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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2) Page 37
Author: K.A. Linde

"I think she went inside for some lemonade, dear. Don't you remember?" his wife asked him. Her petite stature looked almost comical next to the man. Despite her age, she couldn't have been larger than a size four, and she probably would have been offended with the statement. Her blonde hair was perfectly straight with soft curls at the ends, and her face had seen its fair share of surgeons…and that wasn't the only thing that had seen surgeons. Lexi glanced away immediately feeling her cheeks burn at the thought.

"If I bloody remembered, would I have asked?" he bellowed down to the woman.

"I'll go check on her," the woman replied unaffected by his belligerence.

"Tell her to hurry up. It is not every day my little girl gets married. She needs to be more attentive to these types of affairs."

"Yes dear," she drawled waltzing away from the group.

The awkward silence that followed was unlike anything Lexi had stood through. She wasn't sure what was worse. Ramsey's father was staring daggers at both Ramsey and the back entrance to the house. It was as if he couldn't determine who to be more angry at for wasting his time…or making him stand outside in the blistering August heat in a navy suit. Ramsey was trying not to notice his father's anger while at the same time avoiding Jack's entire existence. Jack was trying not to look at Ramsey as well while still sneak glances at Lexi. But he was careful also not to catch the attention of his father-in-law-to-be.

Lexi just felt her hand clamming up as Ramsey held it firmly in his. The sun was making her sweat and she was concerned that with the increased tension between her company this would make her body go into overdrive. She felt a bead of sweat run down her back and she sighed in protest. Luckily, she had been smart enough to wear something cotton so that it wouldn't show.

"Ramsey," his father barked breaking everyone's attention. "Go check on your goddamn sister." Ramsey opened his mouth to object, but the look of pure venom that he shot his son was unlike anything Lexi had ever seen. Finding it a battle not worth fighting, Ramsey nodded. He gingerly released her hand, sighing discontentedly as it if was the last thing he wanted to do, and made his way to the house.

Lexi was just glad that he hadn't drug her with him. The last thing she wanted to do was spend time with Bekah.

"Will you excuse us for a moment?" Jack asked Ramsey's father.

"Just be back before the women return. I'm not going to stand their idle chatter alone," he said clapping Jack on the back forcefully. Jack tried hard not to stumble forward a step, but he couldn't help but stutter a bit with the force of the blow.

"Lexi," Jack said snatching her up by the elbow and directing her away from the intimidating man.

As soon as she was out of arms reach from him, she jerked her elbow out of Jack's grasp. "Don't do that," she muttered.

"Sorry. I had to f**king get away from there," he responded.

"Well we're away now," she said stopping mid-step. She had no reason to be alone with him. Not that they were necessarily alone. They were in the middle of the massive backyard of Ramsey and Bekah's childhood. Still the fact that he was the only person within proper speaking distance didn't do anything to calm her roiling stomach. Just the fact that he had touched her had made her head spin. This wasn't something she had planned for at this event. In fact, she had been surprised to find that so few people were there just yet. They must have been some of the first people to arrive.

"Just walk with me a bit," Jack said resting his hand gently on the small of her back and urging her word.

"I…I can't," she muttered turning away from him. She hadn't looked him directly in the face since reaching them on the lawn. Across the lawn it had been a different story. They had a large expanse between them and it was safe for her to look at him. But up this close, it was a different story. She never trusted herself around Jack, and had gone at great lengths to keep it from ever happening again.

"I don't bite."

Lexi coughed a bit uncontrollably.

"Okay fine, I do…just a bit," he muttered huskily.

"Stop it Jack," she warned him taking another deep breath.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Can we just keep walking?" he pleaded.

Against her better judgment, Lexi turned her face up towards him and looked at him fully for the first time. He looked way better than the last time she had seen him when he had turned up at Ramsey's apartment. His hair had been cut short and styled in a way that made him look younger and more professional. The short strands stood on end instead of falling haphazardly into his eyes. She could remember pushing the long pieces out of his eyes and him kissing her tenderly just as she pulled her hand away. She pushed that memory of her mind and focused her eyes elsewhere.

He had clearly shaved only a few hours ago, because his typical stubble was completely wiped from his face. She could remember the scruffy feel of his beard running against her stomach as he kissed a trail lower. Her breathing quicken as she unsuccessfully tried to shove the memories out of her misbehaving mind. He licked his perfect lips and more memories flooded her conscious: their first kiss on top of a Ferris wheel, her fingers teasingly trailing against his pouty lips before he captured her own, the way he kissed every part of her body as if he worshipped it.

Now she could feel other parts of her body reacting to her memories. Warmth spread throughout her lower half, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. As her eyes finally moved upwards to his beautiful blue eyes, the brilliance of which she could never perfectly remember, she had a feeling he knew exactly where her thoughts were.

