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Wanted (Wanted #1) Page 23
Author: Kelly Elliott

“Ellie, why don’t y’all head into my room and get some sleep okay honey?” Jeff said without looking up.

“WHAT?! You really think either one of us wants to go and sleep in a bed you just FUCKED a girl in! No thank you Jefferson. I’m calling a cab and we are going back to Ari’s house.” Jeff flinched when Ellie shouted the word f**ked.

“Ellie, no don’t leave sweetheart. Ari has had way too much to drink. You both can sleep in my room tonight.” I said as I stood up and walked Ellie away from Jeff.

“I can’t believe he did this Gunner! I just can’t believe it! Ari just told me what he said about her losing her virginity. Oh my god Gunner……this….. this person sitting here is NOT my brother!” Ellie was now on the verge of tears. She looked over my shoulder at Jeff and screamed out, “You are just like mom! You drink and you spit out hateful hurtful things you prick!” Ellie pulled out of my arms and started to walk into the house.

I turned around to look at Jeff and saw something I never thought I would see……..he was crying as he watched Ellie walk back into the house.



I was shaking from head to toe after I walked back in the house from yelling at Jefferson. The moment Ari told me what Jefferson had said to her earlier in the night I thought I was going to throw up. It all made sense now. I was wondering why Ari had been dancing so provocatively with a few guys. I noticed Jefferson a few times watching her but had I known what he said.

Oh. My. God…..he was such a prick! I was mad at myself also. If I had not slipped and said Ari was still a virgin Jefferson would have never have said anything to her.

THEN……to see him walk out of his bedroom with that whore who had been hanging on him all night. I couldn’t believe it. If he did this kind of shit at each party maybe it was for the best if we made this our first and our last party.

I had to stop and settle my anger. I was not only pissed at Jefferson but that f**king Crysti chick had been hanging all over Gunner when we walked into the living room. It looked as though he was trying to push her away but…..if my own brother could do it……I got a glass of water and drank it down quick. I was feeling sick to my stomach. Ari was now just sitting on the sofa lost in thought.


“Ari, honey let’s go get changed and go lay down. I’m not feeling very well.” I said as I walked in front of her.

“There is NO FUCKING way I am sleeping in his bed Ellie…..NO….I will walk home if I have to. No…not after what he did in there with that slut. Did you see her smile at me when she came out of his room? Did you see that? I mean….oh my god….she actually gloated right…right in my f**king face!”

Ari threw her hand up over her mouth……shit….I think she was about to get sick. Next thing I knew she was flying down the hall to Jefferson’s bathroom. Right then Gunner walked in with Jefferson. They both saw her go running by and down the hall.

“What’s wrong?” Gunner asked me as he walked in.

“Ari is about to throw up. Shit! Shit! Shit! Do you have a towel I can get wet to bring to her?” I asked Gunner as I turned and saw him walking into the kitchen. He was already making his way to the sink with a small towel and running it under warm water. My goodness….this guy was too much. Everything he did made my heart skip a beat. I walked over and stood next to him. I bumped his arm with my shoulder.

“You really are something else do you now that?!” I said with a smile. Gunner smiled at me and handed me the towel. Just then I heard Ari yelling.

“DON’T TOUCH ME! DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME! Get the f**k away from me you f**king a**hole!”

“SHIT!” Gunner and I both said it at the same time as we ran towards the bathroom. Jefferson was standing in the bathroom holding a towel out for Ari, trying to hold her hair back. He looked completely shell shocked.

Ari was throwing up bad and when she wasn’t throwing up she was screaming for Jefferson to leave her alone.

I walked up and took Ari’s hair out of Jefferson’s hands. Jefferson just stepped back out of my way.

“Gunner….please get him out of here. He’s only making it worse.”

Gunner nodded his head and lead Jefferson out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.

Ari just kept say “Oh.My.God……Ohhhhh my god!!!” Over and over. I wasn’t sure if it was the thought of seeing Jefferson coming out of his room with another girl or if it was the alcohol that was making her so sick. It was probably both.

Once it seemed like she could not possibly throw up anymore she sat back and leaned against the wall. The tears where just pouring out of her eyes.

She started to laugh. “Oh my fuckin’ holy shitin’ son of a bicthin’ hell……how could I be so f**king stupid? What would make me think he would ever be interested in me Ells? So f**king stupid!” Ari shouted out.

I bent down and pushed her hair back behind her ears. “Stop crying right now Ari. What would your mother say right now if she saw you? She’d be pissed and probably telling you some stupid Katharine Hepburn quote. Pull yourself together…..you’re a beautiful, smart young women. Come on…..let’s get you to bed. You’ll see, in the morning you will feel so much better sweets.”

Ari stood up and I helped her across the hall into Gunner’s room. It had been the third time I had been in his room. Well really the second time being fully in his room. I still could not get over how neat he was!

I helped Ari get her shoes off and her shirt. She pulled her shirt up over her head and crawled under the covers. I swear as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out.

