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The Lucky One Page 31
Author: Nicholas Sparks

"Yes, you are. You might as well be sitting on the front porch picking petals off a daisy."

Beth grinned. "Believe it or not, I actually understood that metaphor."

Nana waved her off. "Accidents happen. The point is, I know you like him. The question is, does he like you?"

"Yes, Nana."

"Have you asked what that means?"

"I know what it means."

"Just making sure," she said. She glanced in the mirror and adjusted her hair. "Because I like him, too."

She drove with Nana toward Logan's house, worried that her wipers couldn't keep up with the rain. Seemingly endless storms had swelled the river; though the water didn't quite reach the street, it was almost lapping at its edges. A few more daysofthis, j -she thought, and roads would begin closing. Businesses closest to the river would soon be stacking sandbags to prevent water from ruining low-lying merchandise.

"I wonder if anyone is going to make it to the church today," Beth remarked. "I can barely see beyond my window."

"A little rain won't keep people away from the Lord," Nana intoned.

"It's more than a little rain. Have you seen the river?"

"I saw it. It's definitely angry."

"If it gets any higher, we might not be able to make it into town."

"It'll all work out," she declared.

Beth glanced across at her. "You're in a good mood today."

"Aren't you? Since you stayed out all night?"

"Nana," Beth protested.

"I'm not judging. Just mentioning. You're an adult and it's your life."

Beth had long grown used to her grandmother's pronouncements. "I appreciate that."

"So it's going well? Even with your ex trying to cause trouble?"

"I think so."

"Do you think he's a keeper?"

"I think it's a little early to even consider something like that. We're still getting to know each other."

Nana leaned forward and wiped at the condensation on the window. Though the moisture disappeared momentarily, fingerprint smudges remained. "I knew right away that your grandfather was the One."

"He told me that the two of you dated for six months before he proposed."

"We did. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't have said yes earlier. I knew within a few days that he was the one for me. I know how crazy that sounds. But being with him was like toast and butter from the very beginning.''

Her smile was gende, her eyes half-c losed, as she remembered. "I was sitting with him in the park. It must have been the second or third time we'd ever been alone, and we were talking about birds when a young boy, obviously from out in the county, wandered up to listen. His face was dirty, he didn't have shoes, and his clothes, as ragged as they were, didn't even fit him. Your grandfather winked at him before going on, as if to tell the boy he was welcome to stay, and the boy kind of smiled. It touched me to think that he didn't pass judgment based on the way the boy looked." She paused. "Your grandfather kept on talking. He must have known the name of every kind of bird in this part of the state. He'd tell us whether they migrated and where they nested, and the sound of their calls. After a while, this young boy sat right down and just stared as your grandfather made everything sound… well, enchanting. And it wasn't just the young boy. I felt it, too. Your grandfather had this soothing, lullaby like voice, and while he talked, I got the sense that he was the kind of person who couldn't hold anger for more than a few minutes, because it just wasn't in him. It could never grow into resentment or bitterness, and I knew then that he was the kind of man who would be married forever. And I decided then and there that I should be the one to marry him."

Despite her familiarity with Nana's stories, Beth was moved.

"That's a wonderful story."

"He was a wonderful man. And when a man is that special, you know it sooner than you think possible. You recognize it instinctively, and you're certain that no matter what happens, there will never be another one like him."

By that point, Beth had reached Logan's graveled drive, and as she turned in and approached the house, bouncing and splashing through the mud, she caught sight of him standing on the porch, dressed in what seemed to be a new sport jacket and a pair of freshly pressed chinos. When hp waved, she couldn't suppress an ear-to-ear smile.

The service began and ended with music. Nana's solo was greeted with hearty applause, and the pastor singled out both Logan and Nana, thanking Logan for fiUing in at the last minute and Nana for demonstrating the wonder of God's grace in the face of a challenge.

The sermon was informative, interesting, and delivered with the humble recognition that God's mysterious works aren't always understood; Beth felt that their gifted pastor was one of the rea-sons membership in the church continued to grow.

