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The Chase (Fast Track #4) Page 53
Author: Erin McCarthy

Evan had to say he owed his brother big-time, because he wasn’t sure he could even read words on paper at the moment, he was so agitated. But in a good way.

“I can’t relax. I’m getting married.”

“Just take a deep breath. You’re going to end up screeching at the girl if you don’t calm down.”

“I’m not going to screech. When have I ever screeched?” Evan was about to tell his brother how stupid that was, when he saw Kendall appear at the back of the chapel, under the fake arbor with fake flowers.

He’d seen her not ten minutes ago, and for hours earlier, wearing the same simple black-and-white dress she’d had on for Easter. He’d driven her over here himself after securing their marriage license. Yet somehow, seeing her standing there, as a bride, his bride, overwhelmed him. God, she was beautiful, her blond hair pinned straight and falling over her shoulders. She was wearing a little bit of makeup, something she didn’t normally do, and her cheeks were flushed, eyes bright with excitement and love.

That she wanted to marry him, now, humbled him and thrilled him. Evan didn’t necessarily think he’d done amazing things with his life, in fact, outside of his career, he had to say he hadn’t done much worthy of praise. He hadn’t done anything wrong, he just hadn’t done as much as he could have. But being secure in a relationship with Kendall, knowing he had someone to come home to at the end of the day, it just made him want to strive to be a better man. He had influence and he wanted to use it. He wanted to be worthy of this scrappy woman who had fought so hard for all of her success.

“You okay?” Elec murmured to him.

Evan shook his head. “Yeah. More than okay.” He couldn’t take his eyes off his bride as she slowly walked down the aisle, looking a little shy. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”


“I’m pretty damn lucky.” He went still, all his excited jitters gone. His mind, body, heart, and soul all went quiet with the certainty of what he was doing. He loved Kendall, always had, always would. Now he was going to make her his wife.

When she got to the front, she paused, like she wasn’t sure where she was supposed to go, but she was smiling at him, a big, wide open grin.

He moved in alongside her. “You’re supposed to stand next to me, you know. Like you like me.”

“Shush,” she told him, elbowing him with another smile.

Evan took her hand in his and squeezed it. He knew that wasn’t standard wedding protocol, but hell, they were already doing everything their way, what difference did a little hand holding make? He just wanted to feel her grip in his.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here”—the overweight and bearded minister glanced at his watch—“this evening to join Evan Roscoe Monroe and Kendall Carolina Holbrook in marriage.”

Those words hit Evan with the impact of a head-on crash at Talladega. Only while both things were equally as intense, the result was totally different. Happiness swelled in him, and the subsequent words the minister spoke were lost as he just savored this pure moment of love and joy.

“Do you, Evan, take Kendall to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.” Evan only hesitated for a second before he said, “Can I say something here?”

The minister nodded. “Of course.”

He turned to Kendall, who was staring at him blankly, like she wasn’t sure what was going to come out of his mouth. Hell, he wasn’t entirely sure himself, but he knew a simple “I do” just wasn’t enough to express how he felt. “Kendall, you know me, and I’ve always thought writing your own vows was well, kind of corny. And obviously I didn’t write any ahead of time since we just decided to get married tonight, but I want to say something to you.”

She smiled and took both of his hands in hers. “Okay.”

“I just want you to know that in a lot of ways I’ve been lost the last ten years. You and me, back in the day, maybe we were too young, but we were always meant to be together, and when I didn’t have that direction, when I didn’t have you, I spent a lot of time wandering around trying to figure out what I was supposed to do with my personal life. A life without you didn’t make sense. When Tuesday asked me at that wine bar what it was about you that I’d fallen in love with, I told her it was your smile, your laughter. That was an answer that barely skims the surface. I don’t have enough time to describe all the wonderful things about you, but I love that you don’t do anything halfway . . . when you do something you do it one hundred and ten percent. With your driving, with your friendships, with me.” Evan took a deep breath, aware that he was never going to be able to say everything he wanted to. “I don’t have the pretty words, the right words, to describe how I’m feeling, but just know that I’ll always love you. For better or for worse, through failed sponsorships and lousy finishes, through endless miles on the road and champagne celebrations, I’ll love you.”

Kendall was glad her earlier tears seemed to have vanished, because if ever there was a moment to cry, this was it. Evan was standing in front of her, looking absolutely gorgeous in his blue blazer and white shirt, his brown eyes filled with love and certainty, as he spoke words of total commitment. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was. She had screwed up bad when they were young, and yet he’d essentially given her a second chance without hesitation or mistrust.

“And I just want to say thank you,” she told him. “For understanding that I was young and stupid and maybe needier than I ever realized. Thank you for leaping back into this relationship with me, and for agreeing to marry me.”

He grinned at her pronouncement. “No need to thank me.”

But Kendall held his hands tighter. “I’m serious. I tend to shut people out, and when I offer to let them back in, most people don’t want to be, with good reason. You never hesitated, and if I didn’t already love you, I would love you for that alone. I love your sense of humor, your easygoing personality, your unconditional affection and love. You have a good heart. A good soul.” She grinned. “Not to mention your biceps are pretty amazing.”

“Sexist,” he murmured. “I could never get away with naming body parts in our wedding ceremony.”

“We ladies need to take double standards that work in our favor whenever we can.” Kendall stroked his hands with her thumbs. “But seriously, I am just so in love with you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

Erin McCarthy's Novels
» Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1)
» Slow Ride (Fast Track #5)
» Full Throttle (Fast Track #7)
» The Chase (Fast Track #4)
» Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)