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I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13) Page 46
Author: Bella Andre

Grace’s heart immediately started knocking around in her chest. She’d never been this nervous about something she’d written before, even during the past year and a half when it had been a struggle to get the words down. Writing about Dylan was so personal, so close to her heart, that she wanted it to be perfect. Needed it to be the best thing she’d ever written.

Dylan had augmented her great research with the best one-on-one interviews a journalist could dream of from her subject. All of the pieces for this story should have been there. But when she opened up the file again and read through it while Mason banged cars together on the floor, then toddled over them like a baby Godzilla, she couldn’t deny that something was still missing.

She replied to her editor’s email to let him know that she would be sending something over very soon, then settled Mason into his bouncy seat in the bathroom and took a quick shower. With Mia’s surprise party that afternoon, buying a present for it, and figuring out what to wear, she wouldn’t have time to work on her story again until tonight. Considering she’d redone the beginning a dozen times already, it was probably a good thing that she was getting away from her computer for a while so that she didn’t butcher the story by rewriting all the life out of it.

Because if there was one thing that she knew for sure, it was that her story about Dylan Sullivan should be as fun and as full of joy as the man himself. Anything less wouldn’t do him—or what he’d accomplished—justice.

* * *

Several hours later, Grace walked onto Tatiana Landon’s movie set holding Mason in one arm and a pretty wrapped gift in the other. She’d interviewed actors and actresses before, but no one of Tatiana’s caliber. The set was very impressive, the furniture from the 1920s authentic down to the finest detail.

When Tatiana had told her that she was working on a period film—and that she was more than a little nervous about pulling it off—Grace had marveled at her bravery. Most actresses would likely be happy to stick to what they had proved they were good at. Tatiana, on the other hand, clearly thrived on the challenge of learning a new skill set and reaching outside of what she already knew how to do so well. Ian Sullivan, Grace remembered with a small smile, had been so proud of his fiancée. The way he’d looked at Tatiana with so much love that it stole even Grace’s breath still stuck with her. It was the same way Ford had looked at Mia. The same way Rafe had looked at Brooke.

And the same way, she was finally ready to believe, that Dylan always looked at her.

“Yay, you’re here!” Tatiana rushed over and gave both of them a hug. “Wow, look at how much you’ve grown since I last saw you,” she said to Mason. “What a big boy you are!”

One day, Grace thought as she watched Mason smile shyly for the beautiful woman fawning over him, Tatiana was going to make an amazing mother. And Ian would be a great, and very protective, father. Just as he was a great, protective older brother.

“Mia isn’t here yet. I told her to come in thirty minutes. She thinks I need her help with finding another location in Seattle for a new scene in the movie.” Tatiana grinned. “She’s going to be so surprised when she sees everyone.”

“How many of Mia’s cousins were able to come?”

“Everyone on the West Coast. I hate that I couldn’t give enough lead time for the girls out in Maine and New York, but having everyone else and the kids here is pretty amazing. They can’t wait to meet you.”

What, Grace wondered, had Tatiana and Brooke told the other women about her? Especially since she and Dylan had only recently gone public with the fact that they were dating. Then again, hadn’t they all known something was up from that first dinner at Claudia and Max’s house?

Mason spotted the twins first, a boy and girl who looked to be just a little bit older.

“You must be Grace and Mason.” The twins’ mother had one of the friendliest smiles Grace had ever seen. “I’m Sophie, and this is Jackie and Smith.”

Mason was already wriggling to get down with the twins. “Looks like he wants to play.”

“I’ve set up an area over here for the kids with some toys so that it will be easier for us to keep an eye on them.”

Of course, Mason made a beeline for a colorful little drum. Jackie and Smith picked up their own little instruments, and soon the three of them were delightedly playing a song together.

“Looks like they’ve decided to form a band,” Grace joked.

“I should probably have left some of these noisy toys at home. But my kids really love them.”

“So does Mason. The first time he met Dylan’s mom, he immediately went to town playing drums in her kitchen with the pots and pans.”

“Claudia told me how much she adores watching him.”

“She’s really great with Mason. Like the grandmother he never had.” Grace hadn’t realized the words were coming until she said them and flushed hot at the insinuation that Claudia would be playing that role with Mason soon. It was too close to everything her ex had accused her of when she’d told him she was pregnant. But Grace wasn’t with Dylan so that she could become a part of his very important and wealthy family. She was with him because he made her happy. “I didn’t mean to imply that she…or that I...”

Grace finally stopped trying to take her foot out of her mouth when she realized Sophie was grinning like crazy.

“After chatting with Claudia about you and Mason, I’m sure she’d be thrilled if you did imply it! But before I make you any more uncomfortable by basically trying to hogtie you and your son to Dylan, how about I wave over one of the catering staff for a couple of glasses of champagne?”

It was barely late afternoon, but Grace knew a little bubbly would go a long way toward easing her nerves. “I’d like that.”

“I heard you’re a writer?”

“Yes, I write freelance articles. That’s how I met Dylan—I’m writing a piece on the heart of a sailor for Sailing Magazine.”

“I’m a librarian in San Francisco, so I’ll make sure we have extra copies on hand for our patrons.” A pretty brunette walked over with a small baby in her arms, and Sophie quickly made the introductions. “Megan, this is Grace. Her son, Mason, is playing drums with Jackie and Smith.”

“It’s so lovely to meet you,” Megan said.

“You, too. Your baby is gorgeous.” Grace moved closer so that she could better see his little face. “How old is he?”

Bella Andre's Novels
» Tempt Me Like This (The Morrisons #2)
» Game for Seduction (Bad Boys of Football #2)
» Game For Love (Bad Boys of Football #1)
» Ecstasy
» I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
» Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football #3)
» Take Me (Take Me #1)
» Red Hot Reunion
» Tempt Me, Taste Me, Touch Me
» Love Me (Take Me #2)