From her seat in the upper balcony, she could easily see both Nana and Logan. Whenever Ben was with his father for the weekend, she liked to sit in the same spot, so Ben would know where to find her. Usually, he caught her eye two or three times during the service; today, he turned around constantly, sharing his awe at the fact that he was friends with someone so accomplished.

But Beth kept her distance from her ex. Not because of what she'd recently learned about him-though that was reason enough-but because it made things easier on Ben. Despite Keith's lascivious impulses, in church he behaved as though he viewed her presence as a dangerously disruptive force that might somehow upset his clan. Gramps sat in the center of the first row, with the family fanning out on either side and in the row behind him. From her spot, she could see him read along with the Bible passages, take notes, and listen intently to everything the pastor said. He sang every word to every hymn. Out of the entire family, Beth liked him the best-he'd always been fair with her and unfailingly polite, unlike most of the others. After church, if they happened to bump into each other, he always remarked that she was looking well and thanked her for the admirable job she was doing with Ben.

There was honesty in the way he spoke to her, but there was a line in the sand as well: She understood that she wasn't to rock the boat. He knew she was a far better parent than Keith and that Ben was turning into a fine young man because of her, but that knowledge didn't override the fact that Ben was, and always would be, a Clayton.

Still, she liked him-despite everything, despite Keith, despite the line in the sand. Ben liked him, too, and half the time she got the sense that Gramps demanded Keith show up with Ben to spare Ben from having to be alone with his father for the entire weekend.

All of those realities were far from her mind as she watched Logan play the piano. She hadn't known what to expect. How many people took lessons? How many people claimed to be able to play well? It didn't take long to realize Logan was exceptionally skilled, far above the level she'd expected. His fingers moved effortlessly and fluidly over the keys; he didn't even seem to read the music in front of him. Instead, as Nana sang, he focused his attention on her while keeping perfect rhythm and pace, mote interested in her performance than his own.

As he continued to play, she couldn't help thinking about the story that Nana had recounted in the car. Tuning out the service, she found herself recalling easy conversations with Logan, the feel of his solid embrace, his natural way with Ben. Admittedly, there was a lot she still didn't know about him, but she did know this: He completed her in a way that she'd never thought possible. Knowledge isn't everything, she told herself, and she knew then that, in Nana's words, he was the toast to her butter.

After the service, Beth stood in the background, amused by the thought that Logan was being treated like a rock star. Okay, a rock star with fans who collected Social Security checks, but as far as she could tell, he seemed both flattered and flustered by the unexpected attention.

She caught him looking at her, silently pleading for her to rescue him. Instead, she simply shrugged and smiled. She didn't want to intrude. When the pastor came up to thank him a second time for filling in, he suggested that Logan might want to consider playing even after Abigail's wrist was healed. "I'm sure we'd be able to work something out," the pastor urged.

She was most surprised when Gramps, with Ben at his side, made his way over to Logan as well. Like Moses parting the Red Sea, Gramps didn't have to wait amid the throng to offer his compliments. In the distance, Beth saw Keith, his expression a mixture of anger and disgust.

"Fine job, young man," Gramps said, offering his hand. "You play as if you've been blessed."

She could see from Logan's expression that he recognized the man, though she had no idea how. He shook Gramps's hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"He works at the kennel with Nana," Ben piped up. "And I think him and Mom are dating."

At that, a stillness fell over the throng of admirers, punctuated by a few uncomfortable coughs.

Gramps stared at Logan, though she couldn't read his reaction. "Is that right?" he said.

"Yes, sir," Logan answered.

Gramps said nothing.

"He was in the marines, too," Ben offered, oblivious to the social currents eddying around him. When Gramps seemed surprised, Logan nodded.

"I served with the First, Fifth out of Pendleton, sir." After a pregnant pause, Gramps nodded. "Then thank you for your service to our country as well. You did a marvelous job today."

"Thank you, sir," he said again.

* * *

"You were so polite," Beth observed when they were back home She'd said nothing about what had gone on until Nana was om of earshot. Outside, the lawn was beginning to resemble a lake and still the rain continued to fall. They'd picked up Zeus on the way back, and he lay nestled at their feet.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

She made a face. "You know why."

"He's not your ex." He shrugged. "I doubt he has any idea what your ex is doing. Why? Do you think I should have clocked him?"

