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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2) Page 35
Author: K.A. Linde

Lexi sputtered trying to come up with the appropriate response. "Oh my God, C! I'm so happy for you. I can't believe you have a boyfriend." Chyna looked at her warily, but she was too drunk to recognize Lexi's true thoughts.

As midnight approached, the foursome distracted themselves with booze, dancing, and other the pleasure of each other's company. Lexi was gradually getting over her shock, and was realizing that she actually really liked that her friend had a boyfriend, especially one that Lexi got along with. It was still surreal to her, but it did make it easier to keep up with Chyna. Usually by this time, she would be off with some stranger with no hope of Lexi finding her again until morning, but now she actually got the pleasure of enjoying her company up until the clock struck midnight.

With only fifteen minutes left on the countdown, Ramsey got a phone call that he had to take. Lexi followed him off of the floor in desperate need of a break from the dancing. Her feet were killing her in the high heels that adorned her feet. Ramsey angled for the outside patio despite the frigid temperatures and high altitude. She waited just inside for him to finish his phone call taking a seat to give her feet a break. She couldn't wait for him to come back inside so they could complete their evening which had been easily the best New Years she had ever experienced.

When Ramsey did finally walk back inside though, he wore a look of panic. "What's wrong?" she asked immediately terrified that something had happened. She wasn't sure what, but she was instantly concerned that something might have happened to his family. He looked so distraught, she couldn't help her mind from jumping to that conclusion.

"The club is being raided," he barely muttered. She had to strain to hear what he had said, but when it sank in she looked back at him in horror. She was glad that everyone was alright, but this…this could be devastating to him.

"What does that mean for you?" she asked uncertain as to what he was going to be able to do about it. He was hundreds of miles away, and no one was going to listen to the owner over the telephone.

"It means I'm out thousands of dollars, Lexi. It means I'm out. It means I might have to close the place down," he said his tone dead.

"What are you going to do?" she asked her voice reflecting all of the panic that was on his face.

"I have to get the f**k out of here. I needed to be in Atlanta tonight. What the f**k was I thinking? Fuck!" he cried. "I can't believe I listened to you. I can't believe I thought everything was going to be fine. Things don't run without me. They need me there, and I wasn't there. I don't f**king know what I'm going to do Lexi, because I'm in New York City."

Lexi stared up at him as if she had never seen him before. This was not the Ramsey that she knew. This was not the Ramsey that she cared so deeply for. He was taking out his anger on her, and she knew that. She knew, but it still hurt. She tried to keep the tears from welling in her eyes as his words sliced through her. "I…I didn't know."

"That's right you didn't know. God, how could I have been so stupid to let this happen?" he crowed. He ran his fingers roughly through his hair and turned his gaze to the ceiling.

"You had no way of knowing this was going to happen either," she muttered defensively. This was not her fault. He couldn't blame this on her even in his anger. She knew that there was no way that he could have known that something like this was going to happen to his club. This had never happened before. Even if he wanted to claim that it was because he had always been there, she knew better. This had been chance…a fluke. It just happened that he had been out of the state, but it could have happened to anyone.

"Yeah, well, it wouldn't have happened if I'd been there," he growled refusing to hear reason.

"I'm sorry Ramsey," she said weakly unable to process anything else. There was nothing left for her to say. It wasn't her fault, but she did still feel bad about what had happened to him.

"Sorry isn't going to save all of this. I just…I just need to get back into town. I'm going to go catch the red eye or find a private plane," he said beginning to meander through the now crowded room as everyone prepared for the final countdown to take them into the new year.

"You're leaving now?" she asked flabbergasted rushing behind him.

"The sooner I get there, the sooner I can piece this all together."

"But you can't fix anything tonight," she reminded him. Her panic level was swiftly increasing the farther they traversed the room. She couldn't have him leave. There was no reason to leave yet, especially since he couldn't do anything about what had happened. By the time he caught a flight everything would be over with.

"I can't wait until the morning," he grumbled pushing aside a couple that was lost in each other's eyes.

"But Ramsey, it's almost midnight," she said as they stopped in front of the elevators. She knew she sounded desperate by now. He was going to leave her before the clock struck twelve. She could feel it in her bones. She understood his urgency to get out of town, but she couldn't process him leaving with only a minute left before New Years.

"I can't be here any longer. Just…understand," he said stooping low and kissing her cheek. The kiss was rushed. It barely brushed against her skin before he pulled back and pressed the button for the elevator.

"Just a kiss on the cheek?" she asked her face stricken with concern. She couldn't figure out how the night had changed so dramatically that he wouldn't even kiss her. The elevator door dinged open and he stuck his hand out to keep it from closing.

