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Searching for Someday (Searching For #1) Page 12
Author: Jennifer Probst

KATE WALKED THE FLOOR of the elegant Italian restaurant, satisfied with the backdrop for Slade’s first cocktail party. The back room was reserved for Kinnections and the social mixers they tended to run on Friday and Saturday nights. Cosmos boasted great food, an intimate atmosphere, and a premier wine bar. The huge brick oven wall and high counters showed the chefs at work, a fun visual for the crowds. Her boots tapped on the polished marble floors, taking in the Tuscan decorations of bold red, gold, and earthy creams. She met Kennedy halfway to the back room.

“Is he here yet?”

Kennedy shook her head. “Sorry. Hope he’s not a no-show. Those suck.”

Kate tried not to fume at the idea of Slade wasting all their valuable time just to refuse the main event. Her crew put everything into his counseling and makeover and picking the right women. If he didn’t show up, she’d—

Well, she didn’t know, but she’d come up with something really evil. The image of his kiss mocked her thoughts and screamed her a liar. She wanted to do something with him all right. Preferably nak*d, dirty things that shouldn’t be imagined. Why, oh why, did he have to elicit the awful curse/touch? She needed to be firm tonight and not get too personal. Kate bore down and focused. She was his matchmaker and had an important job ahead of her. Find him a love match and do it quickly. “He works in Manhattan, so traffic is a mess. Let’s give him fifteen more minutes.”

“Got it.” Kennedy leaned over the bar and winked at the chef behind the table. Her generous cl**vage caused the next throw of his pizza dough to almost miss. “Hey, darlin’. Any way to get a drink around here?”

His gaze misted over. Kate watched as her friend worked her female magic to make every man before her go into idiot mode. She grabbed her arm and dragged her back. “Give him a break, Ken. Go order your drink at the bar like a normal person.”

Kennedy flipped her hair in artful style and grinned. “But this is so much more fun. And that way I don’t have to wait on line.”

“When have you ever waited more than five seconds for a drink?”

Her lips pursed in a pout. “Never, I guess. You’re no fun. I like torturing the male species. Give it a try.”

Kate pulled her through the restaurant and into the private party. “Behave. You meet with Jane tomorrow, right?”

“Yes. I’m taking her to the salon for the works. I think she’s ready.”

“Good. And make sure to keep Slade away from her. He’s nosy and wants to poke around in her love life. The last thing she needs right now.”

“Hmm, I’d let him poke me anytime. Anywhere.”

Kate rolled her eyes. “You never change.”

“Hope not. What fun would this threesome be if all of us weren’t getting any?”

She was saved from answering by the sudden appearance of the guest of honor.

The room fell into a short silence.

Holy crap. He was beyond hot. He actually wore the outfit Kennedy picked out, his jeans cupping his ass and thighs in all the right spots. The black and pink shirt gave him an air of edgy sexiness women loved, and his wavy caramel hair was a delicious shaggy mess around his head, framing those suspicious sage-green eyes. He took in the room with one sharp glance, obviously taking note of the occupants and his dates for the evening. Assessing. Commanding. Lord, he had alpha stamped all over him, and a tiny shiver bumped through her body.

The other women seemed to have the same reaction. Their gazes lit up with anticipation and roved over his figure like hungry she-wolves ready to feast.

And mate.

Kate pulled her professional demeanor around her tightly and walked up to him. “You’re late,” she whispered. “Why don’t you come with me before I introduce you to the four women I picked.”

“You’re not gonna announce ‘Meet my millionaire,’ are you?”

She shuddered with distaste. “This is not reality TV and not Bravo. We don’t lead with money here. Why, are you a millionaire?”

“Why? Do you want to know?”

Kate led him to the far corner, where the table of cocktails was already set up with various finger foods. “As long as you have a steady job you enjoy, we don’t care what your profit margin is. Neither will your dates.”

He snorted and eyed the table hungrily. And with more interest than he regarded the women. “Obviously, you haven’t been in the real world. I’m starving—are those mini pizzas?” He ignored her clucking and dove in, filling his plate with a massive amount of food. “Can I get a beer with this? Or wine. Whatever everyone’s drinking.”

She crossed her arms in front of her and tried not to huff. “In case you’ve forgotten, this isn’t the quick service dining plan. You’re here to meet your potential mate.”

“Right.” He chewed heartily. “This portobello is amazing. Smoky and full of flavor. Perfect with the bite of gorgonzola. Funny, I’ve never heard of this place. Want to try one?”

“No. Let’s go over the rules again, shall we?”

“No sleeping with them on the first date.”

She glared. “Of course not! Now, Kennedy and I will be here to help you mingle, and if you’re feeling awkward at any point, just give us a glance and we’ll be by your side. We can also help guide conversation. This is your party, and we want you to feel comfortable. You’ll have alone time with each of the women, and then you’ll let me know at the end of the mixer who you bonded with. Then we’ll set up a one-on-one date to take it further.”

He bit into a mini crab cake with homemade aioli and groaned. “Best crab cake ever.”

“Are you listening?”

“Yep. The more I think about it, I feel like the Bachelor. I don’t have to break up with any of them at the end of the night, do I?”

