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Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1) Page 7
Author: K.A. Linde

Before he had a chance to answer her, his phone buzzed on the table. Attempting to be courteous, Lexi reached forward to hand it to him, but he was too quick. He eagerly snatched it up off the table and stood to read the name on the caller id. After a brief pause, he clicked a button to silence it.

His eyes turned back to her, and Lexi met his gaze expectantly. "I'll call them back," he said falling back into his place at her side. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap burying his head into her hair. "You smell like Heaven," he said taking a big long whiff.

She giggled smacking his hand playfully. "I showered before I came over."

"Well...that's a nice change."

She smacked him harder this time pushing at one of his arms that was holding her tightly in place. "Stop sniffing me like a dog."

"Then stop smelling so damn good," he said breathing her in several more times. His face was so close to her body that she could almost feel his lips against her bare neck. She stopped struggling and tuned into how her body was reacting to him being so near. Her breathing had quickened and her body felt warm all over. His nose brushed lightly up against her ear. She shivered as goose bumps broke out across her arms and down her back at his touch. He didn't let her go though, and he didn't back off. This was new and she liked it. "God, I want you, Lex," he said running a line of kisses down her exposed jaw line.

Lexi's eyes closed of their own accord. As his kisses intensified moving from her jaw to her ear and then down her neck, she sighed heavily cocking her head back to allow him easier access. He laid her gently back against the couch moving his body so that it was hovering just above her with one leg positioned between hers. Their eyes met briefly before his mouth moved from one cheek to another experimentally. She sighed as he inched closer to her wet, trembling lips. Her hardly contained desire let loose a moan as he pushed himself against her. Lacing her fingers through his hair, she gazed up into his crystal clear blue eyes practically begging him to continue. He leaned forward meet her lips. She sighed happily waiting for that moment, but it never came. Just before his lips touched hers, his phone buzzed noisily in his pocket. His attention wavered and he pulled back from her body.

"Don't stop," she urged him leaning forward and planting a kiss of her own on his cheek. "You can call whoever it is back," she reminded him. The limbo he left her in was like torture. She hadn't said so, but she wanted him so bad, and they hadn't even kissed yet.

He smiled at her lovingly and kissed her cheek before moving from his position on top of her. Fishing the phone out of his pocket, he took a look at the name, and once again silenced it. "You're right. I can just call them back."

He hopped off the couch and quickly scooped her up into his arms. Lexi laughed unexpectedly. He effortlessly carried her into his room kicking the door open with his foot. She fell back against the navy blue comforter her shirt sliding up nearly to her chest. She stretched languidly allowing him a full view of her little body. He crawled from the foot of the bed up to her abdomen and left one lone kiss next to her bellybutton. His hands raked the bare skin as he traveled upwards from there. Sighing contentedly, she felt his lips make their way back to her neck. He darted his tongue against her tender skin making her writhe under his rippling muscles.

"Oh Jack," she breathed. Bringing his head up to look at her, she noticed his breath was coming in short puffs. She teasingly wiggled her h*ps first from side-to-side and then in small circles watching as he groaned on top of her.

"You're so mean."

"Really? I thought I was being really nice," she replied twirling her h*ps in a figure eight.

"A little too nice." He sighed closing his eyes as she ran her tongue along his earlobe. "You've found my weakness," he moaned grabbing her arms in his hands and pushing them above her head forcing her back against the bed.

"Well if I found your weakness, then you shouldn't pull me away." Her eyes were smoldering. One thought and only one thought fill her head; she did not want to be away from him. A cute flirtatious smile crossed her face. She glanced from his baby blues to his pouty lips and back not sure which she preferred more at that moment.

"I don't want to pull away, but I'm going to take advantage of you if you keep doing that," he said rolling over to the other side of the bed.

Lexi flipped her leg as he rolled, straddling his body. "I haven't even gotten a kiss," she said leaning in close to him, "so I don't feel as if I'm in much danger of being taken advantage of."

"You are the most amazing girl I've ever met," he said brushing his fingers across her cheek.

Her lips landed lightly on his. Tasting his sweet lips, she knew instantly she wanted more. Just as he began to react, his pocked vibrated making Lexi jump backwards in exasperation. He swore under his breath. "I'll be right back," he said yanking out the phone as he casually adjusted his erection. She watched him exit the room and turn towards the back door out of earshot.

Falling back against the bed, she sighed heavily. She couldn't tell if she was being too forward. Even though they had only been hanging out for a short while, she could tell he was really into her. She was unbelievably ready for his lips to be on her. Normally, when she was in this position, guys were absolutely dying to get in her pants. It's not that Jack hadn't acted like he wanted to kiss her; do more than kiss her. He just hadn't, hadn't even tried. She respected that he respected her, but enough was enough. She yanked her shirt back into place and sat up straight-backed against the black headboard folding her arms across her knees.

