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Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5) Page 8
Author: K.A. Linde

She sighed. He had already won.

“I don’t know,” she conceded. She looked down at the ground, hating this conversation as much as he did.

“Well, when you figure it out, will you let me know?” he asked quietly, reaching for his jacket.

“Are you leaving?” she asked, her voice raising an octave.

“I have work,” he reminded her.

“But, you’re leaving now? After we just fought?”

Adam closed his eyes and shook his head. “Did I miss something?”

“You’re not going to have make-up sex with me?” she demanded with a giggle.

She was so getting gypped in this situation.

He burst out laughing. “Am I supposed to?”

She nodded her head adamantly. “Of course.”

“I’ll keep that in mind next time,” he said, still laughing softly to himself. “You astound me sometimes.”

“At least I’m good for something,” she murmured.

“You’re good for everything,” he said, pulling her close again. “And, I’d have make-up sex with you if I had time.”

“Right here? Right now?” she asked, shimmying against him in the middle of the kitchen.

“I like the bedroom. A bit more spacious, don’t you think?” he asked with a goofy grin.

Chyna rolled her eyes.

“How romantic. Do you want me to close the door and turn off the lights, too?”

Adam leaned forward and brushed a kiss on her lips. “Shut up,” he murmured softly. “I never hear any complaining when that door is closed.”

She smiled against his lips. “So, let’s go then.”

“When I get home…or tomorrow,” he amended, clearly thinking it would be a late night.

“Fine,” she groaned before he kissed her again.

“I’ll text you when I’m done,” he said, grabbing his big sketchbook and walking toward the door. “Are you still going out?”

Chyna shrugged as if it was an actual question. She had nothing better to do, and she and Adam had been planning to go out that night anyway. She might as well hit a club while the night was young. Maybe when she was thoroughly sloshed, Adam would be home, and she could jump his bones. It sounded appealing.

“I figured,” he said, wrenching the door open. “Maybe you can meet up with John later tonight. I know he was supposed to be hanging out with some friends from work, but I’m sure he’d like the company.”

“Have you always babied him?”

Chyna asked with a smirk. Really, she wouldn’t mind hanging out with John.

“He’s too busy for many friends, Chyna, and you have all of New York City.”

She shrugged. Point taken . “How will I find this brother of yours?”

“I’ll give him your number. Maybe you can pick him up, so he’ll actually loosen up a bit,” Adam told her.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll just wait for his call,” she said, pushing down any and every thought she had about his brother.

“Please be safe. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. You’re far too precious.”

She smiled warmly at his telltale good-bye. “I’ll be as safe as always,” she responded.

His smile caught her right in the gut at his exit, and she remembered why she had fallen so hard for him.

As soon as the door closed, she retreated to her bedroom to change. She stripped out of the navy skirt and sweater she had been wearing all day and pulled on a black minidress over her head. It was sleek and form-fitting. She knew it would draw attention, especially when paired with her favorite leather Manolos.

She didn’t know who was going to be out tonight. It was still too early to find her friends, if she even wanted to call them that. They rarely frequented the clubs until well past midnight. She didn’t care though because she was certain to know someone wherever she went. Either way, she just wished Adam was going with her.

He wasn’t the biggest party animal, but sometimes when she was with him, she didn’t even need it. She could stay home, wrapped up in his arms, watching a movie, and just be.

Throwing her black hair out of her face, she took a deep breath and shut down her brain. This had always been her thing. She had always been the party girl, and she liked that. She wanted to keep it that way.

Chyna continued to shake that feeling as she grabbed her long black wool, belted coat and exited her apartment. She had Carl drive her across town and entered the nightclub. As the pulsing beats hit her full force, she eased back into her persona. The flashing lights and loud music coursed through her veins, and she closed her eyes as she soaked in the sensation of freedom.

A gentleman swept her up to the VIP section a moment later. Soon, she was surrounded by high-end clientele gyrating against one another, and she quickly moved through the mass to the bar.

When she approached, the bartender nodded at her and had two shots of tequila poured before she even had a chance to ask him. She smirked and downed them one after another. How refreshing… A dirty martini landed on the bar next, and she smiled back in thanks. She had earned her bartender’s manners by tipping handsomely. They all appreciated her here, and she appreciated how strong they poured the drinks.

She would have spotted the guy inching toward her a mile off. He was attractive. By all means, he was very attractive, but her taste buds were dull after having just met Adam’s insanely hot brother. Plus, this guy looked like the type that thought his drink meant he should get something in return. She wasn’t up for that anymore, not when she had Adam. It felt kind of nice actually.

“Nice choice,” the guy said, finally moving close enough to her to brave speaking.

