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Taking Chances (Taking Chances #1) Page 2
Author: Molly McAdams

“Are you serious?” She looked appalled.

“My dad is a career Marine. I've never even touched make-up. Hell, I haven't even been to a mall.” I giggled when her face dropped to one of horror.

“I guess this means you won't be opposed to me taking you shopping tomorrow then?”

“If you can make me look this good for a simple party, I'd let you pick out all my outfits.”

She squealed and clapped, turning to grab her clutch. “Yay! Okay, let's go snag a couple guys.”

I stopped walking, eyes wide. I don't know how to talk to a normal guy, let alone snag one. “Uh, I'm not exactly great with the opposite sex. Like, I've never had a boyfriend or anything.”

“Whoa, what?!”

“What part of Marine for a father didn't you understand? I don't think I've ever even talked to a guy that wasn’t a Marine.”

“Okay, timeout. Are you being serious? Have you ever been kissed?” She gasped when my lips pressed into a hard line. “Oh honey, I promise to fix at least that by the end of tonight.”

My cheeks flamed as I quickly followed her out to her shiny graduation present of a car.



“Hi Drew.” Breanna hugged an already intoxicated looking guy that opened the door. “Drew this is my new roomie Harper, Harper this is Drew.”

“Nice to meet you.” I mumbled. Before I knew what was happening I was being lifted up in a bear hug. I gasped but refrained the urge to kick him.

“Always a pleasure to have fresh meat here.” He said with a wink before putting me down.

“Easy tiger, she's off limits to you!” She mock glared and poked him in the chest.

“Aww, come on Bree, don't be a c*ck block.”

Raising an eyebrow I almost smiled at him. He wasn't even attractive and was holding a blow up doll.

“Nu-uh, no one that lives in this house is allowed to touch her. I know how you all are. So play nice, kay?”

Drew grumbled and walked away to refill his plastic cup. Breanna leaned in to speak in my ear, “I'm not gonna lie and tell you they aren't all like that, practically every guy that lives in this house is just as bad as him, and most of the guys that will be here tonight are too. I'll tell you who's safe and who isn't.”

I smiled at her, “Thanks Bree, I'll owe you.” Not that I needed her to tell me to stay away from guys like him. Sir let me around the Marines not only because they were like the brothers I never had, but he knew I would never end up falling for someone who would talk like that in front of a girl.

She scrunched her brows together and teased me, “Duh. Want a drink?”

Agreeing, I walked with her to a group hovered around one of the kegs. After getting a beer and forcing half the cup down to get the bad taste over with as fast as possible, I followed her out to the back yard to meet more people. I don't remember most their names, but I got picked up and carried around more times than I cared to count, and was gawked at by every guy I met. Bree assured me it was because I looked good, but I was already wishing I'd worn a sweatshirt and jeans and cursing my tiny frame. Breanna seemed so at ease with the way guys were touching her and raking their eyes over us, and I didn't understand how she could do it. I no longer felt beautiful, I felt exactly like what Drew called me. Meat. I was halfway through my second beer of the night when I was pulled onto the dance floor by Bree and a few others.

I'd never felt so out of place in my life. Just watching the way these people were groping each other was making my cheeks burn, I tried to follow Bree's lead but I ended up just stumbling around from people rubbing up against me. I turned my head to see the most recent encounter and found myself being glared at by the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. Taking in the rest of him I could see I'd gotten in the way of his dry humping with a busty blonde and tried to quickly move away. Pointing to the kitchen when Bree tried to stop me, I slowly made my way through the packed bodies and out of the living room.

“What's up Harper?”

I turned to see Drew standing beside me. “Uh, nothing. Just had to get out of that.” I said pointing over my shoulder.

“You don't like to dance?”

You call that dancing? “Not really my thing.”

Drew put an arm on each side of me trapping me against the counter and pressing his body into mine. “Is there anything else I can I interest you in?”

Not you. “Is there a bathroom I can use?”

As soon as I asked, a bunch of guys started chanting and I turned to see what the fuss was about. My eyes about bulged out of my head when I did. The same guy I'd last bumped into on the dance floor was now taking shots out of a girl with fiery red hair’s mouth, running his tongue and lips all over her neck and chest between each one. When he sprinkled more salt on her, I realized why he’d been licking her. After the third one he looked right into my eyes and winked before putting his mouth to the fourth glass. I shook my head and didn't even wait for Drew to respond, I went off to find the bathroom on my own. After opening the doors on two couples hav**g s*x, I finally started asking more people where to find one. Once I got in, I locked the door and tried to calm myself. I may have heard disgusting stories from my brothers trying to get a rise out of me when I was young, but hearing it and seeing it are two completely different things.

I stayed in the bathroom until people started pounding on the door and dashed down the long halls trying to avoid looking at the doors to the other rooms I'd already opened. When I rounded a corner I ran right into a broad muscular chest and almost fell on my butt before he caught me.

