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Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1) Page 5
Author: K.A. Linde

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of purple paper. He opened it revealing the flyer Olivia had been relentlessly handing out for the past two weeks introducing Nick and Neal. "I believe a friend of yours gave this to me," he said pointing to Olivia over the crowd of people.

Lexi giggled. That little devil. She hadn't been flirting with him when she had gone to get her coffee earlier that afternoon. In fact, she had been helping her by convincing Coffee Guy to come here tonight. "Well, yea, that's Olivia for you," she said shrugging, attempting to be nonchalant. "Oh, I'm Lexi, by the way." She extended her hand out to the side.

"Lexi...hmm...I like that," he said taking her outstretched hand firmly in his and giving it a good squeeze. "Jack. It's very nice to meet you,"

Silence fell between them as the show progressed. It really was near impossible to have a solid conversation with hip-hop beats blared in the background. When their set was complete, the crowd filed outside for an intermission allowing the main act time to set-up on stage. The majority of the people lit a cigarette as soon as they exited The Theatre. Lexi steered clear of them, and watched as her group of friends began making their way around the corner of the black building to the back entrance to meet up with Nick and Neal. Lexi waited awkwardly with Jack at the front of the building.

Olivia exited through the glass doors covered with torn flyers advertising upcoming shows, and bounced up to them humming one of the lively little tunes she preferred. "Hey sweetie," she said kissing Lexi on the cheek as she hopped back and forth from one foot the other. "Oh my God, that was just as fantastic as I could have imagined," she said, her eyes glazed a little and her low cut blouse smelling strongly of beer and secondhand smoke. Lexi could have kissed her back for getting Jack here tonight. "Oh honey," Olivia said realizing that Jack was watching her, laughter evident in his eyes, "I'm so glad you could make it. You met my good friend Lexi?"

"Sure did. But I think you're losing your group," he said pointing to the backdoor.

Olivia's eyes bulged. "Oh dear, I am. Be back," she said pinching Lexi's arm as she raced after the rest of the group.

"I guess she's a little bit drunk," Lexi commented shrugging her shoulders as she let her gaze land back on Jack.

"A little?" he questioned. "Hold on one second," he said directing his attention his friends who were trailing behind him. "Hey guys, I'll meet you at Chamber. I think Chasity said she was working." Nodding, the three guys disappeared down the street leaving Jack and Lexi alone.

Lexi assumed Chasity was a bartender, but refrained from asking. She had no desire whatsoever to know how they knew each other...or how well. "I'm not sure what my friends are doing," she said glancing around the corner, the group she had arrived with stumbling around outside with Nick and Neal at the center. "But by the look of things, I'm going to have to carry half of them home." At only a couple inches over five feet, that really would be a feat. "I should go catch up with them before they get into any trouble," she said looking concerned.

"My friends are probably lost without me too," he said jokingly.

"Are you working tomorrow?"

"Are you studying tomorrow?" he countered flirtatiously.

"I should be," she confirmed, thinking about the daunting stack of homework on her desk.

"Then I should be there."

She stood there for another second taking in his flawless appearance. He wore dark snug-fit jeans with a black button-up that he'd rolled the sleeves up to three-quarter length and worn navy Chuck Taylor's. He was taller than her by half a dozen inches with a well-toned muscular physique. She figured she wouldn't be able to reach his lips if she stood on her tip-toes, but he was strong enough to pick her up to them. Quickly pushing the idea out of her mind, she snapped herself back to reality. "Guess I'll see you there."

"Sounds good," he said as she turned and began to walk down the alleyway. After a moment's hesitation, he called out to her, "Hey, Lexi." He jogged down the street after her. She turned on her green high heels to find him standing directly in front of her again. "I know you have to study tomorrow, but what are you doing Friday?" he asked hesitantly.

She paused giving enough time to make it seem like she was considering her schedule. "I don't have any plans," she finally said fighting the uncontrollable silly grin contorting her face.

"Did you want to hang out?"

She nodded. "I'd like that."

Friday night Lexi found herself pacing her tiny dorm room twining her dark curls around her fingers. Two beds were lofted on opposite sides of the room. A black futon rested under Lexi's bed; two mini fridges and a tiny tube television sat under her roommate's bed. A red and black print rug covered the tile floor and red curtains blocked out the view of the other high-rise dorms surrounding them. Lexi's side of the wrap-around metal desk held her black laptop and a selection of her favorite books and textbooks. The wall adjacent her desk held a collage of photographs neatly arranged, showcasing her college career thus far. Her roommate's desk was a mess of multi-colored papers clips, geometrically shaped Post-It notes, and furry-topped pens. The walls were lined with sorority initiation paraphernalia including a water bottle, five pictures frames with her letters scribbled all over them, and of most importantly, her Big Sis paddle.

"Jen, do you think I look okay?" she asked of her roommate.

