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Kiss Me While I Sleep (CIA Spies #3) Page 65
Author: Linda Howard

He put her bags in the back while Lily got in the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt. Swain slid the driver’s seat back before he got in, making room for his legs.

He turned the key and started the engine. “It has a navigation system,” Lily pointed out.

“I don’t need a navigation system. I can read a map.” He put the car in gear, then made a high-pitched whining noise through his nose as he accelerated. Unfortunately, the noise exactly matched the pitch of the engine noise, and Lily lost her battle not to laugh. She tried to hide it, pinching her nose and turning her head to look out the window, but he saw her heaving shoulders and said sourly, “I’m glad someone thinks this is funny. I’m staying at the Bristol; don’t you think someone there might think it’s odd that I’m driving a Fiat instead of something flashier?”

“You’re such a car snob. A lot of people rent cars that have good gas mileage. It’s a smart thing to do.”

“Unless they might have to make a quick getaway and they’re being chased by cars with bigger engines.” His expression was grim. “I think I’ve been emasculated. I probably won’t be able to get a hard-on while I’m driving this.”

“Don’t worry,” she soothed. “If you can’t, I’ll let you get whatever kind of car you want tomorrow.”

Like magic his expression lightened and he started to grin, only to have the grin morph into a grimace of acute pain as he realized the choice she’d just given him. “Ah, shit,” he groaned. “That’s diabolical. You’re going to hell for thinking of something that evil.”

She gave him an innocent look and lifted one shoulder in a gesture that said, “So?” He was the one who had taken the issue down the sexual path; if he didn’t like where he’d ended up, it was his own fault.

She was amazed that she could be so entertained, considering what they were up against, but it was as if by tacit agreement they had decided to have today just for themselves, because today might be all they had. She had known some contract agents who, because of the nature of their work, lived totally in the moment. She never had, but today she saw the appeal of not worrying about tomorrow. There was a poignancy that hit home as she watched his expressions, an acknowledgment of what could be between them if she had the chance to let it grow. He made her feel soft inside, and warm with an affection that held so much promise it was almost frightening. She could love him, she thought. She might already, just a little bit, for his sense of humor and sheer joie de vivreihat lifted her own spirits from the depths. She had needed to laugh, and he’d given her that. “Let’s renegotiate,” he said. “If I can get it up, as a reward I get to pick out a different car tomorrow.”

“And if you can’t, you have to drive this one for the duration?”

He snorted and said smugly, “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.”

“Then where’s the negotiation?” She stroked the seat. “I like this car. I’m becoming very fond of it. Unlike you, my sexuality isn’t linked to a machine.”

“Guys can’t help it. We’re born with a stick shift, and it’s our favorite toy from the time our arms are long enough to reach it.”

“This car has a stick shift,” she pointed out.

“Don’t get technical. There’s no testosterone here.” He made the high-pitched whining sound again. “See? It’s a soprano. A four-cylinder soprano.”

“It’s a great car for city driving. It’s highly maneuverable, economical, reliable.”

He gave up. “All right. You win. I’ll drive it, but I’ll need therapy afterwards for the emotional damage you’re inflicting on me.”

She stared straight ahead through the windshield. “Massage therapy?”

“H’mmm.” He considered it “Yeah, that’ll do it. But I’ll need a lot of it.”

“I think I can handle that.”

He grinned and winked at her, and abruptly she wondered if she hadn’t outsmarted herself and let him talk her into something she hadn’t one hundred percent decided to do. Ninety-eight percent, yes, but not a hundred percent. That old sense of caution still nagged at her.

In that uncanny way he had of picking up on her wavelength, he turned totally serious. “Don’t let me pressure you into anything you don’t want to do,” he said quietly. “If you don’t want to sleep with me, all you have to do is say no.”

She looked out the window. “Have you ever wanted anything and been afraid of it at the same time?”

“You mean like getting on a roller coaster, when you really want the ride but your stomach’s already in your throat thinking about that first big drop?”

Even his anxieties were fun-related, she thought, and smiled a little. “The last time I was involved with someone, he tried to kill me.” She said it casually, but the sorrow and tension that still gripped her to this day were anything but casual.

He whistled between his teeth. “That would ruin your day, all right. Was he crazy jealous or something?”

“No, he’d been hired to do it.”

“Ah, honey,” he said, with real sadness in his tone, as if he grieved for her. “I’m sorry. I can see where that would make you cautious.”

“That’s an understatement,” she muttered.


“In a big way.”

He hesitated, as if he wasn’t certain he wanted to know. “How big?”

Linda Howard's Novels
» Kiss Me While I Sleep (CIA Spies #3)
» All the Queen's Men (CIA Spies #2)
» Kill and Tell (CIA Spies #1)
» Cry No More
» Dream Man
» Ice
» Mr. Perfect
» Now You See Her
» Open Season
» Troublemaker
» Up Close and Dangerous
» White Lies (Rescues #4)
» Heartbreaker (Rescues #3)
» Diamond Bay (Rescues #2)
» A Game of Chance (Mackenzie Family #5)
» Midnight Rainbow (Rescues #1)
» Mackenzie's Magic (Mackenzie Family #4)
» Shades of Twilight
» Mackenzie's Pleasure (Mackenzie Family #3)
» Son of the Morning