“I'm so sorry, I –.” I shut my mouth when I looked up and saw those deep blue eyes again.

He smiled and I momentarily got distracted by his perfectly straight, white teeth and full lips. Cocking his head to the side, I saw the recognition flash across his face that was soon replaced by a sexy smirk. By the way my heart started pounding, I was sure he'd perfected that look years ago. “Now who are you?”

I blinked and tore my gaze from his mouth and tried to move around him but his hands were still holding me in place.

“What, you're too good to tell me?”

I thought about the two girls I'd seen him with, and for the first time since running into him, realized there was a new blonde with her arm wrapped around his waist. Wow three girls within half an hour. I raised an eyebrow at him, “Apparently.”

He and the tall blonde both scoffed. After releasing my arms he crossed his in front of his chest exposing even more muscles and a good bit of half sleeve tattoos on both arms. His stance may have looked intimidating if his face didn't appear so shocked and amused. “Excuse me Princess?”

Narrowing my eyes I started to shoulder my way past him, “You're right, excuse me.”

He let me pass and I made my way back outside, to where most of the activities happening didn't make me want to shut my eyes and turn away. Bree said we’d be here all night, and I know it’s childish, but all I want to do is hide out. I found a couple chairs in a dark corner of the backyard and plopped into one. It's obvious I'm not going to be a fan of parties. I pulled out my phone and texted Carter.

Me - ‘So…I don’t understand why you guys get so excited about parties’

J. Carter - ‘You at one?’

Me - ‘Yep.’

J. Carter - ‘Are you drinking?’

Me - ‘A little.’

J. Carter - ‘…please be careful. I know better than anyone that you can take care of yourself. But you’ve never had alcohol before. Don’t let anyone hand you an open drink, and don’t set yours down ever.’

Me - ‘Okay Mom.’

J. Carter - ‘I’m serious Blaze. Be careful.’

I smiled at his nickname for me. I was known for blushing.

Me - ‘I will. Miss you already.’

J. Carter - ‘Same here. No one left this weekend, we’re all too upset knowing you’re gone.’

Me - ‘I doubt that. You’re probably on a date right now, already forgetting about me’

We texted for hours and I realized the party had thinned out immensely by the time Breanna found me.

“Harper! What are you doing out here by yourself? I've been looking for you forever.”

“Sorry, guess I'm not as good at this as you.”

Huffing, she fell into the chair next to me. “You'll get used to it, once you know more people you'll have fun. Did you talk to anybody?”

I shook my head, “After I left you I only saw Drew and some other guy.”

“There were a lot of guys here, you're saying you only saw two in the last few hours?”

“Not that, he just...stood out I guess.” Not only because he'd given me a nickname I'd lived with and hated my entire life, but he is easily the most attractive guy I've ever seen. He had that bad boy model look going for him, and unfortunately he knew it.

“Really? And who is this mystery guy?”

“Apparently he isn't really a mystery.” I laughed, “I saw him with three different women in like thirty minutes. He was kind of a jerk too.” Not exactly, but I didn't like his entitled attitude.

“Sounds like my kind of man!”

I looked over at her, shocked.

“Kidding Harper! Kidding, oh my God you are too fun to mess with. Well, not to say I didn't have my hands all over a few guys myself, but at least that was over the course of four hours.” She laughed and stood up, offering me a hand. “Come on, practically everyone's already gone.”

“Are we going back to the dorms?”

“No way, crazy! I never drive if I've had anything to drink within the last three hours. It's a rule.”

“Sooo…where are we going then?”

“Well first we're gonna find my brother, and then we'll crash in his room.”

“What? No! I'm not sleeping in his room.”

“Chill Harp, it'll just be you and me in there. I always get his room after these parties.” She pulled me across the lawn towards the back door.

I groaned and tried to keep up, almost losing my flip flops on the way.

“YYYEEEAAAH Bree and fresh meat are sleeping over tonight!” Breanna bounced over to where Drew and another guy I didn't recognize were pouring shots and grinning while staring at my chest.

“Well, well. If it isn't the princess.”

My body tensed and I frowned when I saw him approaching. Narrowing my eyes, I plastered on a fake smile. “I almost didn't recognize you without a tramp attached to you.”

Drew and the other guy snickered.

Leaning into my ear he harshly whispered, “Would you like to change that? I'm not up to my limit tonight yet.”

Gah, why did he have to be so hot? My body was practically humming with how close he was. I leaned away and replied with the most innocent expression on my face, “Oh I'm sorry, but I don't have any STDs, I'm not your type.”

Drew started choking and Breanna spit her next shot all over the counter. Sputtering and choking, she finally composed herself enough to chime in, “Chase, you better stay away from my roommate. I told the guys she's off limits.”

I tore my eyes away from his to look at Bree, “You know him?”

Molly McAdams's Novels
» Stealing Harper (Taking Chances #2)
» Taking Chances (Taking Chances #1)
» Forgiving Lies (Forgiving Lies #1)
» From Ashes