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I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13) Page 42
Author: Bella Andre

And for now, at least, the shadows that had begun to creep in couldn’t withstand the bright joy of the two people who made her the happiest as Mason reached out to kiss her just as Dylan kissed her, too.


Grace was sitting behind her computer while Mason napped the next day, staring at the blinking cursor, trying really, really hard not to miss the man she was writing about, when the phone rang and she saw an unfamiliar number appear on the screen. Dylan had left the day before for Australia and the big, week-long yacht race. He had been as reluctant to go as she and Mason had been to kiss him good-bye, but if things were ever going to have a chance of working out between them, they would have to learn how to give each other the space they needed: Dylan for his boats, and Grace for her writing. This trip would be good for them, she reminded herself as she looked at the number on the screen and tried again to place it.

She’d never been nervous about picking up the phone before leaving D.C. But it was times like this when she immediately thought about her ex and his family and wondered if they had been tracking her after all—if they knew she’d had the baby and now were calling to try to take away her son so that he could continue the Bentley line.

As she let the call go to voice mail, she told herself as she had so many times before to stop looking for danger around every corner. She was just overtired from not getting enough sleep the night before. Not, of course, that she would trade the hot lovemaking with Dylan for any amount of sleep. Some things were well worth losing sleep over, she thought as a small smile moved onto her lips.

Yet again, even without being here, he was making her smile, making her forget the darkness that had so often felt as though it were lurking, waiting to pounce when she was at her most vulnerable.

Feeling much more steady, she hit the Play button on her phone and was surprised to hear a familiar voice. “Hi, Grace, it’s Tatiana. I hope it’s okay that Dylan gave me your number. Since Mia surprised us all with a wedding, I wanted to surprise her with a party to celebrate it—just the girls. I know this is short notice, but is there any way that you’d be available to come by the set of my movie tomorrow night at six? Can’t wait to hear from you.”

Even though Grace already knew how nice and down-to-earth the other woman was, it didn’t change the fact that Tatiana was still a massive movie star. She couldn’t believe that she’d just been invited to the set. Especially when she wasn’t at all certain that she counted as “one of the girls” even though she’d been at Mia’s wedding.

Not wanting to be rude, however, Grace called back immediately. “Thank you so much for the invitation to Mia’s party. I’d love to come,” she said honestly, “but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get a babysitter.”

“Sorry,” Tatiana said, “I’m a little fried from the scene I just shot today. I think the director actually wants to scrape off a piece of my soul for this movie.” The other woman let out a long breath that Grace could easily sympathize with, given that she was feeling just as fried from trying to write her cover story about Dylan. “I also meant to say in my message that you should definitely bring Mason. Some of the other girls will be bringing their kids, too, and I know he’ll have a ton of fun playing with them.”

Grace had left behind everyone and everything she’d known a year and a half ago, which meant that she hadn’t gone out for a drink with any girlfriends in a really long time. Suddenly, a night with the Sullivan women felt like exactly what she needed, even if she still couldn’t quite shake the feeling that she didn’t really belong in their league. Then again, she wouldn’t ever have believed that she could end up with a man like Dylan…and look what had happened when she’d finally let herself go with him: magic.

“Count me in. Is there anything I can do to help set up?”

“Nope, I’ve got everything covered here. Just bring yourself and your cute little boy. And plan to have fun!”

* * *

Grace’s evening was full, just as it had been for the past ten months, with feeding Mason dinner, then giving him his bath, reading him a story, and putting him to bed. But their bedtime ritual seemed a little bit off. And she knew why: It wasn’t just that Mason’s second tooth had just come in, it was also because they were clearly both wishing Dylan was there with them. Reading Mason a story. Kissing him good night.

And then holding her tight all night long after making the sweetest love imaginable to her.

Unfortunately, though it was late by the time she finally got Mason to settle down, since she was still struggling with her writing she returned to her computer to put in a couple more hours before she turned in. Forcing herself to hold focus on her article, rather than daydreaming about the main subject’s kisses—or letting herself worry that something bad might have happened to him because he hadn’t yet called—she began the heavy lifting of revising what she’d written earlier in the day.

Before she could make much headway, though, her phone buzzed and her heart leaped in her chest when she saw his name pop up on the screen.

Grace had promised herself she wouldn’t stare at her phone all night waiting for Dylan to call. There had been too many nights when her ex had promised to check in, but hadn’t. She’d believed Richard when he’d told her it was because he’d been working late and lost track of time—when, she later found out, he’d been courting the woman he actually planned to marry. Grace had simply been a convenient, and easy, bit on the side.

But Dylan had kept his promise, just as he’d kept every other promise he’d made to her so far. It had been a long time since she’d let herself feel the joy of wanting someone, and being wanted right back. Just as she’d relished the glorious hours in his arms two nights ago, she decided it was okay to relish this lovely warm feeling in her chest right now.


“Have I mentioned just how much I love the sound of your voice?”

Just like that, he had her flushing, heat moving through her. “It’s really nice hearing yours, too. How was your flight?”

“Good. Although I may have driven myself a little crazy thinking about you the whole time. I’m so glad you’re still up. Once we get going tomorrow morning, it might be hard for me to catch you again, so I really needed to talk to you tonight. Tell me about your day.”

“Tatiana called and invited Mason and me to a surprise party for Mia that she’s throwing on her set.”

Bella Andre's Novels
» Tempt Me Like This (The Morrisons #2)
» Game for Seduction (Bad Boys of Football #2)
» Game For Love (Bad Boys of Football #1)
» Ecstasy
» I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
» Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football #3)
» Take Me (Take Me #1)
» Red Hot Reunion
» Tempt Me, Taste Me, Touch Me
» Love Me (Take Me #2)