Chyna smiled sweetly up at him and tried to imagine what he would look like sweating in gym shorts. Yeah, no, not even close . He wasn’t fat exactly, but he could afford to lose some weight around the waistline and bulk up those shoulders.

God, could shoulders get much better?


She wanted to kick herself. She couldn’t think about John like that, and she certainly couldn’t start comparing people to him. Just because he was hot and built and nice and — Stop!

Okay, calm down! Breathe in, breathe out . This was stupid. She clearly needed to drink more. Her mind was all f**ked- up.

“You…uh, come here often?” he asked next.

Chyna almost snorted at him, but she was too busy trying to down her martini to drown away her vision of John’s tattoos.

She had Adam, and Adam was sexy in his own right. Plus, she was dating him. No one else was able to handle her shit.

“I guess that’s a yes,” he responded, answering for her.

“Yes.” She put down the martini and then glanced at her bartender.

“I can get the next round,” he offered.

“That’s really quite alright,” she said, turning him down with a smile.

“You here with a boyfriend or something?” he asked as if that was the only reason it would make sense that she would be turning him down.

“Not tonight,” she said as a dismissal, taking the next martini placed on the bar.

“I’ll have whatever she’s drinking,”

the guy said to the bartender, laying down a hundred dollar bill.

She almost rolled her eyes. Was that supposed to impress me?

Chyna sipped on her martini, wanting any excuse to get away from this guy. Why did he think he even had the right to be in her presence? Guys were so f**king irritating. Couldn’t they take a hint?

She was off in her own world when the guy’s hand trailed down the side of her arm. She glared up at him. “What are you doing?” she asked, pulling her arm back.

She did not want him touching her.

“You want to get out of here?” he asked, looking ridiculous as he took a sip of his martini. “I have a suite at the Plaza right now. It’s got your name written all over it.”

“No,” Chyna said exasperated. “What could possibly give you that thought? You don’t even know my name.”

“Come on, baby,” he slurred.

Ah! He was wasted. He hid it well.

“I’m not your baby, and I’ve politely told you no. I’m not generally polite,” she said, raising her eyebrows.

“You’ll have a good time,” he continued.

“Of that I’m certain,” she said sarcastically. She dropped her half- finished martini back on the bar and motioned to her bartender that she was through. She had a circling tab at the bar, so if she had to leave, they could just bill her. It was her favorite thing about this place.

“Where are you going?” the guy asked when she started walking away.

“Get a clue!” she yelled over her shoulder.

Chyna pulled her touch screen cell phone out of her purse to shoot off a text to her driver. She was sick of this place and needed a change in venue. If she stayed, she was sure that drunken a**hole would press his luck. She was supposed to be safe tonight.

She hit Send on the phone and was about to put it away when the screen lit up with a strange number. Because she had reached the edge of the club and was already pushing through the double doors into the silence, she answered the call.


“Hey, Chyna, it’s John.”

Chyna stumbled in her high heels, knocking into the bouncer. She actually stumbled. She had been wearing high heels since she was twelve. She could be rip-roaring drunk and didn’t miss a step in these things. The bouncer caught her easily, giving her a look like she needed to get her shit together before he released her.

“Adam gave me your number and said you might be out tonight,” he continued.

“Uh…yeah, hi,” she muttered. “He mentioned that.”

“So, Adam’s working late and can’t hang out. You doing anything?”

“I’m just leaving a bar. Did you want to meet somewhere?” she asked.

Yes, Adam had told her to hang out with him, but what was she doing? She couldn’t be alone with this guy. Hello?

Bad idea? Yeah, nice to hear from you.

“I’m not meeting friends until later,”

he said.

“Me either,” Chyna said, sliding into the backseat of her town car as soon as the door opened. “Adam said you might need a ride. I’m already in my car. Do you want me to come pick you up?”

“Is he trying to get me drunk?” John asked with a laugh at the end.

“Sounds like him,” she responded, waiting in her car.

“Sly bastard. Alright, yeah, sounds perfect. I’ll text you the address.”


“It’ll take me a minute to get ready.

You can have the attendant let you up to the top floor.”

Chyna handed the address over to her driver, Carl. He nodded, already knowing the building. Just looking at the address, she knew that it wasn’t a far drive. He lived in a nice part of town and on the top floor. Global had to be paying alright for him to afford a penthouse. She would love to peruse it and compare it to her own.

God, she just wanted to f**k Adam’s brother. She would have laughed if it weren’t so messed up. She couldn’t go over to John’s apartment. There were beds there…and counters…and she was ho r ny. Fuck. She was also clearly teetering toward drunk. How fast had she downed those martinis?

K.A. Linde's Novels
» Following Me
» Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding #1)
» Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)
» Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3)
» Avoiding Decisions (Avoiding #1.5)
» Avoiding Intimacy (Avoiding #2.5)