on her face was distant, empty. It was as if she wasn't really there.

Damn, he'd really hurt her this time. He walked over to her and took her hands in his. He gripped them tightly to his chest then leaned forward and kissed her. She didn't respond.

"Abbey, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't believe you. But I do now, and it doesn't matter. Everything's fine, Abbey, everything's going to be fine."

He pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. She didn't move. Her arms remained by her side and her body stiffened. Nick fought down the rising panic.

"Abbey? Talk to me. I spoke to Vane, he confirmed your story, and now I just want to be with you. I know you're upset that I didn't believe you at first, but you understand that I had to know for sure. Don't you?"

"You didn't trust me," she murmured.

"Sweetheart, I do now. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I understand why you're angry but all I can say is I'm sorry. I needed proof."

"You didn't trust me," she said again.

"Honey, let's talk about this later."

She said nothing. Nick took that as a good sign. Maybe she just needed time to let everything sink in, to understand it from his point of view. Surely she'd do the same thing if she was in his shoes.

Or maybe she was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything. After all, there were still issues to work out, like where they were going to live.

"How about you go back to the hotel and I'll get the ball rolling on this contract. I'll come past and pick you up and take you to my place." He took her hand. "I hope you like it. It'll be yours soon. If we decide to live in Sydney, that is. But you don't have to make that decision yet."

He kissed the top of her head and held open the door for her. She seemed a little mechanical as she left but that was probably because she felt overwhelmed. She'd be fine once she'd thought everything through.


Beverly handed Abbey a drink of water. "You look pale," she said, "are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Abbey tried to smile but it was difficult with numb lips, numb body and numb brain. The only thing she could think about clearly was getting away. Going home where she could cry herself to sleep in her own bed.

"Um, I'd like to change my flight back to tonight. Can you get me on the next plane to Melbourne?"

Beverly smiled. "Of course." She made a phone call then hung up. "There's a flight in an hour. But it's not the same as Mr. Donaldson's. He's already gone."

Abbey glanced in the direction of Nick's office but he didn't emerge.

Downstairs, she caught a taxi back to the hotel, collected her things and checked out. Slowly the numbness wore off and was replaced with anger.

Nick had to have proof. Proof! Proof that she wasn't a liar, proof that she wasn't a hooker! For crying out loud, what sort of man can't tell that about the woman he loves?

Unless he doesn't love her.

Abbey choked back tears as she sat in the back seat of the taxi heading to the airport. She'd made love to Nick numerous times, she'd poured out her heart to him and given everything of herself, and he didn't trust her. He couldn't even tell if she was after him for his money or not. What did it take for him to know she loved him for who he was?

Two tears spilled from her eyes and dripped down her cheeks. Damn it, she loved him but he was too blind to see it. Too blind, or not in love with her.

If he loved her he would believe her, he would know that what she felt for him was the once in a lifetime kind of love.


Nick signed the contract and handed it back to his lawyer.

"Take your time. She'll take it with her tomorrow when she leaves." If she leaves tomorrow. Maybe he could get her to stay the rest of the week.

The lawyer left and Nick stood. Five-thirty. He'd head out to Abbey's hotel and pick her up. He considered going out for dinner but decided to order in. That way he could have her all to himself for the entire night.

Beverly was switching off her computer when he passed her desk. "I might be late tomorrow," he said. "I thought I'd show Ms. McPherson the sights of Sydney in the morning while we're waiting for the contract. Give me a call when you get it and we'll head back in."

Kendra Little's Novels
» Billionaire Bad Boy
» Bedding The Billionaire