"Absolutely not."

"I didn't think so. But I did happen to see your ex while I was talking to the grandfather. He looked as though he'd just swallowed a worm."

"You noticed that, too? I thought it was kind of funny."

"He's not going to be happy."

"Then he can join the club," she said. "After what he did, he deserves to eat a worm."

Logan nodded, and she snuggled up to him. He lifted his arm and pulled her close.

"You looked mighty handsome up there while you were playing."


"I know I shouldn't have been thinking that since I was at church, but I couldn't help it. You should wear a sport jacket more often."

"I don't have the kind of job that requires one."

"Maybe you have the kind of girlfriend who does."

He pretended to be puzzled. "I have a girlfriend?"

She nudged him playfully before looking up at him. She kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for coming to Hampton. And deciding to stay."

He smiled. "I didn't have a choice."

Two hours later, right before dinner, Beth saw Keith's car plow through puddles on his way up the drive. Ben scrambled out of the cat. Keith already had the car in reverse and was pulling away before Ben reached the porch steps. "Hey, Mom! Hey, Thibault!"

Logan waved as Beth stood up. "Hey, sweetie," Beth said. She gave him a hug. "Did you have a good time?"

"I didn't have to clean the kitchen. Or take out the trash."

"Good," she said. "And you know what?"


Ben shook the water from his raincoat. "I think I want to learn how to play the piano."

Beth smiled, thinking, Why am I not surprised.

"Hey, Thibault?"

Logan raised his chin. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to see my tree house?"

Beth cut in. "Honey… with the storm and all, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"It's fine. Grandpa built it. And I was there just a couple of days ago."

"The water's probably higher."

"Please? We won't stay long. And Thibault will be with me the whole time." Against her better judgment, Beth agreed.

Chapter 24


Clayton didn't want to believe it, but there was Gramps actually complimenting Thigh-bolt after church. Shaking his hand, acting like he was some sort of hero while Ben stared up at Thigh-bolt with big puppy-dog eyes.

It was all he could do to make it through brunch without cracking open a beer, and since dropping Ben at his mother's, he'd already gone through four. He was pretty sure he'd finish off the twelve-pack before turning in. In the past two weeks, he'd had a lot of beer. He knew he was overdoing it, but it was the only thing that kept him from dwelling on the latest run-in with Thigh-bolt.

Behind him, the phone rang. Again. Fourth time in the last couple of hours, but he wasn't in the mood to answer it.

Okay, he admitted it. He had underestimated the guy. Thigh-bolt had been one step ahead of him from the very beginning. He used to think Ben knew how to press his buttons; this guy dropped bombs. No, Clayton thought suddenly, he didn't drop bombs. He directed cruise missiles with pinpoint accuracy, all geared toward the destruction of Clayton's life. Even worse, Clayton hadn't seen it corning. Not once.

It was beyond frustrating, especially since the situation seemed to be getting worse. Now, Thigh-bolt was telling him what to do.

Ordering him around, like he was some flunkie on payroll, and for the life of him, Clayton couldn't figure a way out. He wanted to believe that Thigh-bolt had been bluffing about videotaping the break-in. He had to be bluffing-no one was that smart. He had to be. But what if he wasn't?

Clayton went to the refrigerator and opened another beer, knowing he couldn't risk it. Who knew what the guy was planning next? He took a long pull, praying for the numbing effect to kick in soon.

This should have been easier to handle. He was a deputy sheriff, and the guy was new in town. Clayton should have had the power all along, but instead he found himself sitting in a messy kitchen because he hadn't wanted to ask Ben to clean it for fear the kid would tell Thigh-bolt, which just might spell the end of Clayton's life as he knew it.

Nicholas Sparks's Novels
» Two By Two
» See Me
» A Walk To Remember
» Nights in Rodanthe
» The Notebook
» Dear John
» The Last Song
» The Lucky One
» Safe Haven
» The Wedding
» Message in a Bottle
» The Rescue
» The Guardian
» A Bend in the Road
» The Choice
» True Believer
» Three Weeks With My Brother
» The Longest Ride
» At First Sight
» The Best of Me