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Taking Chances (Taking Chances #1) Page 4
Author: Molly McAdams


“Someone I'd been with Princess. I thought I banged a girl and let her stay here.”


He snorted. “Sorry, is that too much for your PG ears?”

“No, I just don't understand why that would be a bad thing.”

Sighing deeply he propped himself up on an elbow and looked directly into my eyes. “Girls I screw around with aren't allowed to come in my room, let alone stay the night. This is the only place that is mine, and I'm not about to share it with them.”

“So you sleep with women and then make them leave?” I didn’t even want to ask where he slept with them.

“No, I screw women…and then make them leave.”

I shook my head and walked toward the door, “You’re a pig.”

He laughed once without humor and watched me leave.

When I got out to the living room I saw Breanna at the kitchen table with a housemate, as soon as they saw me the conversation stopped. I hadn't known I could feel even more awkward, guess so.

Looking at me sheepishly, Bree stood from her chair and pulled me towards the living room. “Harper, I'm so sorry. Brad just told me everything.” Her voice broke at the end. “I swear I would never intentionally do something to embarrass you. I know we just met but I've been looking forward to living with you and I can't believe I hurt you like that after just meeting you.”

“Really, it's fine. I've heard enough stories that I figured you didn't know what you were doing.”

“It's not fine! You should hate me.”

I nodded and looked over at Brad who was grinning at me. “Well I don't plan on seeing any of these guys ever again, so there's no use in making you suffer with me.” I smiled at her, trying to make light of the situation.

Although I was still humiliated, I'd never been one to hold a grudge, and I wasn't about to start now. I had wanted to come start a new life here, and even though I seem to have taken five steps back, I was still determined to make this the best experience ever. Embarrassing moment or not, it's not like I had a lot of options here. Either let this get to me and cower away from people, or hold my head high and push forward.

She still looked sullen and it was making me uncomfortable. “Well at least people don't think I'm a whore.”

That brought on a smile which turned into a light laugh. “You're a glass half full kind of person, aren't you?”


Hugging me tightly before walking back to her cup of coffee she said, “At least let me buy you one new outfit.”

“Hah! I won't stop you. Are you sure you're up for that today though? I figured you wouldn't be up for much of anything after last night.”

“Sweetie, I'm always up for shopping. Go change, I'm ready when you are.”

I walked back into Chase's room to find it empty, after shedding his basketball shorts I quickly stepped into Bree's skirt. Before I could pull it up, the door swung open and Chase walked in.

“It's really a shame you don't let anyone see that sexy little body.”

Blushing fifty shades of red, I pulled them up and turned to face him.

“Calm down, you don't have anything I haven't seen before.” He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow making it disappear under his shaggy blonde hair. “Not saying I wouldn't want to see yours.”

“Bite me.” I pushed past him towards the door.

“Is that an invitation?”

“Not even close.”

He grabbed my waist, and pulled me against his chest, his nose skimming along my jaw, “One of these days Princess, I promise you.”

I turned to scowl at him once more, “I would never be desperate enough to want you.” Okay that was a lie; my breaths were already quickening just feeling his sculpted body pressed against mine.

His smile was slow and sexy, “We'll see.”


Breanna and I were lying on our beds in the dorm room after an epic six hour shopping trip at an outdoor mall. As promised, I let her pick out all my outfits, and she paid for one of them. Now that we were done, I was regretting how much money I'd spent, but I'd just bought fifteen different shirts, four pairs of jeans, a couple pairs of ultra-short shorts and skirts, three sexy but cute dresses and five pairs of shoes. After that was done we headed to Victoria's Secret, and I blushed my way through the entire store while she picked out all my new underwear, bras and sleeping clothes. Our last stop of the day was at Sephora where we basically purchased my own make-up counter after Bree swore to teach me how to put it all on. And for all that? I think I did pretty well. The only thing Sir had let me do growing up was work at one of the Post Exchanges. Not that kids my age were generally allowed to, but everyone knew our situation so I started there when I was twelve and had saved every cent.

“I'm. So. Exhausted.”

“It was so worth it though! Now you're finally ready for college.”

Looking at the garbage bags full of most my old clothes I laughed and let my head fall back onto my pillow. “I think you're right.”

“Now we just need to get you comfortable being around cute guys and you'll be golden. What's your type?”

Your brother. “Um, I'm not sure I have a type.”

“So no preferences? Hair color, eye color, skin color? Athlete, geek, musician?”

Rugged surfer, with dirty blond shaggy hair, impossibly blue eyes, the most breath taking smile you've ever seen and cover him in tattoos. I'll take that, please? “Nope, none. We'll just have to start from scratch.”

Just thinking about his tattoos had me biting my lip and fantasizing again about tracing them with my fingers. He was exactly the kind of guy Sir would hate, so naturally I was drawn to him.

