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Wanted (Wanted #1) Page 18
Author: Kelly Elliott

I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth and Ellie lifted further up on her toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. Holy f**king shit….I’ve died and gone to heaven. Pure heaven……… I slowly started to lift her off the ground as I wrapped my arms around her. I knew my erection was pressing into her body but I didn’t give two shits. All I cared about was showing her how much I wanted her. She needed to know she was wanted.

If I died today I would die a happy man. I’d never in my life experienced such a kiss before. I was overwhelmed by the sensation and my whole body was on fire from her touch.

I slowly started to slide her body back down along my body until her feet touched the ground. We both pulled away from each other only when we finally ran out of breath. I was completely breathless. Ellie’s chest was moving up down at a rapid pace. I stared into her eyes and she stared back into mine. I would remember this moment for the rest of my life.

I wasn’t sure what she was going to say or do but the moment the smile spread across her face…..I wanted to jump up and down and do a few fist pumps. YES!

My sweet beautiful Ellie. I would never give up on her……ever………



The moment Gunner’s hand came up to my face I thought I was going to faint. His touch was so much better than any dream or fantasy could ever be. But his kiss……

Oh. My. God! His kiss was my undoing. I had never felt so much emotion in just a single kiss. I wrapped my arms around his necked and prayed to God he would never let me go. When he picked me up I thought I was going to explode. I could not help the small moan that escaped from my mouth. I wanted to stay in this moment for the rest of my life.

Then I felt his erection. I could no longer doubt that this boy did indeed want me. Shit…I was going to owe Ari that purse. I had felt Ryan’s erection plenty of times but it never had this kind of an effect on me. The throbbing ache in-between my legs was driving me crazy. I needed relief and was not sure how to get it.

Gunner slowly started to slide me down his body. Holy fuck….I just wanted to crawl inside his body and never leave. My god he was HUGE from what I could tell. I mean…I don’t have much experience but from what I could feel…..he was definitely not on the small side. My stomach was doing flips. I was going to have to tell Ari about this and get her thoughts on the matter.

We pulled away from the kiss at the same time. I could hardly catch my breath. My chest must have been heaving up and down because he looked down at it and quickly looked into my eyes. We stood there and looked into each other’s eyes for what seemed like forever. I never ever wanted to forget this moment. I needed to lock it away so that I could pull it out anytime I needed it.

I was scared to death to say anything. That had been one of the most amazing moments of my life. I have felt more alive with Gunner in the last 24 hours than I had my whole life. The way he made me feel with that kiss was beyond anything I had ever felt before. He made me feel……..wanted.

The warm sensation that was still traveling through my body caused me to smile. I needed him to know how he had just made me feel. As soon as I smiled up at him, he smiled that damn crooked smile back at me. I never in my life felt the desire I was feeling right now. If we had been alone somewhere I might not have been able to stop, I would have wanted more of him. I KNOW I would not have been able to stop. I felt the blush creep up into my cheeks for the thoughts I was having. Gunner reached up and ran the back of his hand down the side of my face.

“I love to see you blush Ellie. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.” Gunner said with such a soft sweet voice.

Oh wow! Ohhh……I mean…..wow……….Okay…….Breathe Ellie….that was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.

I let out a small laugh and looked down. “Um, thank you Gunner. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up towards him. “Well that is a damn shame because I’ve wanted to tell you that all day.” He reached down and kissed me softly one more time then said against my lips…..

”Shall we head over to Ari’s house now? I’m sure Jeff is waiting for you.”

Wait…Jefferson was at Ari’s house?

“Jefferson is at Ari’s house? Well that should be interesting the two of them together….alone. They will kill each other!” I said with a laugh as Gunner laughed along with me and grabbed my hand. We started to walk back to his truck and I thought about what he had said earlier to the valet guy about me being his girl. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I couldn’t help but smile. Could Gunner really be interested in me that way? Or was this attraction just because I was something that was always “Off limits” to him before?

Was I some kind of challenge for him?

No, I really didn’t think so but….I was going to keep my guard up that was for sure. I would not allow myself to be hurt again. I’d been hurt enough to last me a life time.

I literally felt like I was walking on cloud nine all the way back to the truck. I kept looking up at Gunner who was walking with the cutest damn smile on his face. I wonder if our kiss had affected him as much as it had me. Gunner held my door open and helped me up in to the truck.

He picked up my right hand. It was not nearly as swollen as it had been. He gently brought it up to his mouth and kissed it. I smiled at him and wondered what type of a family he came from. His mother sure did raise this boy right! I loved that he had kissed my body three different times in the last few minutes. I loved how his lips felt against my skin. I would forever long for his kisses now.