She stepped forward into him not letting him leave without a proper good bye. She knew he was obviously directing more irritation at her then was necessary. Grasping her more tightly than usual, he pulled her flush against him and planted a kiss on her lips. She came up gasping, her h*ps already sore from his forcefulness.

"I'll call you in the morning," he told her stepping into the elevator; his eyes already distracted.

"Good bye," she called as the doors closed between them.

Lexi walked helplessly back into the crowded room to the chanting countdown. As the clock struck midnight, she glanced around at all the happy couples moved forward to receive their first kiss of the New Year…a kiss she never received.

Making a beeline for the bar, she downed the first drink that was put in front of her, grimacing at the taste of Jack Daniels on her tongue. Pouring the remainder of the contents down her throat, she returned the glass to the bartender and wandered over to a vacant table. Several minutes later, she felt a presence next to her and a voice spoke up asking her, "Is this seat taken?"

Glancing up sullenly, Lexi noticed Adam. "Nope."

He sat down next to her and waited a minute before saying anything. "Where's Ramsey?"

"He left."

"Where to?" he asked mirroring her short sentences.


"To your place?"

"To Atlanta."




"No need."

"Lexi," he asked drawing her attention back to his face. "Are you going to be alright?"

"My boyfriend just left me before I got a New Years kiss, and I don't know if we're going to be alright. How would you be?"

"Good point," he reasoned. "Personally, I think you'll be just fine. He'd be an idiot to leave you."

A small smile touched her lips. "Thanks."

"And as for that New Years kiss," he began leaning forward. "I think it's acceptable to have someone fill in when you're down and out like this."

Her brows furrowed together in surprise at his nearness. "Uh Adam?"

"Yea?" he asked staring deeply into her eyes.

"I don't…what about Chyna?" she asked her breathing remaining level as she waited for his response.

"I'm sure she would allow it for your expense," he told her leaning just a fraction of an inch closer. She took a deep breath knowing that this was her moment. There was always a moment, and either you could take it or not. Her mind was whirring to life as she felt him approaching her. She turned her face just a fraction of an inch as he moved closer brushing his lips against her cheek and pulling away quickly.

When she looked back into his handsome face, his smile was nothing but sweet and friendly. He didn't hold the lust and desire that she was accustomed to seeing in a man's eyes especially after being so close to her. He just looked as if he really felt bad for her, and wanted her to get just one thing to make her happy again.

She touched her fingertips to cheek and smiled back at him. She couldn't resist it. "Thanks," she said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "I…appreciate you trying to help."

"Of course. I'm going to get back to Chyna. Are you going to be alright?" he asked helping her to her feet.

"Yeah I think I am."

"Hey," he muttered drawing her attention back to his face. "If you ever need anything Lex, I'm here for you."

Lexi nodded not even having the energy to tell him not to call her that. She left the party taking Chyna's town car without a second thought. She hadn't brought money for a cab, because she had been expecting to be with Ramsey. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hardly even noticed when she was dropped off at her apartment.

After walking up the stairs, she threw off all of her clothes, and burrowed under the mound of covers on her bed. Her mind was all over the charts, and she didn't know which thing to think about first. Should she be thinking about her boyfriend leaving her or the fact that another man had kissed her…even if it was just on the cheek? It hadn't been sensual, seductive or even lustful at all. It had been friendly. Nothing more and nothing less. Adam was Chyna's boyfriend, and he was just helping her out when she was down.

And she didn't feel guilty.

She had no reason to feel guilty. She had been in situations like that before and always given in. At least this time she had turned away from him. Even if it had been solely friendly, she had kept it at chaste as possible.

Adam wasn't Jack. She didn't have feelings for him. She didn't desire him. She certainly didn't get lost in him. Things were different. She would never be that person again.

He had just been helping her when her boyfriend had deserted her. Speaking of her boyfriend, she wondered where he was at that moment. Had he found an airplane that would take him home or had he bribed someone again to use their plane or take their seat. She wasn't sure what to make of him. He had been unduly cruel. This was a side of him that she had never witnessed.

Yes, he had been under a severe amount of stress and strain regarding the club, but it certainly hadn't been her fault. As much as she wanted to be angry at him, she couldn't bring herself to it. He had left her there all alone, but at least he had a reason. He hadn't just jumped ship. He did still want to be with her, and aside from his lapse in judgment and hiding the fact that he owned strip clubs, she hadn't found anything wrong with him.

They worked well together. She wasn't going to risk their entire relationship on one screw up on his part. She would wait to hear back from him and they could go from there. With those thoughts still filling her mind, she finally drifted off to sleep.

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)