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Stepbrother Untouchable Page 4
Author: Colleen Masters

“Well, I'm so excited for you to meet Pierce. He's just in the restroom—oh! Here he is.” I follow her gaze to an elegantly dressed man with salt-and-pepper hair and blue eyes who's approaching us with a warm smile.

“Holly, I'd think this was your sister if I didn't know any better,” he says, and my mom giggles. “Brynn, I'm Pierce. Your mom has told me such wonderful things about you,” he says as we shake hands.

“Likewise,” I reply politely, though the truth is that she's told me almost nothing.

“Well, let's sit. I ordered us some champagne for the table. It should be arriving soon.” We all obediently sit, me on one side of the cushy leather booth, and my mom and Pierce on the other. “So, Brynn, you're in your junior year?”

“Yes, that's—” I break off as my mom reaches for her water glass and I spot a ring on her left hand. Not an engagement ring, either. A wedding ring. “What's that?” I ask sharply.

“Oh,” my mom flutters.

“Well, we were going to wait until my son arrived, but—”

“We're married!” my mom announces suddenly.

My jaw drops open. “Married?” I squeak. “I mean, I thought maybe you’d be engaged but married?”

“You're upset?” my mom asks worriedly.

“No, not upset…” I struggle to put my emotions into the right words. I always feel the need to protect my mom from what I'm really feeling. She's always been more fragile than me. “Just surprised, that's all. I mean, how long have you known each other?”

“Well, we met six months ago,” my mom says. “And then Pierce took me on a surprise trip to the Turks and Caicos last week, and everything was just so perfect…” She trails off, looking to him for support.

“It really was, Brynn. And it felt so right. We wished you guys could have been there, but we just felt that we had to seize the moment. It was in this little gazebo on the cliff, with spectacular views of the water, and the captain of a boat that was docked at the resort officiated…”

“It was engagement, honeymoon, and wedding in one! We just wished you and Nate could have been there. That would have made it even more perfect.”

I struggle to catch up with all the information they're throwing at me. “Sorry, who's Nate?”

“Oh, Nate's my son. He goes to school here, too. I tried to get a hold of him so we could tell you together, but—wait! There he is!” Pierce slides out of the booth to wave to his son.

Nate. Not Nate…

“What's Pierce's last name?” I whisper urgently to my mom.

“Thornhill,” she whispers back distractedly, sliding over to stand next to Pierce.

Oh my god. Nate Thornhill is here. Nate Thornhill is currently walking up behind me. Nate Thornhill is my new…stepbrother, I realize in horror. Beads of sweat form at my hairline and I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.


As Nate walks into my periphery, I watch in slow motion as he hugs his dad and shakes hands with my mom. I cannot believe this is happening. Surely I'm in the middle of some strange nightmare and will wake up soon. I hoped I'd never have to see him again after last night.

“Brynn, honey, this is Nate, Pierce's son,” my mom says, cutting through the fog of emotion in my brain.

“H-Hi. Nate. Brynn. I'm Brynn,” I stammer as he glances over at me.

“Brynn, pleasure to meet you,” he replies formally. Wait, does he not even remember meeting me last night?

“Well, scooch over Brynn, so Nate can sit,” Mom says, waving me over with her hands.

“Right, sorry,” I say, sliding over so that he can sit next to me. I stare straight ahead as he sits. I can feel my body betraying me already. The heat from his leg under the table is giving me heart palpitations.

“Thought you weren't going to be able to make it,” Pierce says a little tensely to his son.

“Sorry, I was in the library studying. I had my phone off.”

“Well, you missed the big announcement. We were just telling Brynn that Holly and I have gotten married.”

I glance at Nate out of the corner of my eye. I see his eyes widen in surprise.

“Married? I thought you said you'd never get married again.”

“Well, things change. When I met Holly, I just knew. You'll see when you get to know her. She's a special woman.”

I watch my mom glow like a 1000 watt bulb and can't help but smile. It's been a while since I've seen her so happy.

“Yeah, I'm…I'm just…” I watch him struggle for words just like I did. “Surprised. But happy. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, Holly.”

Wow, that was…kind. Not what the guy I met last night would say.

“Oh, me too, Nate,” my mom replies, looking overjoyed. “And I'm so excited for you and Brynn to get to know each other!”

“Two only children…” Pierce says meaningfully. “You'll have to learn to share.”

My mom laughs and I join in weakly.

“You always wanted a sibling, Brynn! And now you have one! Well, a step-sibling, but still.”

A step-sibling that I've had literally dozens of dirty dreams about. Perfect.

“So, you two have never met, then?” my mom asks, glancing between us. “Pierce and I were so excited when we realized both our kids were juniors here.”

“UVA is my alma mater,” Pierce adds proudly.

“No, we've never met,” I break in quickly. I see Nate eye me for a second before he nods.

“Nope, never met, unfortunately,” he says.

“We thought it best not to tell you guys about us until we knew it would really be forever. I thought it would have just been so awkward for you two if we'd broken up and then you have to keep seeing each other around campus,” my mom explains.

“Yes, that would have been awkward,” Nate says drily, and I know he's thinking that nothing could compare to my own awkwardness last night.

The waitress comes over with the bottle of champagne that Pierce ordered. Dom Perignon, I see as I look at the label. Whoa, he must be loaded. My new stepdad must be loaded. She expertly pops the cork and pours us each an elegant flute, placing the bottle into a wine cooler next to the table.

Pierce takes his glass and raises it. “To a new family,” he says, looking around the table. We all raise our glasses and clink them together. I manage to do so without making eye contact with Nate. The champagne tickles my throat on the way down. I've never wanted to drink a bottle of alcohol more in my entire life than at this moment, but I keep myself to a modest sip.

Colleen Masters's Novels
» Impulsively (Dante's Nine MC #3)
» Imperfectly (Dante's Nine MC #2)
» Impossibly (Dante's Nine MC #1)
» Stepbrother Billionaire
» Stepbrother Untouchable