Jennifer gave her a once-over. Lexi wore black slightly-worn skinny jeans, a pale green camisole with lace-trim and black thong sandals that strapped around her ankle. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with the dark bouncing curls streaming out of the rubber band. A light coat of black mascara brushed her eyelashes and a hint of shimmer lip gloss adorned her lips. "Mmm," Jennifer said tilting her head to the side briefly before turning back to her Latin homework spread out across the futon.

Lexi rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hip. "What does that mean?"

"You should probably pull your hair down and run a straightener through it and put on a cute dress," she said as a matter-of-fact. She hadn't even glanced up from her five-subject notebook to say this. "I have this perfect purple ensemble that will do wonders to detract from your brown eyes."

Lexi was starting to get used to this behavior. Jennifer was remarkably honest which was generally valued in a person. But on someone as incredibly judgmental as Jennifer, not as flattering. "I think we're going to be outside though," Lexi told her, turning to face the full-length mirror hanging on the back of their door.

"It's like seventy degrees outside," Jennifer said. Her gum smacked against the roof of her mouth as she spoke. "You can still wear a dress."

Jennifer was one of those girls who thought everyone should wear a dress...for every occasion possible. Lexi was pretty certain that the only time Jennifer went without a dress was when she showered. Both her parents came from old southern money dating back farther than the Civil War. The Atlanta Country Club where they resided played host to stars such as Usher and half of the Atlanta Braves baseball team, among numerous others. She had once complained about missing Halloween away from home, because that year Usher had actually answered the door to pass out candy.

"Well it could be colder tonight," Lexi snapped snatching her new cell phone off her desk and cramming it into her plum Coach purse. "I'm going to see Olivia. Good luck studying." Lexi twisted the doorknob to pull it open.

"Oh, Lexi," Jennifer called, stopping her exit. "I probably won't be in tonight. There's a Da-Dee-Da fraternity party tonight, which you are more than welcome to come to if you get done with your little thing in time. I'm sure I'll end up passing out there," she confided in Lexi, smiling as her loose curling-iron curls swished around her face.

Lexi nodded scarcely able to contain her disbelief. How skanky can you get? Wasn't there some rule about having some semblance of class and didn't spending the night at a fraternity house destroy that? "Call me if you need a ride. I don't want you to get gang raped or anything tonight, okay?"

Jennifer giggled convulsively. "Those guys aren't like that Lexi. That would never happen."

"Riiiiiight," Lexi said letting the word drag. "Either way."

"Suit yourself," Jennifer murmured dismissing her with a wave of her acrylic French manicured hand.

Lexi darted down the hall just as her phone trilled from her purse. Opening the cold metal clasp, she retrieved the cell and answered. "Hey, do you want me to come up?" Jack asked from the other line.

"Nah. No point in making you try to get past the hand scanner," Lexi replied commenting on the dorm security. "I'll be right down." Lexi scrambled down the four flights of stairs as fast as she could, making it to the landing before the elevator dinged. Racing down the steep hill that led to the street below, Lexi recognized his silver Mazda 3 waiting with the hazard lights blinking. She slipped her hand under the handle to pop the door open and slid smoothly onto the black leather seat. He let off the clutch and slung the car into gear as soon as he heard the latch click. "So, where are we going?" she asked relaxing back into the soft material.

"It's a surprise," he said shifting gear as they picked up speed.

"Hmm...I like surprises."

"I thought you might." He glanced at her briefly before turning left onto the main street.

Lexi hadn't been sure whether or not to treat this as if it were a date. He had asked her out, but when they talked on the phone, he had acted as if it was no big deal. She didn't care to agonize over it though. She didn't know him yet, so as far as she was concerned the status of their relationship, if you could even call it that, was hardly relevant. One step at a time.

John Mayer's Free Fallin' filled the silence as Jack drove them away from the center of town. Jack tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in time with the guitar chords. "Do you play," she asked watching how well his fingers moved.

"Just guitar, bass, piano, saxophone, and some drums, but I'm really rusty."

"Jesus! All I can do is sing."

"Oh yea and I sing," he smirked as he hit the break at a red light.

"Well don't you seem to be good at everything," Lexi said leaning in closer towards his side of the car her eyes closing slightly. The taste of her lip gloss coated her tongue as she licked her lips biting down ever so gently as she gazed at him.

She could tell that he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. "You just wait and see."

"I look forward to it." She giggled turning back to the road. Something about Jack seemed to just fit. The flirting, the borderline desirous looks, the uncomplicated conversation all was so easy between them.

Lexi's eyes widened as they turned onto university property that was normally empty fields. Instead, a bright twirling Ferris wheel had been erected in the center of the field with an array of other carnival rides and booths displayed around the centerpiece. "Oh, I didn't know a carnival was coming through town," she commented enthusiastically.

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)