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Curves for the Prince Page 4
Author: Adriana Hunter

The rhythm he set was slow but it sped up as their bodies strained for each other's. Rachel cried out as she stretched and opened for his heavy firm prick. Her legs wrapped around him, her fingernails scratched his back and he grabbed her hands, holding them above her head while his lean h*ps moved more rapidly.

"Oh that feels so good!" Rachel cried.

"Do you want to come for me?"

"Yes, yes please I do!"

Matt ground his teeth together and thrust faster, enjoying the feeling of her snug walls wrapped around him. "Come right now then, come for me."

"Oh!" she cried out and her p**sy began to spasm in a pulsing orgasm that was met and matched by the feel of his c*ck throbbing inside her as his hot white come splattered inside the condom.

They collapsed and for long seconds they lay there, breathing hard and enjoying the aftershocks and the languor that was left behind. Matt rolled over, his hands reaching for her and pulling him close to his side. As she lay there he couldn't help but consider how good she felt there, how right. He could not, for the life of him, imagine Laura lying beside him in bed.

Guilt crashed in. What had he done? He was in bed with a woman he didn't even know, a bartender and one who might even sell the whole dirty story to the tabloids! He fought the urge to panic. The truth was, he didn't really much care if the story broke, or if Laura broke the engagement because of it. He didn't want to marry her anyway.

He wondered if he had deliberately chosen to take Rachel to bed just to sabotage that wedding but before he could examine that thought she spoke. "I don't even know your name!"

She was a little stunned by that fact and her words, while light, concealed the unexpected rush of guilt that had surfaced.

"I'm Hal Lyons." The lie confused him even as he told it. Hal was his bodyguard.

"I'm Rachel, Hal. Hello and good to meet you," she laughed a rather shaky laugh and started to get up. "I have to figure out how to get out of here. It's almost five o'clock in the morning and the maids and kitchen staff will be on their way, I can't be seen leaving a room. I could lose my job over it."

He didn't want her to go. Surprised at that reaction kept him silent and she got up and dressed silently. Gray early morning light filtered through a tiny crack in the long drapes and he could see the red chafe marks forming on the perfect white skin around her wrists, souvenirs of their night together.

Rachel tried to button her coat, she stared down at the loose threads where buttons had been and the enormity of what had happened came home to her. She had broken the most sacred rule of the Adams; she had had sex with a guest. Her face flamed and her fingers shook. Matt saw her desperate attempt to get the coat together and he stood.

He pulled his wallet out and took several hundred-dollar bills from it, "I promised you a new coat."

The words stung. She knew he had said that very thing and while she had not thought anything about them when he had uttered them the sight of the crisp bills in his hand angered her. "I'm not a whore! You don't have to buy me anything!"

She fled before she could say anything else. Tears threatened but she blinked them back and made her way to the elevator, getting off on the first floor instead of the lowest so that she could sneak out of the entrance the guests used. She knew if she got caught there she would be in trouble but if she got caught in the staff hallway she would have to explain what she was doing there that time of day and with her coat buttons torn and her hair a mess as well. Not like it would need much explanation.

She had not forgotten about the cameras installed there to ensure the safety of rich and important guests, she pulled a scarf over her hair and hid her face by ducking it down into her coat's collar. She hoped her bare legs would help to disguise her identity as all of the female staff that wore that same white and black uniform she wore were required to wear dark hose.

She made it out and into the frozen morning air. Instantly she was assaulted with the cacophony of the city, sounds that never made it into the hotel. Car horns honked and buses shuddered to stops along the curb. Sleepy people stumbled past; a yellow cab zoomed up, its driver giving her a questioning look. She ignored him.

The cold made her shake but she ignored that too. She had never done anything that wild in her life and she wasn't sure how to handle it. What was more she wasn't sure how to handle the intense feelings that he had summoned up in her. She wasn't used to behaving boldly or being seduced by men who obviously found her attractive; she had always been the shy girl, the girl the guys went to talk about the girls they really liked, the girl you could count on to be there when you needed a friend.

She paused, causing an older man who was walking his overweight beagle to run into her back. He muttered a curse that roused her from her reverie and she stared after him before starting to walk again, her hands shoved deeply into her pockets.

What am I going to do? What if he comes into the bar tonight? Would he want me to come up to his room again? She glumly acknowledged that if he did she would go. Her p**sy ached, as did the muscles of her inner thighs, the walking made her even more aware of that.

I'll just wait and see what happens, she thought as she turned the key in the lock and opened the door to her apartment. The second she stepped inside she knew something was wrong. Her eyes darted to the heaps of dirty clothes piled on the sofa and the ashtray on the coffee table. A half- eaten pizza sat on one end of the sofa and next to it sat Kyle.

"Hey there sweetie," he said cheerfully, "Where have you been?"

"You're a coward." Matt stared at his reflection in the mirror and his reflection stared back without blinking. He had never run from anything in his life and yet he had blatantly lied to a gorgeous woman who had sparked true and primal desire in him for the first time in years.

Women always seemed to be attracted to his wealth or his title or his good looks but rarely did they seem to be even slightly interested in him as a person. There was something about Rachel that made him want to confide in her, to tell her his darkest secrets and most outlandish fantasies.

He had a feeling if he told her he often considered tossing his title and living out his life on a long stretch of beach, she would not be horrified like Laura had been when he had said something to that effect a few weeks before. He had the feeling Rachel would understand his feelings.

