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The Storm (The Storm #3.5) Page 15
Author: Samantha Towle

Even now, Bob is a wealthy man from what Jonny left them, but he doesn’t mirror his riches with how he lives.

I guess the money is something Bob will need to take into consideration, now that Jonny has an heir. I’ll talk with him about that later.

Right now, I just want to talk to my wife and kids.

As I step into Jonny’s old room, a hundred memories wash over me.

The room hasn’t changed. It’s still a shrine to Jonny’s memory.

The posters of naked chicks and bands are on the walls. Jonny’s old music sheets and his first ever guitar, his Fender Stratocaster, are propped up on a guitar stand. A mini guitar amp and guitar pedal are sitting on the floor next to it.

Even after all these years, I can still smell my youth in here with the lingering cigarette smoke and stench of grungy teenage boys who didn’t realize that showering regularly would be a good start to getting girls.

It brings a sad smile to my lips.

I drop my bag on the floor and sit on the edge of the bed.

I stare over at a framed picture on the desk of Jonny, Tom, Denny, and me. It was taken right before we did our official first gig as The Mighty Storm. I remember shitting myself that night. Jonny was calm as fuck, like he just knew he was born to be up onstage.

Sucking in a breath, I shut my eyes.

“Why did you have to fucking die?” I breathe the words out. Opening my eyes, I focus in on him in the picture. “You should be here, Jon. You should be here with your kid.”

Rubbing my eyes dry, I get my cell from my pocket and FaceTime Tru’s cell. I need to see my family’s beautiful faces as well as hear their voices right now.

“Hey, baby,” she answers.

The sight of Tru’s face and the sound of her soothing voice ease me.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m better now,” I tell her with a smile.

She smiles back, lighting up her face. “How did it go with Storm?”

I let out a breath, my fingers rubbing my forehead. “Not great. He didn’t want to talk to us. He stormed off to his bedroom. Tiffany suggested we go back later for dinner after she’s had time to talk to him.”

“Makes sense. He’s thirteen and going through a lot right now. His emotions have got to be all over the place.”

“Yeah, I just…”

“Patience, Jake. I know you don’t have much of it, but you’re gonna need it in spades with this kid.”

“I’m trying.” I give a weak smile that I know she totally doesn’t buy.

“How’s Bob doing?”

“He’s holding up. I spoke to him about him and Storm moving in with us. He agrees it’s the right thing. Just need to speak to Tiffany and Storm about it now.”

“What’s Storm like?”

“Exactly like Jonny.” As I say the words, the emotions I’ve been holding in all day come out, my eyes filling with tears.

I don’t have to pretend in front of Tru. She’s the only one I can ever be myself with.

“It was like I went back in time, and I was thirteen years old with Jonny standing in front of me.”

“Oh, honey,” she whispers, touching her fingers to the screen.

I press my fingertips against hers on the small screen of my cell.

“It was just a shock, seeing him, you know?” I move my hand from the screen and dry my eyes on my sleeve.

“I know, baby. So…you’re going back tonight for dinner?”

“Yeah. Hopefully, we can spend some time with Storm and talk to Tiffany about where we go from here.”

“Is that Dad?”

I hear JJ’s voice in the background.

Tru’s head turns slightly. “Yeah. You wanna talk to him?”

The next thing I see is JJ’s face.

“Hey, Dad. Guess what?” His brown eyes are all bright, and he has this huge smile on his face.

My heart feels lighter seeing him. He looks so much like Tru. Belle does, too. Only Billy has my black hair and blue eyes.

“What?” I smile.

“At school today, in recess, we were playing soccer—the boys from my class against the boys from the grade above us. We totally won! And the best thing? I scored the winning goal!”

“That’s amazing, JJ!” I exclaim. “I wish I could have been there to see it.”

“Yeah, me, too! It was so awesome, Dad. You would’ve loved it.”

The next thing I hear is, “JJ! Where are you?”

The sound of Belle’s squeaky voice makes me chuckle.

“I’m in Mom and Dad’s room, talking to Dad,” he tells her.

“Dada’s home?”

“No, he’s on the phone. You wanna talk to him?”

“Gimme phone.”

The phone starts to move, and I’m guessing that Belle is grabbing at it.

JJ laughs. “Love you, Dad,” he gets in before Belle wrestles the phone from him.

“Love you, too,” I call out.

Then, I see Belle as she holds the phone up close to her face.

“Dada, guess what?”

“What?” I smile at her.

“I got mawwied today.”

I freeze. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Mawwied. I got mawwied, Dada.”

“Um…who to?”

“Cweed Cawter.”

“Uncle Tom’s Creed?”

“Uh-huh. Aunt Wywa, Cweed, and baby Woni came to pway. Aunt Mimone and her huge tummy and Fwankie came, too.”

Tom and Lyla have two kids. Creed is the same age as Belle, and Joni is six months old. Simone and Denny just have Frankie at the moment—who’s six, the same age as Billy—but Simone is pregnant with twins, and she’s due in a few months.

Samantha Towle's Novels
» Revived (Revved #2)
» Revved (Revved #1)
» The Ending I Want
» The Storm (The Storm #3.5)
» Unsuitable
» Trouble
» Wethering the Storm (The Storm #2)
» The Mighty Storm (The Storm #1)
» The Bringer