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Billionaire Broken (My Billionaire Boss #8) Page 2
Author: Emily Cantore

After a few minutes I slid off him and turned over. He spooned me and I sighed, well ready to sleep before I felt his cock press against me from behind. I wriggled my ass against him and between one movement and the next he was inside me. He began to move slowly in and out and I sighed in his warm strong embrace. Mr. Stone sped up at some point, gripping my hip with one hand and the back of my hair with the other and this time I came with him pounding into me from behind. He slowed down while my eyes were still spinning and enclosed me in his arms again. I nuzzled his arm and then nipped it gently as he thrust into me once more.

We went to sleep like that. Him holding me, asleep inside.


I woke up in the pitch darkness with an image throbbing in my mind: a box in the back of a dark room. When I'd first started collecting contracts I'd taken out three and hidden them in the back corner of the archives. I had no real reason for this apart from wanting to look at them at my leisure and not wanting anyone else to find them. Now that the rest of the contracts were gone, those ones might be the last left with Matt Black's signature on them.

I turned over to tell Mr. Stone but the bed was empty. I fumbled for the light and then saw it was 2am and yet again I was alone. I was all for my mysterious man coming and going but sometimes a girl wanted to wake up with her man beside her!

I wrapped a robe around me and padded out into the hallway. I heard the low tones of Mr. Stone's voice so I followed it and found him in his study, standing before a blazing fire. He finished his call as I appeared in the doorway.

"There are more contracts!" I blurted out before he could say anything.

"What do you mean?"

I explained how I'd taken three contracts out and hidden them in a back of the archives. Mr. Stone crossed the room in two steps and kissed me.

"We need to retrieve them immediately. Every little piece of evidence we can keep is vital. Meet me downstairs in ten minutes."

We rushed off to our respective rooms to dress. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket. I met Mr. Stone downstairs. He took me by the hand and led me off towards the back of the mansion and then down a corridor I'd never walked down. It went to an elevator that took us one floor down and opened into an underground garage filled with many bright and shiny cars.

"Is that the James Bond car?" I said as he rushed me along towards a black SUV that was parked on the far wall.

"One of them," he replied.

We got into the SUV and Mr. Stone drove us out the exit which was cleverly hidden around the side of the mansion.

"Many hidden rooms huh?" I said.

"There's a lot more than that," he said and winked before putting his foot down.

We raced through the city, only having to stop once at a red light. The rest of the time the traffic gods smiled on us and we zipped through green after green. As we drove Mr. Stone told me about some more transactions he'd found and his suspicions that there had been payments going to overseas shell companies.

"So Mr. Black is taking the money for himself?" I asked as we arrived out the front of Stone-Black.

"I think he could be paying some people he definitely doesn't want to be in business with. I hope not - for his sake."

We entered the building and descended to the archives. The lights flickered on automatically and I quickly led Mr. Stone to where I'd hidden the contracts. I pulled open the box half-expecting to find it empty but they were still there. He grabbed them and flicked through, his smile getting bigger with each page.

"I am so happy you came into my life," he said, grinning down at the contract.


"Me too," I answered. Not my best work but hey, it was the middle of the night.

"I need to go upstairs for a moment. Let's go." He folded the contracts into his jacket before leading the way out.

I felt my spirits rising. Finally some good news. This web that Mr. Black had woven was big and complicated and from what I'd seen so far, it was going to be difficult to work out but seeing Mr. Stone happy at finding these final contracts made me feel things could work out.

We reached the top floor, Mr. Stone striding across my office to his like a man possessed. He pushed the heavy doors open and then stopped so suddenly I nearly ran into the back of him.

Mr. Black was sitting behind his desk.

"Stay behind me," Mr. Stone whispered.

Mr. Black looked up from the computer as we entered and smiled like he was at a party.

"So good to see you both! Good work Delilah!"


"You brought Jackson here for me and the contracts too. Thank you."

"I'm not working with him," I protested to Mr. Stone. He just nodded in reply.

"What are you doing here?" asked Mr. Stone.

"This is half my company too."

He must have seen me glance up at the roof.

"Don't worry, I've disabled the security cameras. And I don't have a gun."

"Good, then I can break your fucking nose," Mr. Stone replied.

"You could try but then there is the matter of the pyromaniac here. Seems she burned down Stone Pharma and can you believe, a few other places as well. Then she kept souvenirs in her apartment."

"Don't drag her into our problem Matt. She's innocent."

"I don't care! Give me the contracts or she goes to jail forever!" Mr. Black suddenly shouted, leaping up from the chair.

"We can pay off the money. I'll help you. Then we'll split up the business and go our separate ways. You don't have to do this."

"Or ... you can pay off the money, we'll split up the business and you'll leave with nothing."

"We have thousands of people working for us! They have mortgages and families. Don't you care?"

Mr. Black laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh please, Jackson. You don't think your pile of money is pure as the driven snow do you? You remember those kids sleeping next to the machine, right? Which room of your mansion do you think their blood money bought you?"

"We ended that," Mr. Stone said, gritting his jaw.

"You didn't have the stomach for what had to be done so you looked away while I did what we had to. Are you pretending that you didn't know anything about poor little Bedford?"

What was Mr. Black talking about? Mr. Stone had sworn to me that he had nothing to do with what had happened.

"I knew that you were an untrustworthy snake. My error was in believing that you could become a better man."

"I am the better man and now I'm going out on my own."

"How much will it take?" Mr. Stone asked.

Emily Cantore's Novels
» Billionaire Bind (My Billionaire Boss #7)
» Billionaire Bought (My Billionaire Boss #6)
» Billionaire Broken (My Billionaire Boss #8)
» Billionaire Blackmail (My Billionaire Boss #5)
» Billionaire Black (My Billionaire Boss #4)
» Billionaire Bondage (My Billionaire Boss #3)
» Billionaire Bond (My Billionaire Boss #2)
» Billionaire Bound (My Billionaire Boss #1)