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The Devil Duke Takes a Bride Page 5
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

He did not look amused, instead his eyes took on more fury, drilling a hole through her very person. “That was Sir Elliot himself, the very same man, who just a few weeks ago, was found ravaging the very young Lady Lillian Derby.”

“Him?” Katherine tried not to look amused, but the idea of that man ravishing anything was inconceivable. “And here I thought it was Banbury who did all the ruining.”

“Looks can be quite deceiving, and believe me, Banbury isn’t without his faults, but when it comes to women, he has more of a mature taste.” His eyes scanned her from head to toe as if to say, “Pity, you aren’t one of them.” He shrugged and continued to glare in the opposite direction toward the wall.

“How is the girl?” Katherine asked needing to change the subject before she burst into tears. Is that how all men saw her? First she was a spinster, and now she was hardly a woman! Not even good enough for the Devil Duke to freely ruin and not good enough for Paisley either.

“Ruined, at the young age of one and six. You would do well to stay away from him.”

At least he would try to ruin her, whereas everyone else found her disagreeable.

“Noted.” She gulped and took one last turn just as Benedict’s voice rose above the music.

Paisley’s eyes searched the crowd until they landed on Benedict. Cheeks ruddy and stance not at all sturdy, the man was completely and utterly foxed.

What a grand night this had turned out to be.

Katherine pulled away, thoroughly disgusted with not only her behavior but that of her betrothed, and to be honest, a little heartsick that the very man she had loved since she was a small girl was doing nothing but a small favor. Protecting her as if she was still a girl of nine years.

Had nobody noticed that she was a woman? Did she need to shout it just as Benedict was shouting now?

Though he wasn’t using words, merely grunts, and thankfully the music was loud enough to drown out some of his bellow.

He reached her side and pulled her aggressively across his body, sending a seething glare to Paisley before using her as a crutch to leave the room.

She said nothing.

Katherine kept silent, which was a small miracle in and of itself, and helped Benedict to the doors leading outside. It was when she reached the double doors that she stole a glance back at Paisley, whose eyes were trained on Lady Anastasia as if she was his water in a drought. Would any man ever look at her with such hunger? For she did not miss the way his eyes hooded the minute they set upon Lady Anastasia. She felt herself blush as she looked back down at the ground feeling suddenly very much an imposter.

Heartsick, she swallowed the lump in her throat and helped Banbury down the remaining stairs.

He slurred for his carriage.

Katherine rolled her eyes.

This was her life. Helping the drunken Devil Duke into his carriage while licking her wounds from the other duke who was too pigheaded to do anything worthwhile and thought her nothing but a schoolgirl.

The fact that they were both foxed and angry just irritated her all the more.

The carriage seemed to take years. The footman jumped down to help the duke into the carriage.

“Good riddance,” she uttered under her breath as she turned on her heel.

“Wait,” Banbury called, his voice strangely quiet.

Against her better judgment, she stopped in her tracks. With a resigned sigh, she turned back to the carriage and leaned in.

“I forgot…” Banbury ran a gloved hand through his perfectly dark hair.

“What did you forget?”

“My betrothed.”

With strength of a god, he pulled her into the carriage, causing her to tumble across his lap, and the blasted horses took off.

If she wasn’t ruined before, she was good and ruined now. Her last thoughts before the Devil Duke brought her to his lap and kissed her.

Chapter Six

To Dare the Duke

One kiss, just one blasted kiss.

Blind rage had engulfed his entire body when he saw Baldwyn dancing with Katherine. An emotion he had never before experienced slammed into his chest, stealing the breath straight from him. Unable to speak, he had resorted to bellowing in the large ballroom rather than politely walking up to the couple and punching his cousin in the face.

Truthfully, everyone within the vicinity was lucky he was foxed, for even he was not drunk enough to falsely believe he would be a good shot. Not with how heavy his body had felt.

It was all Rawlings’ fault, for he had found great amusement in goading Benedict to drink more. And then Renwick had joined in, and some other gentleman who had a twin, and to be honest, it was all quite fuzzy after that.

Montmouth told him he should sleep it off.

And he was going to.

Really he was.

Until he saw her.

Heaven above, she was beautiful, and she really didn’t have a right to be anything but disagreeable and ugly. After all, she had nearly killed him and then ruined him, a renowned scoundrel of all people, in front of his aunt!

Without logic entering into the equation, he grabbed the minx by the arm and brought her outside.

His only goal to scare her and warn her of dalliances with other men. If he was to placate her family, he needed to have his two weeks without any competition. Not that he was worried he would lose, it just didn’t seem fair.

But once he opened his mouth, her vanilla scent bombarded him nearly sending him to his knees, and once again he was filled with a violent lust that left him wondering what it would feel like to lick her bare skin.

Unfortunately, he was too foxed to use any of his usual tactics.

Meaning, he resorted to trickery.

Not one of his finer moments.

She didn’t even fight him.

Which, according to his drunken haze, told him she desired him as much as he desired her, which according to his calculations, also meant she would be receptive to his kiss.

