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The Heartbreaker (Chandler Brothers #3) Page 43
Author: Carly Phillips

“Course I hadn’t heard till he told me. I asked him if I’d inherit if he croaked.” He cackled at his callous joke and she winced. “Samson said it wuz none of my business who got his money, but for my information, he had family who’d inhurt—”

“Inherit, you moron,” Ernie chimed in.

Both Kendall and Sloane laughed, but Earl ignored them, merely glaring at his friend.

Sloane grasped onto Earl’s words and wondered if Samson was being his surly self in his reply to Earl or if he really had family. She wondered if he’d actually been referring to her. Her stomach churned with a combination of fear and hope, the upheaval having nothing to do with the alcohol in her system.

“Samson said I wuzn’t getting a red cent,” Earl continued. “But at least the damn ingrate’s still living.”

Despite her fuzzy brain, Sloane heard a hint of affection in Earl’s voice. She refused to believe she imagined it. Someone had to care whether Samson lived or died, and she had to think this gruff old man was her real father’s friend. After all, everyone needed someone in life who cared about them. Samson deserved to have at least that. A lump formed in her throat and suddenly she felt an intense longing for an emotional connection to another human being. One who cared about her.

Her gaze fell to Chase; she met his heated stare and lingered. His expression was still dark and he held up one hand, indicating she had five minutes left. Worry was obvious in his eyes and Sloane knew her heart didn’t lie. He cared. For her.

She tugged his shirt tighter around her, feeling its warmth and accepting the sudden tide of arousal as a natural circumstance of falling in love with him.

“Hey, lady.” Ernie tapped a bottle on the table. “Do you know who’d inherit instead of Earl?” he asked, interrupting Sloane’s thoughts.

And boy, what thoughts those had been. Love? She shivered. Alcohol had a way of distorting reality. She couldn’t possibly be in love with Chase Chandler. Could she?

“Hello? An answer would be nice. We’ve been giving you all the answers you want, but you’re holding out on us.” Earl folded his scrawny arms across his chest, impatient and annoyed.

“I don’t know who Samson would leave his money to,” Sloane said.

Which brought up another question. Did Samson really have money? If so, why continue to live like a poor man with no income? She forced a stare back to the old men at the table, the only ones who’d have any answers. “I’d heard Samson had no family.”

“No friends in Yorkshire Falls to speak of either.” Kendall added her knowledge, trying to help prod for information.

“That’s ’cuz he’s got me ’n’ Ernie here.” Earl tapped himself in the chest, proud of the connection to his friend.

Ernie nodded in agreement. “He don’t need nobody else.”

“And that’s all we’s saying until you drink some more.” Earl followed that pronouncement with a shot of his own. There was no way she could drink any more and Sloane eyed Kendall across the table. The other woman waved a hand, indicating she wasn’t drinking another shot either.

Before Sloane could think of a way to extricate herself, the Chandler brothers appeared by their table. Rick cleared his throat, but Sloane only had eyes for Chase. Tall, dark, and handsome, he was every inch her savior.

She rose, intending to tell him so. She took a step forward, tripped, and fell into his arms.

“Shit.” Chase grabbed Sloane and wrapped his arms around her, supporting her weight with his body. Soft and warm, she also smelled good despite the alcohol she’d consumed and the smoke in the bar. She affected him on the most basic level, the need to protect and care for her stronger than he’d ever experienced before.

“I think I drank too much.” She giggled and leaned against him.

“Really? I’d never have guessed.” He silently cursed the fact that he’d allowed this situation to go on as long as it had.

Rick hauled Kendall out of her seat and into his arms. Chase figured his brother wouldn’t be speaking to him for a good day or so till he cooled down.

Chase turned his attention to the old men. “Okay, boys, your fun’s over for the night. If you hear anything from or about Samson, call me.” Chase handed both Earl and Ernie a business card. Hopefully, one of them wouldn’t lose it.

“Who’d have believed Samson would have people looking for him? I didn’t think anyone

’cept us liked him enough.” Earl shook his head and Sloane was now clinging to Chase, too out of it to realize the importance of Earl’s words.

Her lips began snuggling against Chase’s neck, nipping right below his ear. Keeping his mind on the search for Samson wasn’t easy when she’d aroused him in an instant. Her moist lips against his skin inflamed his senses, and just the feel of her in his arms set off fireworks he couldn’t believe.

“Is someone else looking for Samson?” He somehow managed to ask.

Ernie rose from his seat. “Some man was in here a few nights ago askin’ questions.”

“You didn’t say anything about that.” Sloane perked up and lifted her head off Chase’s shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She stepped forward but he held her tight. Her balance wouldn’t be good right now.

“ ’Cuz we were playin’ twenty questions and you didn’t ask.” Earl shook his head, rolling his eyes.

“What’d he look like?” Rick asked in his cop’s voice.

“Samson’s ugly as sin, just like Ernie here.” Earl pointed to his friend.

“There’s no call to be rude.” Ernie pouted like a girl but squared his shoulders, bracing for a fight.

Chase gritted his teeth, while Sloane attempted to stand up straight and pay more attention.

“Let’s start over. What does the man who was asking about Samson look like?” Chase clarified his thought before he had to step between the men and break up a brawl.

“I can’t remember. You?” Earl asked Ernie.

He shook his head. “Nosiree. He wasn’t friendlylike and didn’t want to play a game of pool or buy drinks.”

“Which meant you didn’t share information with him?” Chase guessed.

“Correct.” Earl grinned.

Fishing into his pocket, Chase withdrew a hundred-dollar bill he’d put aside earlier.

“Listen, boys.” He held out the money. “I’m trusting you to call me with any information on Samson. Anything , do you understand? That means the minute someone comes sniffing around, you pick up the phone.” He waved the greenback by Earl’s face.

Carly Phillips's Novels
» Kiss Me If You Can (Bachelor Blogs #1)
» Under the Boardwalk (Costas Sisters #1)
» Dare to Submit (Dare to Love #4)
» Dare to Surrender (Dare to Love #3)
» Dare to Desire (Dare to Love #2)
» Dare to Love (Dare to Love #1)
» The Heartbreaker (Chandler Brothers #3)
» The Playboy (Chandler Brothers #2)
» The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers #1)
» Love Me If You Dare (Bachelor Blogs #2)