"Sorry about that," he apologized as he came around the corner.

"It's alright." Her smile had lost its fire. "How about that movie?"

They retreated back to the living room; both attempting to forget that they have been so close to ravishing each other's bodies only a few short minutes earlier. As time went by, their encounters continued each with as much or more intensity as the last. Then, they would stop, always just a little bit farther than the last time, but never far enough for Lexi. He captivated her every thought, and was even beginning to make his way into her dreams. The previous night, her dream had felt so real. When she had woken up to find herself in her dorm room, rather than wrapped in Jack's arms, she had been so exacerbated she'd actually woken Jennifer up. It was safe to say neither girl had been pleased.

The next day, Lexi forced herself to survive her three classes before driving over to Jack's house. She knew that Jack had the day off, and was anxious to see him. After the exceedingly vivid dream, she could hardly concentrate without images of him pressed against her skin to skin. She knocked on the door to announce her presence. Then, she pushed it open without waiting for a response. Jack was standing in the living room talking on his cell phone. He glanced over at the door as she entered and held up a finger as if to tell her he'd just be a minute. He moved into the bedroom and cracked the door as she sat down on the couch to wait.

Lexi had gotten dressed with extra special care today hoping to make an even more vivacious impression than usual. Even Jennifer, who's endorsement was practically nonexistent, had approved when she had chosen a short purple dress that buttoned around the neck with a key hole revealing a portion of her br**sts that would make Hugh Hefner blush. She had paired it with black leggings and thigh-high black suede Steve Madden boots. She slid her grey pea coat off, and deposited it on the couch armrest.

He wandered into the room and she eagerly hopped up from her seat to greet him. The smile he returned to her was weak and he held up his hand. "Lexi," he said her name as if reprimanding her. She couldn't help it; she radiated with energy. Her curls bounced in her face as she backed away obediently. She looked at him concerned, her eyebrows furrowed into a confused v.

"Sorry," she said smiling playfully trying to play off the seriousness of his appearance.

"No, Lex, it's fine. I just need to talk to you about some stuff," he said averting his eyes. Lexi paused in her excitement and took a good hard look at him. Large black circles ringed his eyes as if he hadn't slept the night before for several days even. Obviously, he hadn't been having the same dreams as her. His clothes, which were normally in pristine condition, hung off him wrought with wrinkles. He hadn't even given her a hug when she had walked in. Something serious was going on. "Oh ok. Well go ahead. I'm all ears," she said pretending to stay upbeat despite the awful feeling forming in the pit of her stomach.

He sighed heavily finally meeting her eyes. "I have a girlfriend."

"You what?" she practically screamed at him, shock evident on her now very pale face.

His head fell to his chest and he wouldn't meet her gaze. "She doesn't live here. That's how you haven't come across her. We've been dating since high school," he added the last part in an almost whisper, his voice breaking.

"You've got to be kidding me," she shrieked, tears unintentionally springing to her eyes. "Don't you stand there and tell me that everything we have is a lie." She pushed past him and into the kitchen running her hands against the sides of the cool countertop in an attempt to calm herself. It didn't work.

"It's not a lie."

She glared at him fiercely her jaw locked tight. "How?" Lexi asked through her teeth, smacking the countertop with the palms of her hands.

"Lex, I can explain."

"Oh, can you?" she asked turning to face him. "How can you possibly explain?"

He paused achingly watching the tears stream down her cheeks. "Look, I'm sorry."

"Oh you're sorry?" she retorted, throwing her hands in the air. "What good does that do? How does this solve anything? I don't need your apology, and anyways you still haven't given me an explanation." She stood straight-backed in front of him nostrils flaring staring him down. "You said you could explain. Well try. Please try to explain to me how any of this can possibly be okay. How could you lie and deceive me like this? All those things that you said," she cried running her fingers through her tangled curls. "God, did you mean anything you said?"

"Please don't cry. We weren't even really together." She shot him a look of death. "I know we spent a lot of time together," he said throwing his hands up in defense.

"Enough time that the fact that you had a girlfriend might have come up, don't you think?"

"Yes. I wanted to tell you so many times."

"Don't give me that bullshit, Jack. If you wanted to tell me, then you would have. Obviously, you didn't want me to know. You wanted to double dip."

"Oh, stop with that," he said taking her shoulders in his hands. "I stopped what we were doing before anything serious happened."

"Before anything serious happened. Are you serious?" she asked venom apparent in her tone.


She cut him off not really wanting to hear his definition of what serious was. "Is that what all those phone calls were? All those weekends at home? You were visiting your...girlfriend." He nodded solemnly. "You let me go through all of this, let me feel like we were working towards something, while the whole time you were parading around with your girlfriend?" she asked weakly, her voice cracking. "What kind of person does that?"

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)