She wasn’t.

Instead, she pushed against his chest and kicked until, with a curse, he pulled away.

“What the devil was that for?”

“You pompous, arrogant, son of a—”

His hand covered her mouth before she made a fool of herself by insulting a peer of the realm, one that ranked higher than her, if only by a tiny hair.

“Cease from speaking, you insulting wench.” Well, he could have said that better. He blamed the whiskey, and those two wretched twins. What were their names again? Anthony and Ambrose, something? Why the devil did they keep pouring that whiskey? Terrible idea to begin with. He needed a clear mind, not one muddled with alcohol.

He shook his head.

Katherine slapped him, offering her assistance no doubt.

“Well, that was helpful, my thanks.” He scowled and touched his cheek where he carried a painful mark of her assault.

“What the devil do you think you’re doing?” Katherine’s nostrils flared. He didn’t need to be sober to know she was upset, but he did need to be sober to be able to concentrate on her face rather than the swell of her br**sts.

Blast, but she had nice br**sts.

All round and…

“Benedict!” she screamed his Christian name quite loudly. What the devil did she do that for? Had she no care for the foxed?

“Stop yelling!” he yelled.

“Why did you kidnap me like that? I’m completely and utterly ruined now! My parents are probably already announcing our engagement, elated that I left with you! Oh, this is so horrible!” She sat back against the cushions and punched the seat with her hand.

“Yes well, I obviously hadn’t thought that through very well,” he admitted touching a hand yet again to his throbbing face.

“You don’t say?” she mocked.

“Now see here.” His head felt much clearer when he was enraged, funny that. “We will marry and that is that.”

“Hours ago, you wanted to murder me, and now you want to marry me?”

“Yes, well no, I’m not sure.”

“I feel so desired, la, I’m going to be a puddle at your feet if you keep speaking to me with such delicate words and phrases.”

“You don’t want to marry me,” he stated boldly. “You’ve told your parents and my aunt, though you grudgingly admitted to allowing me two weeks to court you.”

“I thought it a kindness.” She smiled sweetly.

Minx. “No, you thought to inflict more torture on my person. But not again, I will not be ruined and then jilted out of a proposal.”

“Pardon?” She leaned forward.

“You heard me, I was quite ruined tonight.”


“Ah, so she lacks intelligence as well as hearing?” Benedict grinned at his brilliance. “You ruined me, not the other way around. It was you on top of me, and you who clumsily fell into my carriage; all it would take is one word from me to your family and you’d be stuck with me.”

Katherine folded her arms across her chest, giving him another lovely view he wouldn’t mind staring at for the remainder of the evening. “Smarter when you’re foxed, hmm?”

His eyes darted back up to her face. He really needed to stop getting so distracted. “I’m always smarter, and don’t you forget it. The way I see things is you have no choice but to marry me. But never fear. I will allow you to earn the right to choose and court me as you see fit.”

“Me?” Katherine laughed. “Court you? A man? How much whiskey did you consume?”

Not near enough, not near enough. Blazes, her smile was beautiful. Why was it so blasted hot in that carriage? He cleared his throat. “I’ll call upon you tomorrow and you may court me as you see fit.”

“Or else?” she asked in a tiny voice.

“Or else I’ll ruin you even more than you’re ruined at this very moment. You won’t be accepted anywhere, and my slip of a cousin will be sorry he ever danced with you.

A defeated look washed across her features as her eyebrows drew together and her mouth gaped open. “I know what you’re doing.”

He sure hoped not.

“You, you!” She pointed at him and pounded the cushion again. Poor, sad, little cushion seat. “You mean to make it look like it’s my fault when the engagement doesn’t work! You mean to salvage your pride, you hateful man!”

He sneered. “But of course, it works for the both of us. Your parents see that you truly tried to make it work, you put forth such a gallant effort. And in the end, when it still isn’t enough to win over the most infamous duke of the ton, they’ll nurse your broken heart, and you will be free to do whatever you like.”

“But—” She chewed her lower lip. What he wouldn’t give to be that lip.

Water, he needed some sort of water to get rid of his foxed state. He was starting to feel… sentimental. “But, I’ll still be ruined, won’t I?”

“Of course.” He grinned. What did he care if she was ruined? He already planned on ruining her, ravishing her, and then leaving. That was to be her punishment for all the torture she’d put him through, and she was more than deserving. He would enjoy every single second.

She took a deep breath and cursed, quite impressively for a young lady.

“You’re the devil,” she said.

Rachel Van Dyken's Novels
» The Redemption of Lord Rawlings
» The Seduction of Sebastian St. James
» The Ugly Duckling Debutante
» Every Girl Does It
» The Devil Duke Takes a Bride
» Forever (Seaside, #3.5)
» Shatter (Seaside, #3)
» Pull (Seaside #2)
» Tear (Seaside #1)
» The Wager (The Bet, #2)
» The Bet (The Bet #1)
» Elect (Eagle Elite, #2)
» Elite (Eagle Elite, #1)
» Ruin (Ruin #1)