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After the Ex Games (The Ex Games #4) Page 20
Author: J.S. Cooper

“You need to get out of here.” I released my grip on David. “You need to take your f**king girlfriend Patsy and you need to get out of town. If I see either of you again, I will kill you both. You do not threaten me or my family. You do not put a gun to anyone.”

“I couldn’t kill her.” He looked at me with wide eyes. “I wouldn’t have done it. I love her. I loved Maria. I just couldn’t.” He looked down at the ground. “I can’t believe she’s gone.”

“David, don’t you see?” Meg began. “Everyone here is sad that Maria is gone. We all wish that things had been different, but she killed herself.”

“I don’t believe it!.” he shouted. “I don’t believe she killed herself. Maria loved life. She loved everything about life: the love, the pain, the hurt. She was strong. She was the strongest woman I’ve ever known.”

“But she wasn’t the best woman, was she?” Nancy spoke up, and I froze. “If she was, she would have made different decisions.”

“Nancy.” David looked at her in shock.

“You know it’s true. I loved her too, but she made many mistakes, David.” Her voice cracked. “She made many, many mistakes.”

“One of those mistakes was not killing herself.” He shook his head. “She was murdered. I’m almost positive of it. She didn’t kill herself, I’m telling you.” He looked at me then, and I could see pure hatred in his eyes. “I know she didn’t kill herself.”

We all stood there in silence, and I was immediately taken back to the day she died.


“You need to speak to Brandon for me, Greyson.” Maria barged into my office.

“What do you want?” I didn’t even look up at her as I continued balancing the club’s checking account for the month.

“Do you think I’m going to keep silent?” Her voice rose. “Do you think I’m going to let him treat me like this? After everything?” She walked over to my desk and banged on the table.

“Silent about what, Maria?”

“You know what.” Her eyes bored into mine. “I think it’d make a great piece on the news, don’t you?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said softly, but I looked up then. She had my attention.

“Yes you do. I could bring you both down.” She laughed. “And bye bye to the private club.”

“Maria,” I said slowly. “Maybe you need to go and lie down. Do you need a rest?”

“Do I need a mothafucking rest?” She laughed bitterly. “I’m going to take you both down.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“You’re a f**king bitch. Do you know that? You and Brandon are spawns of the devil. You don’t give two shits about anyone.”

“Anything else?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“I’m going to go to the news and so is Patsy. We’re going to take you both down so far you won’t know which side is up.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I grabbed ahold of her wrists and squeezed tightly. Her eyes widened at my hard grip. “If I were you, I’d go and take a nap and see how you feel in the morning.”

“You wish.”

“I’m telling you, Maria. I’d be very careful about what you decide to do.” I let go of her hands and looked back at my ledger.

I heard her walk towards the door, but I didn’t look up until I heard the door close. I grabbed my phone and texted Brandon. Maria is acting crazy again. She seems more serious this time. Take care of it.


My face flushed red as I remembered that text. I’d not thought about it until today. I’d forgotten about it in the craziness of that day. I’d never put two and two together before. I’d sent the text that morning and that evening she’d been found dead with a suicide note.

“David, you need to leave now.” I looked at him coldly.

“What about—”

“Leave!” My voice was harsh, and he paled.

“I’m sorry, Nancy.” He reached out to her, and she pushed him away.

“Leave me alone.” She took a step back, and Meg put her arms around her.

“It’s time to leave now, David.”

“Who’s leaving?” Patsy walked into the room and her eyes widened as she surveyed the scene. “You’re back, Nancy?” Her voice was soft, and I could see her eyes narrowing. Nancy stared back at her with a scared expression, and I knew that Patsy was the one who had something to do with her disappearance.

“You’re leaving, Patsy. You and David.”

“What?” She looked at me with hurt eyes.

“I want you both out of here now.”

“Greyson.” Her voice cracked. “You can’t mean it.”

“I mean it.” My eyes were cold. “You need to leave now.”

“Come on, Nancy. I’m going to take you home with us.” Meg glared at Patsy. “We’re going to go to Brandon and my friend Katie’s house. I’m sure you want to see the back of the club.”

“Wait.” I looked at Meg, but I could tell from her expression that there was no changing her mind.

“Look at you playing happy families,” Patsy cackled and leaned towards me. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Really? I thought you fantasized about this for you and me?” I looked at her pointedly, and she gasped. “Let’s go.” I nodded at Meg and Nancy, my heart feeling full, even though I was pissed as hell. “I expect the two of you to be gone by the time I get back. You’re not welcome on property again. Leave a forwarding address with my secretary. I’ll send you your last checks. If I see you here again, you’ll be arrested for trespassing.” I walked towards the door and waited for Meg and Nancy to leave before looking back at them. “You’re lucky that both of you are leaving without bodily harm.”

“Go run back to Brandon,” Patsy hissed. “Go try and make everything right! You think it’s all going to work out?” She laughed. “We’ll see about that.”

“I don’t know what I did to make you hate me this much, Patsy.”

“I think you know, Greyson.” Her eyes narrowed. “I think we both know what you did.” We stared at each other for a few moments, and I felt bereft that she had become this person. She leaned towards me, grabbed ahold of my arm, and paused. I waited for her to apologize, to say something that would make up for all that she had done. Instead, she whispered in my ear, “How does it feel knowing you’re going to ruin your best friend’s life once again?”

J.S. Cooper's Novels
» After the Ex Games (The Ex Games #4)
» The Ex Games 3 (The Ex Games #3)
» The Ex Games 2 (The Ex Games #2)
» The Ex Games (The Ex Games #1)