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Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1) Page 41
Author: K.A. Linde

Lexi's mouth popped open in surprise. Oh my God. How had she forgotten his birthday? Of course, it was his birthday this weekend. And if she recalled this was a big one indeed. Twenty-five years old. Wow. A quarter of his lifetime gone by, and she had known him since he was just nineteen. She couldn't believe she had forgotten. "Oh yeah. What is he doing exactly?"

She couldn't believe she was asking Ramsey for information about this. Why hadn't Jack mentioned it? Had he just assumed she wouldn't come? Did he not want her to be there? There were so many questions she needed answers. At least now she understood why Bekah wanted to go shopping for Jack's big day.

"You don't know?" he asked skeptically.

"Yeah I wasn't really filled in," she admitted awkwardly.

He sure thought it was strange that she had come to visit Jack, but he hadn't even invited her to his big birthday celebration. "Well it'll be a surprise for you too. Want to go with me?"

Lexi was interrupted from answering again as her phone went off in her hand. "Goddamn it. Who wants to talk to me now?" Lexi popped open the phone. "Hello."

"Alexa!" Chyna squealed on the other line. "Oh my goodness, chica, I have missed you. How have things been going with you know everything? Are you planning to come home to me sooner rather than later?"

Lexi's laugh escaped her mouth as soon as she heard her best friend's voice. "Chyna, it's so good to hear from you." Lexi glanced over at Ramsey who's expression at turned had lightened in accord with her own enthusiasm. "Sorry to disappoint, but it doesn't look like I'll be joining you back home anytime soon. Though I do miss New York terribly."

"I knew you would," Chyna trilled. "How could you not? I know the summer is scathingly hot, but to get away to go somewhere not only hot but humid? Disgusting."

"Well you convinced me to come down here in the first place," she reminded her, getting lost in their conversation and not realizing that she was giving away information in front of Ramsey.

"Yes well how does closure suit you?"

"Actually," Lexi said pushing her hair behind her ear as she glanced at Ramsey's all too curious face, "I can't really talk about that right now."

"And why not? You're supposed to be with your family tonight right?"


"Oh my God, Alexa, you are not with him right now are you?"

Lexi's brows furrowed together hoping to God that Ramsey couldn't hear Chyna's end of the conversation. "No no no no no," she muttered quickly. "I'm just...um."

"Do not lie to your best friend."

"I'm not lying," she quickly corrected. "I'm just...on a date." Ramsey's bright smile at the recognition of their date was totally worth it. This guy seriously had everything going for him. Which begged the question what was he doing with her? But she couldn't think about that right now.

"What?" Chyna squealed. Then thinking the better of it, she asked, "With whom? Jack? It better not be Jack. Your vague texts over the past two days haven't been enough. Fill me in. What's going on?"

"Chyna, I'm kind of in the middle of something here," Lexi reminded her.

"Oh geez, Alexa, I'm sorry. I'll let you go, but I better get some details. You know how long I've been waiting for this to happen. If you don't call me by tomorrow..."

Lexi cut her off. "Good night Chyna." Lexi closed the phone and turned the damn thing off not wanting another such distraction. "I'm so sorry. I'm usually not this popular," she admitted smiling at Ramsey who just shrugged off the statements.

"No problem at all. Was that someone from home?"

"Yeah, my best friend," she told him.

Luckily, there were no interruptions for the remainder of the evening. The two managed idle chit chat with little interrogation or their normal rude behavior towards one another. The sun set as they finished their meal and an announcement went out signifying the beginning of the laser show. Lexi got lost in the twirling lights and loud popular music blasting from the speakers. She couldn't believe that they were capable of displaying scenes to go along with the music large enough to cover the entire side of the mountain. The couple had involuntarily snuggled closer together as the show continued. Ramsey had even ventured to lace his fingers with hers.

When the show ended, the surrounding families and groups began to pack up. Lexi sighed finding it strange that she was actually sad that the evening was coming to an end. She began to pull away from him to stand up, but he pulled her back down.

"It's not over yet," he muttered into her ear.

"But everyone's..." she began gesturing to the crowd.

"Just wait a second," he said smiling down at her.

Lexi glanced around hoping to find out what he was talking about. Half of the people were already exiting the lawn and they hadn't even moved yet. She knew it would take awhile to get out of the park and was ready to start the long ride back to his place. If there was more to come, then no one else had been informed. Just as she was about to get up again and tell him that he had been misinformed, a large pop sounded from the mountain.

