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The Seduction of Sebastian St. James Page 14
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“So you’ve decided to help me after all?”

The truth. Rawlings wanted to help him. He was family, but at what cost to him? Before he hadn’t wanted anything to do with this man’s desperate plans, but now he also had a favor. The debt collectors wouldn’t stop calling. He had unsuccessfully tried to ask for a loan from his mother the day before. The door had been slammed in his face. It didn’t help matters that he had refused to own up to his end of the bargain given to him by his deceased father.

It was up to him. And he was at loss for what to do. He would lose everything if he didn’t marry soon. The country estate, the townhome in London—everything. And all because the angel duke had to ruin his plans for redemption. Tempest had always been too pure for his own good. Why was it he was constantly surrounded by angels singing when Rawlings had to suffer? Sure, it was unfortunate Tempest had lost his parents. But Rawlings couldn’t figure out how it was his fault, nor why Tempest was more deserving than he.

One more plan. He had one more idea. And he was nearly out of time to follow through with it. Luckily he had an ally—someone who would do the dirty work for him in return for one tiny favor.

All he needed was information on the sudden announcement between Tempest and Lady Gates. Something didn’t feel right about their betrothal, and he needed help to find out, though the last of his money had been spent on his extravagant house party in hopes to lure the wealthier of the ladies to his estate.

Plans had changed when he discovered Emma was seeking a husband.

The look on her face when she had seen him nearly broke his heart. Yes, he was after her money. What desperate man wouldn’t be? But what if, by some miracle, he could rekindle what they’d had? What if he could pull her away from Tempest, the arrogant cad, and finally prove his loyalty?

It was decided. She would be his. It was the perfect and only solution to the massive mountain that was Lord Rawlings’ debt. Now all he needed was this one favor from his half brother. Besides, John was the type who knew how to convince people to talk. If anyone could find out the secret to the duke’s sudden interest, it would be John, and his brother owed him this. After all those years of silence, his brother could give him this one boon. Their secret had nearly destroyed the family and done unmistakable damage to his father.

The more Rawlings thought about it the more secure he felt about being able to gain his brothers favor. And what did John have to live for? Not only would John be able to find out why Tempest was interested but surely he could satisfy his own twisted need to see Emma within the Rawlings family rather than another peer.


“Why does he have to bring it up every blasted time?” Sebastian said. He was still fuming over the meeting with Rawlings the previous day. He and Nicholas were patiently waiting for the women to descend the stairs in their pretty dresses. Everything had been taken care of. They would make the announcement tonight and later on in the week travel to Rawlings’ country estate for a house party.

Cards, giggling women, garden parties, and tea.


Then again house parties also included dark corridors, private rooms, and unchaperoned alone time.

Even better.

Then again every blasted time Sebastian thought of alone time, it was Emma’s face that invaded his thoughts. He pinched his nose and sat.

Nicholas cleared his throat. “I wasn’t aware you and Rawlings still had such a feud between the two of you.”

“He’s incapable of leaving the past in the past,” Sebastian grumbled.

Nicholas sighed. “I know I take my own life into my hands when I argue this point again, Seb, but it wasn’t your fault.”

“It was!” he roared, jumping out of the chair. “If I hadn’t been so busy gambling and drinking that entire week I would have realized it was my parents’ anniversary. I wouldn’t have been anywhere near the river when—”

“Seb, don’t.” Nicholas’s eyes pleaded.

“I saved her at the cost of their lives.” Sebastian finished his whiskey and closed his eyes. “And every time I see that little girl’s face, I wish she would have died, because maybe…maybe if she had, they wouldn’t have.”

Nicholas went to the liquor cabinet and poured another whiskey. “You have no way of knowing that.”

Sebastian refused to answer, because in his heart he knew he was right. Nobody knew the real story behind his cursed nickname. Nobody had any idea the dark thoughts that haunted his dreams—the faces of his parents, both lovely, wanting to surprise him that week at school. Knowing he was busy, they had sent ahead word they would arrive that night for dinner.

When he didn’t show, they had became worried.

What they hadn’t known was that Sebastian, being young and stupid, had gone on a week-long drinking and gambling binge with Rawlings, his best friend at the time. Nicholas, of course, had come along, but at the time wasn’t near the hellion the other two were.

On his way to the latest gambling spot, Sebastian had happened upon a small girl playing on the bridge. Her bonnet had fallen into the river. She had reached out to grab it and slipped, falling into the icy cold water.

Sebastian had been just deep enough in his cups that he hadn’t felt the cold water shock his body as he jumped in after her. Within seconds he had not only grabbed the girl from certain death but had swam to the shore to see at least ten different onlookers all clapping. Stupidly he had taken a bow, kissed the girl on the head as he heard whispers of “That’s the future Duke of Tempest…”

He had celebrated his good luck the rest of the night.

The next day he had awakened smelling and feeling like he had spent hours getting beat at Jacksons. Only it was about to get worse. He had been informed that his parents had not been able to locate him, and worried that he had misunderstood their letter, they had gone back to the country estate, only to get stuck in a terrible thunderstorm. Their carriage had crashed into another just a ways from his home at around the same time he had been pulling the girl out of the water.