“How does your hand feel sweetheart? Do you need to take a pain pill?” Gunner asked has he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. Kisses and Gunner playing with my hair……..

Oh yes, a girl could get very use to this if she let he guard down which I was NOT going to do.

“I had forgotten all about it until just now!”

Gunner just smiled at me. “Good Ellie sweetheart. I want to take away all your pain. I’m sorry I reminded you about it. We’ll stop at the store and pick up a few waters on our way.” I smiled at him as he shut the door and walked around his truck.

God, with what just happened between Gunner and me and Jefferson alone with Ari…..my mother was a million miles away and I was happy. I was so happy for the first time in a very long time.

Gunner started his truck and Ne-Yo’s “Let Me Love You” started from his iPod. Gunner looked over at me and gave me that panty melting smile.

“What a perfect song.” He said as he reached over and took my hand. Gunner gave my hand a squeeze as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Here I thought just thirty seconds ago was the happiest I had ever been….now I was really floating on cloud nine! I could not tear my eyes away from him, he was singing along to the song and my heart just dropped into my stomach. This guy was too good to be true. If I was not careful I might start falling in love with him…….or maybe it was too late…………………



I couldn’t believe it when Ne-Yo’s song started to play. Talk about perfect f**king timing. This was turning out to be the best goddamn day of my life. I was still flying from the kiss Ellie and I shared. By the way Ellie had been smiling the last hour I would say her mother and what happened earlier this afternoon was far from her mind.

Jeff sent me a text letting me know he was going to meet us at Ari’s once he was able to leave work but I needed to make one more stop now to pick up Ellie’s graduation gift. We bought some waters at the store so she could take her pain meds. I looked over at her and she looked tired, poor thing must be emotionally exhausted. It looked like she was fighting to keep her eyes open.

I pulled up and parked outside of James Avery. I saw Ellie tense up out of the corner of my eye. I knew what she was probably thinking. It had to be running through her head who I was buying jewelry for. Fuck I hated that she doubted herself so much.

“You want to run in with me or wait out here?” I asked hoping that by me inviting her in it would ease her mind….or….it might make her think I was a totally dick for buying another girl jewelry and asking her to come in while I bought it. Fuck me…..

“Um, no that’s okay. I’m going to give Jefferson a call. I can’t imagine what must be going on with him and Ari alone in her house!”

“Alright, give me two minutes then!” I said as I tried to give her a reassuring smile. She smiled back at me but the smile looked forced, not happy like it had just a little bit ago. SHIT!

“Ellie…….I’m not buying jewelry for another girl. I want you to know that okay?” I said as I placed my hand along the side of her precious face. How can one girl get in my heart and latch onto it this fast and this hard?

Ellie smiled a bit bigger and I saw her body relax just a little.

“Gunner you certainly don’t owe me any explanations of what you are buying. It is none of my business really.”

I let out a small laugh. I wanted so badly to tell her after a kiss like that, it sure as f**k was her business. I had to remember slow…..slow and steady. Last thing I wanted to do was spook her.

I jumped out of the truck and went into the store.

“Hello may I help you?” The short blonde working behind the counter quickly came out and was practically falling all over me. Maybe it was a good thing Ellie didn’t come in.

“Hi, I um, I called in earlier this morning about a silver daisy charm that y’all were going to put on a chain for me. The last name is Mathews.”

The blonde just about jumped for joy. “That was me you talked to this morning! What a wonderful choice. Daisies are my absolute favorite flower. We did indeed have the size of chain you requested and have it all ready for you. Let me show you.”

I followed her over to the other counter. She went in the back and came out holding a small jewelry box. After she handed it to me she leaned against the counter and waited for me to open it. I knew what she was doing but I was not about to look up. She already had on a low cut shirt and I’m sure she was doing her best to show her assets off.

No thanks.

“Would you like this gift wrapped? Is this for your mother or your sister?” Nice one but two can play at this game.

“Neither, it is for someone very special. She’s having a big day tomorrow.” I looked up to see the smile on her face fade. For about two seconds I felt kind of bad.

“Um, not be rude but I think I’ll just take it without the gift wrap. I’m in a bit of a hurry.” I said as I looked back out towards the parking lot. I could see Ellie sitting in the truck still and it looked like she was on her phone.

I paid, got the necklace and headed out. Ellie was still on the phone when I got back in the truck. I slid the box up under my seat and she didn’t even notice she was so deep in conversation with Jeff.

Kelly Elliott's Novels
» Broken (Broken #1)
» Wanted (Wanted #1)
» Saved (Wanted #2)
» Faithful (Wanted #3)
» Believe: A Wanted Christmas (Wanted #3.5)