“Funny. Can you please take this seriously? These women have taken their precious time to meet you.”


“Now, you’ll meet Hannah, Emma, Sarah, and Ann. Each of them have the look you seem to require, steady jobs, and all the qualities you seem to admire. Are you ready for the introductions?”

“Can I have another piece of bruschetta?”


He wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Fine. I’m ready.”

She pasted on a brilliant, confident smile. “Then let’s go, shall we?” He reached out his hand in politeness, but she pretended to miss the gesture and marched in front of him. No touching tonight. That had disaster written all over it.

She made the introductions and fell smoothly into her role. The women all seemed to have a special quality she believed Slade was looking for, but it was Hannah whom she felt the most strongly about. With her dark good looks, curvy body, and sweet personality, she had the whole package. Her career as an accountant brought a seriousness Slade would respect. Her father was a well-known family court judge, and her mother an elementary school teacher. Satisfaction coursed through her at the immediate ease of conversation as they talked law and business. Kate retreated to the bar to keep an eye on the scene and give them the privacy needed.

She nibbled on cocktail shrimp and watched Slade work the room. She imagined his presence in court brought him a huge asset. It wasn’t just the breadth of his shoulders stretched under his shirt or the grace with which he prowled from woman to woman. It wasn’t even his piercing gaze or charming smile. No, his aura pulsed with sexual energy and a physical awareness to which no female was immune.

Including her.

Kate slid onto the red bar stool and grabbed a glass of Merlot. Whatever. She’d be more worried if she didn’t lust after Slade Montgomery. At least her hormones were alive and kicking. She just needed to redirect them.

“And who is that gorgeous man you’re panting over?”

The teasing question snapped her head. Genevieve bumped her shoulder and slid onto the stool beside her. She looked beautifully tousled in her jeans, peach sweater, and loose topknot. Kate laughed and gave her a quick hug. “You made it! I thought you were working an extra shift?”

Gen wrinkled her nose. “No, thank God. I have to pull an all-nighter tomorrow so I figured I’d grab some time to see you guys. Though I should probably be sleeping, as David says.”

“Can you tempt him with sex in the on-call room like in Grey’s?” she whispered.

“Nah, I use the on-call room to sleep. Usually because I’m dirty, smelly, and exhausted. Sex doesn’t tempt me.”


“So, who’s the hot guy?”

Kate slid her gaze back to his perfectly formed ass. She cleared her throat. “My new client. Slade Montgomery.”

“Why the hell does he need Kinnections?”

“See, that’s why I didn’t hire you: you suck at PR. Because he doesn’t have time to sort through the reams of women looking to date him.”

“He’s definitely into the tall brunette. How do some women get the tall gene and I get the Hobbit one?”

Kate gave her a playful shove. “You’re not a Hobbit, you maniac. You’re petite and gorgeous. I’d find your mate if you hadn’t already.”

Gen pulled her brows in a slight frown. “I’m not ready to get married, I’m still in residency. We’re just experimenting.”

“Right. He’s perfect for you. Your father and Alexa are mad about him, and you know they never approve of anyone.”

“Yeah. I guess.”

Her lackluster response made Kate pause. “You are crazy about him, aren’t you, Gen?”

“Hell, yes. He’s got the whole package and things are going great. I just don’t want to jinx it.”

Kate relaxed. “I understand. Is your sidekick coming out tonight?”

“No. Wolfe said he was buried in details for the new opening of Purity. It’s coming up in a few months and he’s working around the clock.”

Wolfe and Gen had met at NYU and clicked immediately; he was now a close family friend who ran a five-star hotel in the city. He also frequented Gen’s many family get-togethers.

“No wonder you guys are a pair. Ambitious workaholics unite.”

“I don’t see you painting the town red either.”

She ignored her friend’s astute observation and decided not to listen to any more cracks about her love life. Or lack of it. Slade disengaged himself from Hannah’s side and headed toward the bar. His gaze burned with purpose and focus.

Her panties dampened.

Damn him.

Gen let out a low whistle. “Umm, I’m heading toward the bar to look for Ken. Good luck.”

Her friend disappeared. Slade closed the distance.

Kate wet her dry lips and looked up. “How’s it going? I didn’t want to interfere when it looked like you had things under control.”

He studied her face, focusing on her newly wet lips. Like he was ready to dip his head and kiss the moisture from her mouth. Focus, Kate, focus. “I’m fine. Did I mingle enough yet?”

She raised a brow. “You’re done? If you don’t need any more time to pick your date, that’s fine. Who did you connect with?”

Jennifer Probst's Novels
» Everywhere and Every Way (Billionaire Builders #1)
» Searching for Always (Searching For #4)
» Searching for Beautiful (Searching For #3)
» The Book of Spells (Marriage to a Billionaire #4.5)
» The Marriage Bargain (Marriage to a Billionaire #1)
» The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire #2)
» The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionaire #3)
» The Marriage Merger (Marriage to a Billionaire #4)
» Catch Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #1)
» Play Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #2)
» Dare Me (Steele Brothers Trilogy #3)
» Searching for Someday (Searching For #1)
» The Holiday Hoax
» All the Way