So in his mind, even though for years Nicholas and his grandmother had told him differently, he could have prevented his parents’ death. And now it was up to him to make them proud. Never to be that boy again, but instead to be a man.

It was why he never drank excessively and why gambling was for the worst type of sinners. No, his reputation was everything. It had to be. Because the last time his reputation was anything but spotless, the two most important people in his life had been taken from him.

It was his constant reminder that the fates never promised to play fair. That people’s choices always had consequences. Angel duke was a good name, because it bitterly reminded him of who he was and who he had to be to make retribution for the lives that had been stolen from him.

“We’re ready!”

Emma’s cheerful voice penetrated his solemn mood. He snapped his head to the door of the study and managed a bright smile. The room was dimly lit, making it near impossible for him to see her dress clearly. A cloak covered her creamy shoulders. He closed his eyes, sending a quick thanks up to heaven. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to see her shoulders. Not now, and probably not for the rest of the night.

How was one to act when the girl he was affianced to was the girl he was attracted to but not the one he’d marry? The very woman who was to choose his future bride. The irony was too much. As if his body needed reminding, his pulse jumped wildly again when she moved to stand directly in front of him.

Perplexed he simply stared at Emma. Both thinking of an answer to his own thought provoking question and waiting for her to say something. Instead, she stared right back.

“As amusing as it is to watch the two of you stare with your mouths gaping open, I think it’s time we go to the ball and announce your betrothal, hmm?” Nicholas stepped around Sebastian, hitting him on the back in passing. It jolted Sebastian and he closed his mouth.

Emma lifted an eyebrow.

“Let’s go,” he said a little too gruffly.

“Either you’ve had a little too much whiskey or not enough. What were you two discussing in there?” Emma pointed back to the study. Her measly attempt at conversation made Sebastian’s mood darker.

Ignoring her question for a good five seconds, he grabbed his hat and offered his arm. “Nothing at all, my dear. Shall we?”

Chapter Twelve

The ball was magnificent. Animated people were talking and drinking in every corner of the room. Candles lit the would-be dark corridors, most likely trying to deter young couples from the path of ruination. Gowns of silk and lace. Ladies in scandalous clothing with low cut dresses fanned themselves as men teased and flirted. Everyone seemed to sparkle in the night. In fact, everything seemed more alive. She felt more alive, then again, she mustn’t let her thoughts or her heart get ahead of matters. She was here to announce a fake engagement, and then the real work would begin.

She didn’t even see Sebastian approach. “Are you ready to start some rumors?”

Laughing, she turned slowly. Sebastian was dressed impeccably in white and black. His wavy blond hair fell perfectly over his left eye. If she hadn’t known his identity, she would think him rather rakish tonight. He licked his lips and leaned in.

Her heart nearly stopped. Eyes blue and piercing bore into her.

“We might have a little fun before the announcement, let the tongues wag so to speak. What do you think, dear?” His gloved hand was outstretched.

It felt like the story in the Bible in which the serpent told Eve it was only one bite.

But this was the Duke of Tempest. He was known for his manners, his impeccable reputation. So why did his touch, his challenge, make her feel wicked all the way down to her toes?

Well, might as well go down with him.

Every delicious piece of him.

Emma! she scolded herself.

She took his hand and allowed him to lead her into the middle of the dance floor.

“A waltz.” His breath teased the side of her face.

Oh, she was in trouble. Why did everything have to do with dancing? Her past seemed to haunt her with every step she took. In Sebastian’s arms she felt stronger, more capable of facing the monsters that threatened to destroy her at such a young age. What should be a fairy tale felt like a nightmare. Conflicting emotions pounded in her. One minute she was scandalized by the way her body responded to his, the next she was weak with fear.

Twice she had attempted to dance with this man, and both times she had felt ready to faint from the emotional turmoil of it all. Earlier in the evening Sebastian had asked if she was prepared to dance in front of the ton. Saying it would be absolutely necessary for them to dance together in order to push the gossip along. Arguing seemed awkward, considering she hadn’t wanted to explain her aversion to any sort of dancing. It would do neither of them any favors for her to discuss her blatant fear and anger associated with the activity. So she braced herself for what needed to be done and tried to be herself as he led her onto the floor.

Sebastian smiled down at her and winked.

This isn’t real. This isn’t real.

Her breath quickened as he pulled her closer. Had they danced a waltz before? In answer, his hand moved dangerously close to her bottom. No, she would have remembered that hand. That hand…his touch.

Rachel Van Dyken's Novels
» The Redemption of Lord Rawlings
» The Seduction of Sebastian St. James
» The Ugly Duckling Debutante
» Every Girl Does It
» The Devil Duke Takes a Bride
» Forever (Seaside, #3.5)
» Shatter (Seaside, #3)
» Pull (Seaside #2)
» Tear (Seaside #1)
» The Wager (The Bet, #2)
» The Bet (The Bet #1)
» Elect (Eagle Elite, #2)
» Elite (Eagle Elite, #1)
» Ruin (Ruin #1)