Lexi's eyes darted up to the sky in terror. Had a gunshot just gone off? Then her eyes brightened as a red firework exploded covering the night sky. Lexi squealed in surprise. There were never fireworks this time of the year. They only ever had fireworks for the week of the Fourth of July. The surrounding crowd had halted their urgent packing to look up at the shimmering colors falling towards the earth. Several more fireworks erupted from their perspective locations producing earsplitting booms and crackling popcorn. Lexi stared on in wonder as more and more fireworks colored the sky.

"I can't believe they did this," she whispered into the night. "I didn't think they normally do fireworks this late in the season."

"They don't."

Lexi shifted her gaze momentarily to stare into Ramsey's shining green eyes. "They don't? You mean...you did this?" she asked putting the pieces together.

He smiled at her cupping her chin in his hands. "I thought you'd like the surprise."

She couldn't do much more than nod before his lips touched hers gently. She knew they had kissed the night before, but she had been drunk at that point and acting without inhibitions. This kiss occurred because she wanted it to. It was gentle and brief, but he sure did taste wonderful. She had no idea how he still tasted of peppermints. She hadn't seen him eat one or anything. When he pulled away, she couldn't help but whimper at the loss of his warmth. He chuckled and placed one more kiss on her lips just as the fireworks displayed ended.

He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "Come on. Now we can go."

"Shouldn't we pack this stuff up?" she asked looking at their feet.

"Nah. I'll have someone take care of it. Let's get you back. I'm sure you're exhausted."

Lexi filtered in and out of consciousness on the ride back to Ramsey's apartment. After the late night she had had the night before, all she felt like doing was sleeping. Her evening with Ramsey had been magical. She had been pleasantly surprised that he was capable of being well...human. She had such a terrible stigma against anyone from a Country Club that she had immediately thought he would be just like everyone else. And though at times, he did play that part, and obviously he had a good deal of wealth, she didn't feel like that was the main part of his character. He was able to be a fun-loving guy who just happened to have money rather than the other way around as she had expected.

"I appreciate you taking me out and letting me stay here the night before," Lexi told him truthfully, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. She followed him up the stairs to the front door. "I guess I should probably get a hotel or something tonight."

He stopped and turned to look at her. "You could come inside if you like."

Lexi gulped not feeling comfortable with the direction of that statement. She wasn't really prepared to take their relationship...or whatever it was to another level. "Uh...I don't think so."

He scratched his head thoughtfully criticizing himself for how that must have come out. "Sorry. No. I didn't mean it to sound like that. I just mean that I have a guest bedroom. If you'd like to just stay here another night, you are more than welcome."

"Oh, well..." She didn't know whether or not to accept the invitation. She was dead tired, and couldn't exactly afford a hotel. "I guess that's alright."

Ramsey veered her towards the guest bedroom on the top floor leaving her to get dressed for the evening. She quickly changed into her own sleeping clothes and brushed her teeth. A soft knock sounded on the door and she quickly pulled it open. Ramsey stood before her in just a pair of athletic shorts. Her eyes traveled to his six pack and then back up. She gulped unsure if she would be able to control herself if he came into the room.

"I just wanted to say a proper good night," he informed her bending his head and crushing their lips together. She breathed him in enjoying every bit of pressure he was exerting onto her lips. She could tell he was trying desperately to keep himself from going further just like she was. She wasn't exactly known for her ability to resist temptations. Her body was still flush against him when he pulled back his breathing ragged and his pupils dilated.

"I...uh," he muttered pulling back a fraction of an inch.

"Yeah," she agreed her own breathing coming out in short puffs.

"You know you never did answer me earlier this evening," he said resting their foreheads together.


"Will you accompany me to the birthday festivities?"

"Sure," she said just as he captured her lips again. She moaned as his tongue slid against her own. Satisfied with her answer, he pulled back again.

He cleared his throat and stepped back into the hallway. "Well good night."

"Good night," she whispered closing the door and leaning back against it.

"Shit," she muttered to the empty space. "What have I done now?"

* * *

K.A. Linde

Way Too Late

How, could I live with myself

Knowing that I let our love go (love go)

And ooh, when I do with one chance

I just gotta let you know

I know what I did wasn't clever

But me and you we're meant to be together

-Jason Derulo "Whatcha Say"

* * *

Chapter 14: December Two and a Half Years Earlier

Bursting through the still unlocked door, Lexi darted into Jack's room. She could tell he had gotten up and showered just by looking at him. Her heart melted at the sight. She was furious about what he had done, but her heart still longed for him. She wanted things to go back to the way they were only this morning. She wished with all her being that she didn't have to be angry at him.

"Lexi what are you doing back already?" Jack asked surprise written on his face. "Are you okay? Have you been crying?" He rushed forward to meet her. She backed away not wanting to feel his hands on her.

"How could you tell him?" she asked breaking down into tears for the second time that morning.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked glancing helplessly into Lexi's bloodshot eyes.

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)