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From Rags Page 87
Author: Suzanne Wright

She laughed. “You say that with such desperation as if I didn’t do that just last night.”

“It was torture when I smelled that coffee this morning. It just reminded me of last night. I love it when you suck me off while you’re having a hot drink. Maybe once Izzy’s in bed I can make you another coffee.”

“I liked it better when I cuffed you to the bedframe.” She began shaking with giggles.

“That wasn’t funny. How would you like waking up to find you can’t move?”

“Just a little payback.” She’d teased him for a full half hour from head to toe before making him come. “You should be thankful I didn’t spank you as well.”

“One day you’ll admit you like that.” No sooner had they stepped inside than the doorbell rang. He swatted Jaxx’s arse. “You get that, I’ll help Izzy with the dog food.”

Jaxxon opened the door to find a very pregnant Anna and a flustered Warren on her doorstep. Clearly they’d had a tumble just before leaving their apartment. “Hi, get your arses inside, you’re the first ones here. Anna, sit down. Warren, make yourself useful and help Connor set the barbeque up.”

Warren saluted her. “Yes ma’am.”

“He hasn’t done it yet?” asked Anna.

“The race track was more interesting,” grumbled Jaxxon.

Anna smiled at the stunning little girl who was emptying dog food into two bowls. One for Bronty, one for Ferrari. “Hello Iz, are you helping your mummy like a big girl?” She responded with a solemn nod. Although she looked uncannily like Jaxxon, she had her dad’s serious expressions. She also had Jaxxon’s entrancing eyes which meant that she could wrap just about everybody around her little finger, especially Connor. He worshipped the ground the child walked on, just as he did Jaxxon.

Next to arrive was Dane, Niki, their six month old baby boy Lewis, and Little Dane who told Jaxxon that he didn’t want to be called ‘Little Dane’ anymore because he was ‘five and three quarters’. As usual, he followed Isabel around like she was a guiding light. As usual, Isabel didn’t seem to notice. Ten minutes or so later Ollie and Louisa, who had been seeing each other for the past five months, arrived. Then shortly after that were Richie, Tony, Lily and Ant. They all made a humungous fuss of Isabel.

“You know,” began Ollie to Jaxxon who was in the kitchen getting the salads and pastas ready, “most kids would lap up that kind of attention, but your Izzy always shrugs it off. I wonder who she gets that from.”

“I can’t imagine.”

“I asked her what she wants for her birthday this year. You should probably know she wants a baby brother.”

Jaxxon nearly choked on the slice of cucumber she was munching. “Well that’s a big progression. Last time I asked her she said a goldfish.”

“When did you get the puppy?”

“When she reached exactly three and a half. You know what Connor’s like. Any excuse to buy her something.”

Ollie never thought when they first met that he would ever be of the opinion that Connor was good enough for Jaxxon. But the bloke had proved himself again and again and he had even won over Richie and Tony. The world followed their relationship even more closely than before, and the rate of celebrity Elvis weddings rocketed after Jaxxon and Connor married in Vegas. The only complaint Ollie had was that the pair still threw too much sexual tension around. They were even doing it right now with their heated gazes while they stood at the barbeque grill.

Dane inhaled the dreamy smell of the burgers and kebabs and sausages and steaks as they sizzled on the barbeque rack. “I’m famished. So famished that Ferrari’s dinner is starting to look real nice.”

“Blame Connor about the delay,” said Jaxxon.

He looked at Connor. “Does that mean you were too busy playing on your track with Izzy? I still can’t get Dane anywhere near a bike or quad. He’s not into cars either. He likes golf, DVDs and chocolate; that’s the extent of his world.”

Jaxxon smiled. “He’s got very good taste in food.” What she wouldn’t give for some chocolates right now. “And girls.” She gestured toward Little Dane who was chasing Isabel round the garden while Ferrari and Bronty yapped playfully at their heels.

“Just like her mother,” sighed Connor. “Always got males chasing her.” He received a scowl from Jaxx for that.

“She’s going to break hearts when she’s older,” said Dane. The kid really was a little stunner, which was hardly surprising considering her gene pool. He couldn’t help smiling as he turned to see Connor curling his arms around Jaxxon’s front and kissing her nape. Dane was feeling very chuffed with himself; he’d played an extremely big part in his mate having all he had now. God, he’d even helped organize the wedding well before Connor even knew he was going to propose. Their Vegas wedding had to have been the most hilarious experience of Dane’s life. Nothing normal about it, not even for Vegas. And now Connor was no longer stood all alone when they were at a party. Looking at him now, no one would have thought he was a bloke who hadn’t wanted marriage or kids; he was in his element, more settled than Dane had ever seen him. The only time there had ever been any anxiety was when they were told Sean Beckett was coming out of prison, but then he violated his parole conditions by coming near Jaxxon and was now back in prison again, where he belonged.

“Only three more people left to come,” said Jaxxon.

“I don’t even know why you invited them,” grumbled Connor.

“Don’t be a D-I-C-K,” she said with a smile. “And try not to snarl this time.”

“I didn’t snarl last time.”

“Yes you did. Just like you did at our wedding, and Izzy’s Christening, and Izzy’s first birthday party, and Izzy’s second birthday party and -”

“Alright, I’ll try not to snarl.”

Dane chuckled. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up if I were you, Jaxx.”

Connor looked at him, brows raised. “You’ll have to remind me when it was that I said you could call her Jaxx.”

“Oh for God’s sake, Connor,” she groaned.

He twirled her around, pulled her tight against him and spoke against her lips, “You’re my Jaxx, no one else’s.” It was definitely a mistake aligning her body to his but he doubted it was a mistake he’d learn from.

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