The longer they stood rooted in that spot, the more crystal clear his eyes became. She knew what that meant. His desire for her was building up inside of him, and despite where they were he couldn't keep the hungry look from his eyes.

"Lexi please," he growled hungrily begging her to move from the spot, "we need to keep walking." His voice was desperate and pained from restraint. She was amazed by how easily his desire flared up when in her presence. She knew that she had been unconstrained around him, but sometimes she forgot when she was away from him for so long that he acted in the same fashion.

Taking a deep breath to calm her pounding heart, she nodded. "Yes."

"Yes," he agreed his eyes dropping to her lips.

"Let's walk Jack," she said taking that first hesitant step in a different direction.

She saw him visibly deflate from the exertion he had put into staying away from her. His hand moved to her lower back once again as he directed her towards a pathway. She wasn't sure why she was allowing him to steer her in a direction not only far away from the rest of the guests, but also to what appeared to be a portion of the land secluded by massive trees. Just as she was about to say something to him about how inappropriate their seclusion from the rest of the party was, he stopped in front of a large weeping willow. Pulling back a few of the extended limbs, he revealed a wooden bench in the shade of the branches.

"Come on," he said nodding his head towards the bench.

Speechless, Lexi ducked into the private enclosure that the tree had formed after years of life. "How…how did you know about this?" she finally asked taking a seat. She didn't really want an answer. Anything that he said would ultimately involve Bekah, and that wasn't something she particularly wanted to discuss at this moment.

For the first time in a while, she felt utterly and completely alone with Jack. It felt strangely familiar and also eerily different. He let the branches swing closed, the light now only coming in at uneven intervals through the leaves. The temperature was cooler as if it was dusk, and some of the humidity had dissipated in the shaded enclosure. Jack took the seat next to her, and breathed out a sigh of relief. He adjusted his tie allowing himself the freedom of being out of the spotlight, and just sat there next to her without a word not even answering her question.

She remembered what she thought was going to be her final farewell to Jack. She had been cruel, but not anymore than he had been with her. He had proposed to Bekah after everything that had happened between them that week. Her words were nothing in comparison. She wouldn't feel bad for them. She had meant every word, and she knew that she was still angry. She hadn't forgiven him. And she had wanted him out of her life.

Yet here she was, sitting under a weeping willow with him in complete silence. To anyone else this would have been the strangest thing in the world. Why would you run off with the groom at his own luncheon?

Yeah, she didn't think it made much sense either. But being in Jack's presence didn't feel weird or strange. She was angry with him for sure, but it still felt completely natural to be alone with him.

"Don't you think we should get back?" Lexi asked tugging on a long brown curl and letting it bounce back into place. She did this a few more times before pushing it behind her ear.

Jack shrugged noncommittally and looked into her large brown eyes. "You look beautiful."

"Jack," she said quietly into the dim lighting.

"I know," he told her not letting her add anything else. "I love the way you say my name."

"Funny, I hate the way you say my name," she quipped back quickly hoping to put some much needed distance between them.

"Don't lie, Lex. You're bad at it," he told her nonchalantly leaning backwards and putting his arms across the back of the bench.

"Jack don't call me that," she reminded him feeling the closeness of his arm to her back. She inched forward just a bit to avoid touching him.

He shrugged again as if he was never going to break that habit. He figured she liked it anyway, and he wasn't going to stop now after seven years of the same nickname. "I like the way you look at me."

Lexi sighed heavily. "Can we not?"

"We don't have to," he acknowledged, "but I do love how short of breath you get."

"Don't use that word so freely either," Lexi commanded.

Jack turned abruptly in his seat and stared directly into her eyes. Lexi sat motionless as he seemed to examine every pore on her face. She couldn't help but prove him right. As his gaze intensified, her breathing quickened. She could feel her body misbehaving again, and she tried to stifle the rising desire threatening to overtake her senses.

"You smell delicious," he muttered his free hand reaching up and seductively running his fingers through her long hair. Her breath caught at the slight touch to her ear as he drug the silky strands into their rightful place.

"Wh…wh…what are you a vampire now?" she asked trying to lighten the mood.

He cracked a smile at the comment. "I don't sparkle in the daylight, if that's what you mean."

Lexi giggled reflexively and he took the opportunity to move in even closer to her. She took a sharp breathe when she realized how close he was. "Oh God…" she murmured.

"That's something I've heard before," he said smirking.

"No," she told him scooting over an inch into the metal bar at the end of the bench. She groaned at his nearness. "You smell like sex."

Jack physically laughed out loud at her statement. "I haven't had any."

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)