"Yeah sure. Because she knows you're a Prince, you couldn't wait to tell her."

He sighed and looked around the penthouse, the one he had spent the night in with her and caught sight of her panties still on the tossed sheets. He picked them up, caressing the material gently with the ball of his thumb. He put them in the pocket of his coat and walked out into the adjoining suite.

He closed the door firmly and none too soon. His personal assistant Paul hurried in, "Oh, good, you're awake." He blinked, "Good heavens man, did you sleep in your clothes?"

"I was up late looking over some figures and fell asleep in a chair." Yet another lie. His disgust with himself grew.

Paul went on, "You have to get on a plane this morning, now in fact. We have to get back to London immediately."

Matt stopped listening. His heart sank. He knew he had to leave but he wanted to stay, if for no other reason to explain to Rachel he had not meant to insult her by offering her money. He yanked his attention back to Paul just as the man said, "I've already ordered your bags packed and the plane to be readied. We can talk in the car. It will take at least two hours to get to the airport in this traffic."

"I have to shower and dress, then we can leave."

And maybe I can figure out a way to get a message to Rachel without costing her this job. He knew that wouldn't be possible but he wished it were, even as the car pulled away from the hotel.

Rachel went to work that night with an aching head and sore feet. She had had to deal with Kyle, and that had not resulted in her ousting him from her apartment, though she wished it had. The insufferable creature had pulled out the tattered copy of their once shared lease; he was still listed as a tenant in the place. She had forgotten to have him removed and she found herself regretting that oversight seriously when he had asked her what was for breakfast and if she had some money for the washing machine and dryers in the apartments shared laundry facilities.

She had two weeks left on the lease and right before she had slammed the bedroom door in his face she had told him in no uncertain terms she would be moving out and he could go to hell. She had checked her bedroom carefully and had gone to great pains to make sure there was nothing in the place that he could use to get himself some money.

Well, there's the television, she thought as she took her place behind the bar. I guess he could sell it and the DVD player. If it would get him out of there I would give him that willingly. She had hidden her cash in the freezer and it had all been there, she had taken it to the bank on her way to class.

She rubbed one foot along her other calf. It had been a long day, she had two classes and a four-hour shift at her other job and then the phone call saying that Renee, the Adams regular dinner shift bartender, was out with the flu, and she was exhausted.

She was grateful for the stressful events of the day and even the exhaustion, they had kept the memories of the night before at bay. Or they had, that is until June walked in and plopped down on a chair at the bar.

Her face was glum and her fragile form was clad in one of her signature looks: Black jeans with ripped out knees, a black and red striped skinny tee and knee high sneakers with a checkerboard pattern. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun and dark glasses hid her eyes.

"Can I have a Mojito?" She asked. "And no, I don't need any reminders of that alleged incident last night."

Rachel had to bite back a smile. "Yes ma'am, one Mojito."

"No wait, f**k it. I want Limoncello, do you have that?" At Rachel's nod she said, "Make me a lemon drop."

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard of that. I will have to look it up."

"No, listen here is what you do...." Rachel followed her instructions and set the chilled glass in front of her. June took a slow sip and nodded. "That's it. That's perfect."

"I can't take the credit for that."

"Well I guess if my singing career goes tits up I can always get a job tending bar." June said and then she set the drink down. For the first time Rachel noticed how small the woman was. "Hey, am I crazy or did I see Prince Matthew in here last night?"

"Prince Mathew?" Her confusion was obvious and June elaborated, "I was so wasted but I swear I saw Prince Mathew sitting up here at the bar last night."

You're a real prince... that had been June's words to Hal...wait, was Hal...that thought was utterly preposterous. Or was it?

"I'm sure I don't know."

"It was the craziest thing," June said as she picked her glass up again. "As they were carrying me back into the hotel I swear I saw him again, outside, at a bus stop. How crazy is that, what the hell would he have been doing at a bus stop? He's one of the richest men in the world." She looked up as Rachel dropped the glass she had been holding on the hard floor behind the bar.

"Sorry, can you excuse me? I have to get the broom and clean that up." Rachel blurted, leaving before June could say anything else. In the tiny supply closet she closed the door and stood in the dark, astonishment paralyzing her. Had she slept with a Prince? Okay, maybe not such a prince given the way he had tried to fork over a wad of cash as she was leaving...she shook her head to clear it, knowing she was being unfair, he had wanted to pay for the damage to her coat. Or had he? It was too confusing and she could feel tears slipping down her cheeks. She blotted her eyes and went back out to the bar, June's husband had joined her and neither of them seemed very happy to see the other.

Adriana Hunter's Novels
» Surrender (Guilty Pleasures #1)
» Stripped (Guilty Pleasures #2)
» Submission (Guilty Pleasures #3)
» Learning Curve (Plus Size Loving #1)
» Knock Out Curves (Plus Size Loving #5)
» Heartstrings (Rock with You #1)
» Broken Melody (Rock with You #2)
» Last Dance (Rock with You #3)
» Master of Pleasure
» Rock Hard (Seduced By The Rockstar #1)
» Red Hot Revenge
» Rock Bottom (Seduced By The Rockstar #2)
» The King's Virgin
» Rock Solid (Seduced By The Rockstar #3)
» Taming the Alpha (Wild Obsession #1)
» Claiming The Alpha (Wild Obsession #2)
» Billionaire's Bribe
» Curves for the Prince
» For Keeps
» Killer Among Us