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Fall into Me (Heart of Stone #2) Page 41
Author: K.M. Scott

Instead of telling her this, though, I fibbed and hoped she wouldn't see right through me. "Of course, but since the accident I've lost a little weight so it doesn't fit right."

"Good. I don't want to hear you two are breaking up or anything stupid like that. I know things must be pretty strange since you don't remember him from before yet, but if any two people are supposed to be together, it's you and Tristan."

"No need to worry about us. I promise. What about you and Justin?"

Jordan sighed deeply and smirked. "We're doing fine, but it's not like you two. We're just average people in a regular relationship. No bells and whistles. Just comfortable."

Quickly, she stood from the table and looked around. "I need to find the ladies' room. Be right back."

I knew Jordan well enough to know she was uncomfortable about me asking about Justin. Her tone said boring instead of comfortable, but I didn't think I should press the issue. In my eyes, Jordan was anything but regular and average. She deserved a man who set her heart racing and turned her world upside down in the best ways. My heart was sad at the news that she didn't believe he was that only a few months into the relationship.

She returned in just a few minutes wearing a smile from ear to ear. Grabbing my arm, she squealed, "Oh my God! Nina, I just saw the most gorgeous man, and I swear he was checking me out too. Brown hair, the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen, and a body to die for!"

I looked around for this perfect specimen of man but didn't see anyone. She sat down and while she gushed about her sexy mystery man, I joked, "Um, weren't you just saying you have a boyfriend? I think his name is Justin or something like that."

"I know. I know. Justin is nice and everything, but this guy was stunning. And I think he was into me too. Well, enough of my mystery man. I can't wait to hang out with you and Tristan on New Year's Eve. We're going to have such a good time, especially compared to last year. You don't remember what we did last New Year's Eve, do you?" she asked with a giggle.

I shook my head. "Still nothing. Why? Tell me. What did we do?"

Putting her hands up to cover her face, she groaned. "I'm still trying to forget Paul. He's teaching fifth grade this year. His classroom is right down the hall from mine."

"What happened? Don't keep me in suspense! I'm a woman with a head injury, for God's sake!"

"He tried to have sex with me in the coatroom of the hotel just as it turned midnight. As if I was going to just hike up my dress and bang him right then and there!"

"No way! You have to tell me what my date was like."

"You got off slightly better with his friend, a short accountant who spent the night unsure if he wanted to kiss you or bore you with details about his job. Thankfully, he only tried to maul you once and you didn't have to fend him off like I had to with Creepy Paul. You know, that's what I silently refer to him as every time I see him at school."

"You're terrible! The poor guy was probably in love with you from a distance and just jumped the gun a little that night," I joked.

"I think the best part of that New Year's was laughing ourselves to sleep that night," she said with a smile. "We began the year pretty badly, but we've come pretty far since then, don't you think?"

Her phone buzzed on the table and I saw that it was Justin. As she took the call, I accepted with disappointment that our night out was over. It was okay, though. All the better that I got home early just in case Tristan was there. The sadness of his message stayed in my mind still, and I wanted to be there for him in case his trip had gone badly.

"I have to go, Nina. I have work tomorrow. A few more and I'll never be able to handle the little angels."

She was lying, but it was okay. "I'll have Jensen come around and pick us up," I said as I moved to get up.

"No, that's okay. I'll take a cab. Finish your drink."

"Are you sure? Jensen can take you to Justin's. It's no problem."

Jordan gave me a definite shake of her head. "No need. It's out of your way to take me back to Brooklyn." Opening her arms, she smiled. "Come here and give me a hug before I go."

"I'll see you in a few days, so tell Justin I'm looking forward to spending time with both of you," I said as she hugged me. I released her and stepped away. "I know we usually give our gifts on Christmas morning, but yours won't be in until after that, so get ready to be blown away when it comes in January."

Jordan waved me off. "You don't have to get me anything, Nina. I know you've been dealing with a lot just before the holidays."

"Forget that. I have just the perfect gift for you, so get ready. I know you'll love it!"

Her phone rang again, putting an end to our goodbyes, and as I watched her walk out, I saw my phone light up on the table. Excited to finally talk to Tristan, I swiped the face to see it wasn't a call but an email notification. I tapped the little envelope and saw a message from Cal asking if we could meet. Since I was in the city, I figured it was perfect timing and emailed back for him to stop by The Channel if he was free and able to make it. A minute later, he replied he was nearby, so I ordered another of those candy sweet martinis and sat back to wait for him.

Checking my phone, I saw Tristan hadn't texted again. Disappointed, I quickly texted him the words I love you and hoped that would make him reply. Within fifteen minutes Cal had arrived but still no text from Tristan.

"I'm so glad you emailed me, Nina," Cal said as he sat down across the table from me. He settled into his chair and smiled. "You look incredible. Life certainly has treated you well."

"Well, except for that whole car accident and amnesia thing," I joked.

He looked at me as if he were sizing me up and shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe forgetting the past is something we all should do because you look great."

"Happiness does that for a person. You look pretty good after all these years, so you must be doing something right too."

In truth, Cal looked a little haggard. His grey wool coat was old and worn, and I'd noticed when he took off his gloves that the leather was ripped between his right thumb and forefinger. He still had those boyish good looks that had attracted me years ago, but now they were tinged with worry or weariness. I couldn't decide which.

"I have to tell you, Nina, that I was surprised at first that you came to see me, but now I'm so happy we're getting a chance to get reacquainted."

"I am too, Cal. I think bygones should be left as bygones."

K.M. Scott's Novels
» Crash into Me (Heart of Stone #1)
» Possession (Club X #3)
» Surrender (Club X #2)
» Temptation (Club X #1)
» Ever After (Heart of Stone #3.5)
» Give in to Me (Heart of Stone #3)
» Fall into Me (Heart of Stone #2)