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Chandler (Fixed #5) Page 58
Author: Laurelin Paige

“You really do have a bad taste in your mouth where I’m concerned, don’t you? I hope you understand when I tell you I feel the same.”

“That’s fair.”

If I hadn’t realized it before, I do now—there is history between these two that I’m not privy to, and in some ways I understand better why Hudson was so concerned about Genevieve’s presence in our lives. Understand why he’d immediately assume the worst.

I, however, am more convinced than ever that Genny is innocent. There’s no way that she’s mixed up in what Celia is dishing out. I feel it in my bones.

“In answer to your question,” Celia says now, “no. I’m not here to convince you to give him the job. Frankly, I’m happy with our lives the way they are. I’m not interested in moving back to the States, and I’m especially not interested in that kind of move with a baby on the way.”

“Then the favor you want is for me not to give the job to Edward.” It’s not stated as a question. More like a clarification.

“I didn’t say that. Let’s be clear—I’d love for Werner Media to be back in the hands of my family. I simply know that isn’t an option on the table.”

I’ll say it again—the lady isn’t dumb.

“Then what is it that you’re asking?” Hudson’s taken the words right out of my mouth.

“My father. This company is his pride and joy. His legacy. He wants Edward to take his place because he thinks it will make me happy, yes, but mostly because he thinks it will be good for Werner Media. He hasn’t even considered giving the job to anyone else. You and I both know that you will give the job to someone else. I’m willing to help convince him that’s best.”


I sit forward, on pins and needles waiting for her response.

“If you let him believe it’s his idea.”

…and I was not expecting that.

Neither was Hudson, it seems. “I’m not sure I understand.” Yeah, neither am I.

“I’m saying go ahead and pick who you want to pick for the job—I know you have other names in mind. I’m confident that you’ll select the best person to head Werner Media in the future—you’d never let a good business fail, no matter how you feel about me. It’s not in you. I just want my father to believe the decision is still up to him. Let him leave his company in a dignified fashion. Let him think it’s his creative vision he’s implementing, not just yours.”

And this is when I have to bite my tongue. Hard. Because this…I know how to do this.

“What a noble endeavor,” Hudson says. “Unfortunately, I don’t know how I would begin to convince your father of anything.”

I shoot up to my feet. “I’ll do it. I can do it.” The tongue biting obviously didn’t last long. “Get me a meeting with him, and I got this.”

Hudson eyes me with half irritation, half intrigue. “Chandler?”

“The proposal I was telling you about.” I hadn’t actually gotten to any of it before Celia arrived, but I silently say a prayer he goes along with me on this. “I’m confident Warren will be interested in it. I just need to be able to present it to him. Thirty minutes. That’s all.” I’m eager, and it shows, but this is exactly what I needed to make this plan work.

Celia has also perked up from my enthusiasm. “I can arrange that. If Hudson agrees.”

He studies her with an intentness that makes me feel like he can see right through her, can see every thought and motivation that might be behind her request.

But after several long beats, he seems unsatisfied with what he’s gleaned. “I can’t figure out what game you’re playing,” he says steadily.

“Maybe I’m not playing any game.”

“Wouldn’t that be the most conniving scheme of all?”

“Wouldn’t it?”

They stare each other down yet again, and this time, something’s shifted in the energy surrounding them. It’s less pervasive. Less aggressive.

“Random acts of compassion aren’t like you. Thinking of anyone else’s feelings isn’t either.” Hudson’s eyes widen slightly, as though he’s just figured something out. “You fell in love.”

For the first time since she’s arrived, Celia appears thrown. Her mask slips for a split second, and underneath she appears to glow.

But she recovers quickly. “Do you want the meeting or not?”

“We’ll take the meeting.”

I practically sigh in relief. My head starts spinning with all the steps of what to do next. Not the least of which, win Genevieve over to this plan.

Hey, I didn’t say this idea was easy, I just said it was good.

“Thank you, Hudson.” And it actually sounds like it might be sincere.

Without further ado, she stands. “I’ll make arrangements with your secretary. No need for us to have any further contact, as far as I’m concerned.”

“I appreciate that.”

She’s almost halfway to the door when Hudson calls after her. “Celia,” he says, waiting until she turns back to him to go on. “Congratulations on your pregnancy. I once thought you’d make a good mother.”

She nods to the most recent family picture he’s added to his bookshelf. “Congratulations on your own little family. I once thought you’d make a good dad.”

“She’s changed,” Hudson says the minute the door shuts behind her.

Laurelin Paige's Novels
» Last Kiss (First and Last #2)
» First Touch (First and Last #1)
» Chandler (Fixed #5)
» Find Me (The Found Duet #2)
» Hudson (Fixed #4)
» Forever with You (Fixed #3)
» Found in You (Fixed #2)
» Fixed on You (Fixed #1)
» Star Struck (Lights, Camera #2)
» Take Two (Lights, Camera #1)
» Free Me (The Found Duet #1)