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The Chase (Fast Track #4) Page 34
Author: Erin McCarthy

“Do you want some room service?” he asked, reaching over for the book on the nightstand. “You must be starving.”

She was. For all manner of things. Lying on her side, Kendall wondered if she had the guts to go after him a second time. She had initiated sex the week before. Well, he had kissed her. But it was her who had jumped him on her car at the track. Then she had turned him down both times he had suggested sex after that.

At the moment, he didn’t look like he was going to offer a third time. He looked perfectly content staying clothed, watching the Discovery Channel, and eating a burger and fries with her.

But she wanted more than that. Crazy or not, stupid or not, she knew what she wanted, and it was Evan.


“Sure, I could eat.” Kendall shifted closer to him, leaning against his side and his chest on the pretense of looking at the menu in his hands.

Evan cleared his throat. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Something hot.”

Evan paused at Kendall’s words. She could mean soup. Or she could mean sex. He seriously hoped it was not that she was having a hankering for lentil soup. “I can see what kind of soup they have,” he said, trying to sound casual.

He wasn’t feeling it, though. Ever since he had come into Kendall’s room and seen her sleeping, her face somehow worried even in her sleep, he had been feeling an odd assortment of emotions. Tenderness. Compassion.

And good old-fashioned lust.

He could admit he’d lifted those covers earlier and discovered Kendall was only wearing a T-shirt and panties.

“Mm,” she said in a noncommittal voice, propping her head up with her hand. “How long does it take for room service to arrive?”

“Usually thirty minutes.”

Her foot slid along his leg, her thigh making contact with his. “Just order me a cheeseburger and some chocolate cake if they have it.”

“Okay. Do you want a drink, too?”

“Just water is fine.”

“Probably a good idea for you, Miss Red Bull.”

He expected her to stick out her tongue at him. Roll her eyes at the very least. Or make a smart remark. But instead she just made a contented sound in the back of her throat, a sexy, sleepy sigh that was like fingers sliding down his cock. Kendall looked beautiful lying in bed, her hair still fuller than normal, an endorsement for the hair spray Trevor had used given that it had held through a marathon sleep session. There were still smudges of eyeliner above and under her lids, giving her a smoldering tousled bedroom look.

She looked so lazy and content it did seem as if she had just spent the afternoon being made love to.

“That was the best nap I’ve ever had in my entire life,” she said, sighing again.

God, it was seriously like she was talking about sex. Everything about her was screaming sex, and Evan remembered what Frankie had told him. Kendall wanted to jump his bones. Just because she wasn’t actually making a move didn’t make that any less true. Kendall had made the move last time. It was his turn.

Okay, and so technically he had asked her twice after that to have sex with him and she’d shot him down, but what was a little rejection? Given the state of his career, by all accounts he should have no ego left whatsoever, but he did. He could handle it if Kendall said no. In fact, he totally expected her to say no, but hey, you never got anything if you didn’t ask for it.

Evan picked up the phone and tossed the room service book onto the nightstand. “Is there anything else you want? On or off the menu?”

Her eyes widened, but it was a mock innocence. “What do you mean?”

“We have thirty minutes until the food gets here.”

The room service operator picked up. Evan said hello and placed an order for a turkey club sandwich and fries for himself, using his free thumb to reach over and stroke across Kendall’s bottom lip. Now her wide-eyed stare was genuine. Trailing down her jaw, to her shoulder and beyond, Evan found her nipple through the cotton of her T-shirt.

“Yes, and a cheeseburger with fries please.” Listening to the operator, he made circles over her nipple as Kendall’s eyes darkened. “What kind of cheese, Jay? American okay?”

She nodded. “Sure.” Her voice was breathy.

“American, yes, thanks. And a slice of chocolate cake for dessert.” Evan pinched Kendall’s nipple hard, enjoying the gasp she gave. He loved her br**sts, their fullness, perfect shape, very responsive ni**les.

“Just a water and a Coke please.” Evan was running on empty himself, and unlike Kendall he hadn’t napped, knowing he would then be up all night. A beer would just put him straight to sleep, and it was a few hours before he wanted to crash. There were some things he intended to do before he passed out.

Trailing his thumb down from her nipple over her abdomen, Evan slid it across the silkiness of her panties, up and down over her mound, lightly, teasingly, enjoying the hitch in her breath, and the way she seemed to be holding her whole body very still, like she was afraid he’d stop if she moved.

Which was what he did as soon as he thanked the room service person and hung up the phone. Lazily pulling his finger back, he told her, “Yep. Thirty minutes.”

She didn’t say anything, just stared at him with hooded eyes for a second.

Then she said what he’d been hoping to hear. “We can each have an orgasm in that time.”

Evan sat up and stripped off his shirt. “I’ll save mine for after dinner. Which means you get two now.”

It was clear Kendall was still sleepy, because instead of him smart-ass response, she just said, “Oh. Okay.”

Her eyes were enormous, her hair equally so, her cheeks flushed pink from sleep, and Evan had never seen a woman look so gorgeous. Ever.

“Roll on your stomach. I’ll massage you.”

She made a sigh of pleasure as she started to roll. Then she stopped abruptly. “If you rub my back, I’ll probably fall asleep again.”

The naïveté. “No, you won’t. I promise.”

Evan helped her finish her roll by taking her hips and forcing the turn. Her face fell into the pillow with a soft thump, hair a fluffy cloud around her. She turned her head so she was looking to the right, crossing her arms up above.

“Mmm. This feels good already.”

It did. As he ran his hands up either side of her spine, giving a slow, deep rub to the muscles, Evan appreciated the softness of her skin under his callused fingers. On his knees, he stroked up under her shirt, over her shoulders, and down her arms as far as he could reach, before getting entangled in her sleeves. He wanted to take her T-shirt off, but room service was on its way, and truthfully there was something very sexy about touching her under her shirt . . . like he was being granted access to somewhere private.

Erin McCarthy's Novels
» Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1)
» Slow Ride (Fast Track #5)
» Full Throttle (Fast Track #7)
» The Chase (Fast Track #4)
» Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)