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The Book of Spells (Marriage to a Billionaire #4.5) Page 3
Author: Jennifer Probst

Maggie stuck out her tongue. Nick fought a chuckle.

“So, where were we? Oh, Dante. Well, last year we got a scare and thought we’d lose him. I kind of freaked out. I guess animals are our trigger button. I mean, come on, me and you never thought we’d have a happy ever after. Not possible with the dynamic duo from hell who birthed us. I started doubting I could keep making Michael happy, then I got crazed about the twins, and I was sunk right into the pit of doom.”

Nick sipped his wine. That tight feeling within him began to loosen. “What did you do?”

Maggie shrugged and plucked up her glass. “I had a bad few days. Got in a fight with Michael. Started believing my life was just an illusion ready to crack open. And then to boot, Dad called me.”

He almost sputtered on his wine. “What? You didn’t tell me Jed was bothering you? Son of a bitch, I’ll kill him.”

She waved her hand in the air. “I took care of it. He divorced wife number three, or four, I keep forgetting, and wanted to stop by for a family lunch. Of course, I told him no thanks, he laid a crapload of guilt on me, and I was reminded that most things don’t work out. I started thinking about that time he put me down in front of my friends when they were over, calling me a drain on society because the only thing I’d ever be good for is to breed since I was too dumb to have any type of career.”

He tightened his grip on the glass and swore he’d kill the man. “Mags, I’m sorry. He keeps surfacing like the proverbial bad penny and screwing with our heads.”

“Yeah, daddy dearest certainly knows what buttons to push. I got rid of him, but I kept remembering stuff. Dante ended up being ok, but I realized I walk the edge a lot. Hard to forget. Michael was patient with me, and waiting when I climbed out of the past, but I realized something else.”


“It’s not worth it, Nick. We got our shot at happiness, and it’s here. Today. Now. It’s never going to be perfect all the time, but if we keep leaping into the abyss at every bad challenge we face, we’re going to burn out.”

The truth of his sister’s words slammed through him. Broke him open. And made him bleed.

But it was a clean cut, getting rid of the junk and infection that festered, until it ran clear again.

“How’d you learn all this stuff?”

Maggie smiled. “Mama Conte. She’s like a witch, just knows what to tell me at the right time. Michael probably sicced her on me, thank God.”

Michael’s mother, aka Mama Conte, was both wise and knew how to crack through the barriers to get to the bone. Nick was happy his sister had a mother figure in her life who saw how beautiful she was, inside and out. “Yeah, Alexa is a bit of a witch herself. She’s...special.”

Maggie nodded. “I know. But so are we. A bit more screwed up, but deserving. Don’t you think?”

Yeah. Once again, he did believe that. He’d just lost his way a bit.

His wife popped her head back in with a frown. “What’s going on in there? It’s way too quiet.”

Maggie winked and squeezed his hand. “Nothing, just made my older brother speechless. As usual.”

“Uh, oh. Anything I need to know about?”

They shared a look. “Nope,” Maggie said. She took another long sip of wine and stood up. “But I gotta go babe. Time to save Michael, he’s been with the twins a while now and I only got one text. Alarming.”

“Bye. Love you,” Alexa called.

Nick called out a goodbye and watched his sister leave. The vise around his chest had finally loosened. And he knew what he had to do.


Later that night, he sat by his dog, in the dim light, and waited. Dr. Jack told him it was still touch and go, but he was staying strong. The next twelve hours was critical to see if he could gather enough strength to pull through.

He contemplated things in the quiet. How far they’d both come from the beginning. The joy in their life, with the birth of the girls, and the introduction of a new puppy. The way Old Yeller would lay in the children’s nursery every night, protecting them. The way he handled Simba crawling over him, the girls tugging at his almost nonexistent tail until Nick caught on to the game, and the way he gazed at the true love of his life, Alexa. The woman who had scooped him up from an abusive past, from a lonely shelter, and fought wildly for a chance to make him hers.

Nick came to peace with his thoughts, with his memories, and soaked up the presence of his companion. Then finally spoke.

“You’re a great dog. You gave me something special, a chance with my wife I thought I’d screwed up for good. I don’t want you to leave me, but I promise if it’s your time, I won’t screw up again. I’ll make it right. And I’ll see you over at Rainbow Bridge.”

Old Yeller didn’t open his eyes or bark or wag his tail. But it was ok.

And Nick waited.


When he opened up the door, Alexa waited for him in the foyer. Lily stood by her side, a solemn figure, blue eyes wide with expectation. Simba sat at her feet, for the first time not squirming or trying to get into trouble. As if he knew the news was dire, he whined softly and didn’t even budge to greet him as Nick faced his family.

His voice broke slightly. “He’s going to be ok. He woke up and he’s going to be ok.”

Alexa and Lily squealed, and Simba barked, running rampant circles around and around in celebration. Nick laughed and took them into the circle. “I’m gonna tell Maria!” Lily screamed.

“Honey, she’s napping, she’s—“

“Let her.” Nick grinned. “I promise I’ll take the consequences.”

Alexa laughed. “Ok, but you asked for it.”

Lily raced up the stairs and Simba followed.

“Tell me everything.”

“Dr. Jack said he’ll be fine. They got it all out, and his vital signs are strong and healthy. He needs lots of rest, which will be interesting with his buddy romping around, but I purchased one of those big orthopedic beds, and we’ll just keep a close eye on him. He’s going to make it, Alexa.”

Her eyes brimmed with tears and she hugged him hard. Nick buried his face in her hair, the sweet scent of strawberry drifting in his nose, the strong heat of her body pressed against his.

“I’m sorry I’ve been difficult lately. Just had to sort through some stuff.”

She held him tighter, her h*ps cradling his, the years of lovemaking and dancing and life fitting them together with ease. “I know. I’m just glad you’re back with me. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

His mouth took hers, deep and hard and hungry. His tongue dove, took, gave back, and feasted with pure pleasure. Her moan made him want to roar like a caveman who claimed his mate. When he finally eased back, her lips trembled, and her dazed gaze met his.

“Since Maria missed her nap, she’s going to bed early tonight, right?”

She blinked, trying to follow the conversation. “Yeah. I think. Why?”

He grinned. “I say let’s get them both down after dinner. I have some serious stuff to do with my wife. And to her.”

She smiled back. “As Maggie would say, ‘Bring it.’”

“Oh, trust me, I will.”

They laughed and turned to face the squealing girls as they came running down the stairs.

God, he was happy. And for now, that was enough.

The End

Jennifer Probst's Novels
» Everywhere and Every Way (Billionaire Builders #1)
» Searching for Always (Searching For #4)
» Searching for Beautiful (Searching For #3)
» The Book of Spells (Marriage to a Billionaire #4.5)
» The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1)
» The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire #2)
» The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionaire #3)
» The Marriage Merger (Marriage to a Billionaire #4)
» Catch Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #1)
» Play Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #2)
» Dare Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #3)
» Searching for Someday (Searching For #1)
» The Holiday Hoax
» All the Way