I picked up her clothes and laid them over a chair. I walked over to Gunner’s dresser and looked at the few pictures he had. One picture was of an older couple. They looked so happy and so much in love. I bet these where his grandparents. Then there was a family picture. A handsome young man in a military uniform and a very beautiful girl, she must have been in her late 20’s or early 30’s along with a very handsome boy. This must be Gunner and his parents. I had to smile at the little crooked smile he had even then. There were a few other pictures of just the young women. She really was beautiful. She had shoulder length brown hair and beautiful green eyes. Gunner had her smile.

I looked back at Ari who was sound asleep. I guess I should go clean up the bathroom. I walked into the hall and stopped when I heard Jefferson and Gunner talking. I shouldn’t have but I put my head up to the door so I could hear them.

“Jeff man you got to explain how the f**k you ended up sleeping with f**king Rebecca. You can’t even stand her.” I heard Gunner trying to whisper.

“I don’t know okay?! I had too much to drink and she was f**king coming on to me all f**king night. Then watching Arianna out there practically dry humping every f**king guy she was dancing with….I. Don’t. Know. I just snapped. I sure as shit couldn’t have Ari. Rebecca kept hinting around about hav**g s*x and I guess I just gave in.”

I could not believe my ears. My own brother….all I could think of was Ryan and how he said almost the same exact thing. Maybe my mother was right….all men are just out for one thing.

NO…not Jefferson….I won’t believe he did this on purpose. He needs to explain to me why he just broke my best friend’s heart.

“You just gave in? That’s f**king bullshit and you know it. You were pissed at Ari before she even got here Jeff. You did this on purpose dude. You might not realize you did it on purpose but you did. You invited Rebecca here knowing that she was going to be hanging on you all night. You might not have planned to sleep with her but you did. You were trying to push Ari away Jeff and I think you were successful by what I just heard her yell out in the bathroom.”

“You don’t think I can see that? It f**king killed me when she was screaming at me not to touch her. Knowing I’m the one who caused this…..oh god…….it’s tearing me up inside Gunner. I’m no better than that f**ker who hurt Ellie…..and worse of all…..I not only hurt Ari, I hurt Ellie. Oh god….did you see how she was looking at me Gun? I f**ked up with Ellie big time.”

“Dude you f**ked up with Ari big time also. You know the girl likes you….what’s with this you don’t like her bullshit.” Gunner asked Jefferson.

“I don’t understand my feelings for Ari. She has me so f**king messed up all the goddamn time. She has for at least the last 5 f**king years. FUCK!” Jefferson shouted so loud it caused me to jump and my elbow hit the door.

“Come in.” I heard Jefferson say.

FUCK A DUCK! Shit…..I slowly opened the door and saw Jefferson and Gunner both sitting on the end of Jefferson’s bed. I looked at the bed and it was a mess. I instantly felt sick to my stomach knowing what had happened in here not too long ago. I put my hands up to my mouth in a reflex. Gunner jumped up and ran over to me.

“Ellie what’s wrong sweetheart? Are you sick? Do you need to throw up?” Gunner asked as he bent down to look into my face. I shook my head no and slowly dropped my hand away from my mouth. Just the feel of Gunner’s hands on my shoulders instantly calmed my nerves. I looked around Gunner and saw Jefferson sitting there staring at me.

OH. MY. GOD…..he had tears running down his face.

My first instinct was to run to him. I had never in my life seen him cry. I looked up at Gunner who was still looking down at me with worry in his eyes. I took a step back to get out of Gunner’s grip. Jefferson started to stand up and walk towards me.

“Don’t! Just…. don’t Jefferson. What you did tonight it was…it was just….I don’t even want to think about it anymore. I only wanted to let Gunner know that Ari is asleep in his room. Did you need anything out of your room? I could get it for you.” I said as I looked away from Jefferson and back to Gunner.

“Um, no it’s okay I’ll just wear a pair of Jeff’s shorts.” Gunner turned to look at Jefferson and then back at me. He walked me out of the bedroom and leaned in close to me. “Is Ari doing okay Ells? What made her sick? Did she drink too much beer ‘cause I will feel like shit if that’s what made her sick?” Gunner said with the most concerned look on his face.

Gesh, every time I think he cannot be any better….he goes off and does or says something that just makes him that much better. The heat from his body and his breath on my face instantly caused an ache between my legs. I shook my head to clear my wayward thoughts.

“No Gunner, I don’t think it was the beer at all. I think it was seeing Jefferson walk out of his bedroom putting his shirt back on while some whore was smiling at her with a triumphant f**king smile on her face. THAT is what made her sick to her stomach.” I said loud enough for Jefferson to hear me. Gunner just closed his eyes.

“I’m going to go clean the bathroom and then go to sleep. Thank you so much Gunner for the party….I enjoyed myself, most of the time anyway.”

Kelly Elliott's Novels
» Broken (Broken #1)
» Wanted (Wanted #1)
» Saved (Wanted #2)
» Faithful (Wanted #3)
» Believe: A Wanted Christmas (Wanted #3.5)