“Hey Bree?”


“There's kind of something I've wanted to do for a whi– You know what, never mind.”

She sat up on her knees bouncing, “No you don't! You have to tell me now. You've wanted to do what?”

“Well there's a lot of things. But it'd probably be a bad idea to do them all at once. I should spread them out, and think about them more.”

“I'm waiting Harper.”

I sighed and scooted up against the wall, “I want to get a couple piercings.”

“Pfft, I thought you were about to say something juicier than that.” Figures she wouldn't be excited, each of her ears had four piercings.

I frowned at her.

“Okay, okay! What piercings do you want?”

“Um, I don't know what they're called. But here, and here.” I pointed a finger to my upper lip, and another to my ear.

“Oh cute! Your lip is called a Monroe, and your ear is a tragus. I actually really want my lip pierced too! Do you want to go get them done together sometime?”

I looked down before stealing a sideways glance, “Could we maybe go right now? Eighteen years of not being able to do what I want, I'm kind of impatient.”

“Harper, I'm pretty sure we're going to be best friends.” Without another word she shot off her bare mattress and headed for the door. Guess that means we're going.

I'm really glad she knew the area, because she drove right to a tattoo parlor, and after chatting it up with the piercer, we were sitting in his room picking out the studs before I could even think about this possibly being a bad idea. To my surprise, I wasn't even nervous ‘til I was sitting on his chair and he was putting the markers on me. “Oh my God, Breanna I need your hand.”

She laughed and sauntered up to me.

“Don't laugh, you're next.” That shut her up.

“Okay deep breath in.” The piercer said, “Annnnd blow out.” After he finished putting the one in my ear, he opened up a new packet and got to work on my lip. “Another deep breath in...and blow out.”

My eyes were watering, but thankfully it was done. I glanced in the mirror and a huge smile crossed my face, I absolutely loved them.

“Oh my God those are perfect for you! Ahh I'm so excited for mine now!” Bree had also decided to get her tragus pierced so we both were getting two, but she and the piercer had agreed her bottom lip would be better for the way her mouth was set.

Another ten minutes and hers were done, I made her eat her words when she grabbed my hand at the last minute and squeezed until I thought I'd never get the circulation flowing again. We paid the guy and ran to her car, looking into the visor mirrors before we left.

“Are your parents going to mind?”

“What? No way. Have you seen my brother? They love his tattoos so they aren’t going to care about this. Besides I'm pretty sure I couldn't get them mad at me even if I tried.” She laughed, “Let me guess, daddy's gonna be pissed?”

“Ha! Yeah, I'm almost positive he's going to try to rip them out. Good thing I'm not going home for ten months!”

“Ten months?! What are you doing for winter break?”

I shrugged, “Stay here. It wouldn't be much different than being there. We don't spend much time together if we're in the same house.”

“Jeez Harper, you had the most depressing childhood didn't you?”

“Not really, I mean it's all I've ever known. I thought it was normal until a few weeks ago when you and I started e-mailing.” I think I need to stop talking about my past, because I always seem to depress everyone. “So...dinner?”

She smiled and turned to glance at me, “You read my mind roomie, let’s grab some burgers then we can stay at my house tonight. We'll move my stuff into the dorm tomorrow.”


After orientation that next week, classes had started this last Monday and the first week had flown by. Breanna and I both loved our professors, and thankfully they didn't seem like they'd be too hard. I hadn't seen any of the guys from Chase's house, but that was my fault, I'd been avoiding them until today. Bree always ate lunch with them and though I'd made excuses the first three days, I was tired of eating alone in my room already. I'd never admit it out loud, but after Bree left for her first class this morning, I changed my outfit three times and spent extra time on my make-up. My entire body was shaking just thinking about seeing Chase and I still had to sit through a class, thankfully I only had one today, and that was the last one for the week. Just as class let out, I received a text from my roommate making sure I'd be there today because she was already holding a seat for me. No getting out of it now.

“Hey, hey! What's up Princess!”

“Princess! Where've you been all my life?”

I bit back my groan and smiled at the guys as I sank into the seat next to Bree, I tried not to let my disappointment show when I didn't see Chase there. No sooner had I cursed myself for spending the extra time trying to look perfect today, than two hands appeared on either side of my plate and I felt a hard chest press against my back and warm breath against my ear.

“Have you been hiding from me, PG?” He chuckled when he felt me shiver.

“Why, you miss me?”

“Of course. You're my favorite, remember?” His nose brushed along my neck and I almost turned into a puddle right there.

I sighed dramatically and leaned away from his intoxicating presence, “Sad to say you're not mine.”

Molly McAdams's Novels
» Stealing Harper (Taking Chances #2)
» Taking Chances (Taking Chances #1)
» Forgiving Lies (Forgiving Lies #1)
» From Ashes