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Billionaire Blackmail (My Billionaire Boss #5) Page 3
Author: Emily Cantore

"Here's trouble," he murmured.

I stepped out the elevator, suddenly aware of the wet heat between my legs. I knew my cheeks must be red and my embarrassment wasn't doing much to help that situation.

"Mr. Black, good morning sir," I said, looking mostly at the floor as I walked over to my desk. No, that's too obvious! Look up!

I sat down at my desk and looked up at Mr. Black who was watching me with a half-smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows at me and then stepped away from my desk and looked down at the papers in his hand.

I turned on my computer and adjusted my skirt. Yes, my body was still hot and bothered but professional me was pulling it back together. I could even feel the red fading from my face.

"This is great work. You really saved my ... bacon," Mr. Black said and then laughed to himself.

I laughed too but something seemed off today. Maybe it was me thinking of Mr. Stone and then finding a different man in front of me. I glanced over at my computer as the emails arrived and saw one from Mr. Stone. The subject line said Tonight, 7pm. I opened it with a flutter in my stomach.

I will be home early. Be at my house 7pm tonight. Mi-oh will pick you up.

That composure I was talking about broke into pieces. Mr. Stone would be home tonight. I brought my fingers up to my neck and felt the leather band around it.

"... what do you think?"

I refocused. Mr. Black had been talking!

"Um, sorry, could you repeat that?" I asked and then waved a hand at the computer. "Emails, got distracted."

He nodded and then frowned down into his paperwork.

"I was just saying that you really saved me and to pay you back I wanted to take you out to dinner tonight. My treat."

He said all this to his paperwork and I suddenly got the impression of a young embarrassed teenager asking someone out on a first date. With that idea came that feeling that girls know well: you have to turn someone down and you're almost as embarrassed as they are.

"I would love to," I lied, "but I can't. I ... um,"

He waved away my explanation and stood up suddenly.

"Not a problem, some other time. Could you find this for me and have it by tomorrow if possible?" It all came out in one big rush and he handed me the folder and practically bolted for elevator before I could say anything else. Mercifully, it opened immediately and the doors closed behind him without me seeing his face again.

I picked up the folder and opened it but I was already lost in thoughts of Mr. Stone and what would happen tonight.


It's crazy what sex will do to you. I spent the rest of the day working on the mundane but unlike yesterday I didn't keep suddenly thinking about blackmail or the situation I found myself in. All I could think about was Mr. Stone. My master. The one who put the leather collar on me and told me I would obey.

I didn't care about the contracts I was meant to find and destroy. I didn't even care someone had been in my apartment. All I wanted was Mr. Stone.

I rushed home the moment work was over and had a shower before dressing in some tight jeans and a top that flattered all that I had. At six-thirty the buzzer rang and Mi-oh called out "DEAR DELILAH!" over the intercom.

I went downstairs to find the black Bentley waiting for me, Mi-oh leaning against it in a black tuxedo looking like a professional killer.

We chatted on the way to Mr. Stone's mansion but even with her bubbly personality I had trouble keeping my mind on what she was saying. She asked me about work and I gave some vague response before apologizing and focusing for all of two minutes.

We arrived at Mr. Stone's mansion and Mi-oh waved goodbye before giving me a wink. Mr. Henry was waiting by the door. He smiled at me and gave a little bow before opening it for me.

"Upstairs and to the right, Ms. Neri," Mr. Henry said.

I walked up the stairs, my stomach going from fluttering to leaping up and down. The closer I got to Mr. Stone's dungeon, the worse it got. I had changed into fresh underwear at home but already they were soaked through with my desire. I turned the corner and walked down the beautiful hallway, although the artworks were somewhat lost on my sex-brain.

Just as I reached the study where Mr. Stone had fucked me for the first time bent over his sofa, I felt a strong arms wrap around me from behind, one across my collarbone, the other around my waist.

"You are here, little slave," said Mr. Stone in my ear.

"Yes, sir," I managed to say, even though it felt my whole body was thudding in time with my heart.

His fingers trailed up to my neck and he touched the leather collar before stroking the hollow of my jaw. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. I felt his lips brush against my ear before he took hold of the collar and stepped around me.

"Come with me, slave," he said.

He pulled me along and I followed obediently. We entered the dungeon and I felt my eyes become heavy. His effect on me was like I was drugged. I just wanted to fuck him, to serve him, to do whatever he wanted. Even as these thoughts crossed my mind, I felt some fears rising up. Did I have barriers he'd push against and I'd suddenly find out how far he wanted to go? Would I be able to follow him?

Mr. Stone suddenly turned and pulled me towards him. We kissed and I felt like I'd bitten into an electrical wire at the feeling. His lips against mine, his hands touching me. I looked into his eyes and saw a deep hunger.

But it was only for a moment. He broke our kiss and was behind me again. The man was fast and powerful. I felt his body near mine and then saw his hands in front of my face holding a thick black blindfold. He covered my eyes and then stepped away from me.

"Can you see?" he asked from somewhere behind me.

"No, sir," I said. No light was getting through at all and without my sight my other senses seemed to magnify.

"Wait," commanded Mr. Stone.

"Yes, sir," I said.

I heard him move behind me, a rustle of fabric on fabric but then nothing else. If anything, the man was preternaturally quiet. I focused on calming my breathing, feeling my heart slowing down and the pounding rush of blood in my ears fade away.

To my right I heard a soft clink of metal on glass and then the rattle of ice-cubes. Was he making a drink?

"Take off your clothes," Mr. Stone whispered in my ear and I almost screamed. I managed to bite my lip in time to stop myself.

"Yes, sir," I said and reached down to unbutton my jeans. I pushed off my shoes and after a momentary struggle with my very tight jeans, slid them down my hips and off, taking my socks with them. It wasn't cold in the room but when the air hit my wet underwear, I felt a chill.

Emily Cantore's Novels
» Billionaire Bind (My Billionaire Boss #7)
» Billionaire Bought (My Billionaire Boss #6)
» Billionaire Broken (My Billionaire Boss #8)
» Billionaire Blackmail (My Billionaire Boss #5)
» Billionaire Black (My Billionaire Boss #4)
» Billionaire Bondage (My Billionaire Boss #3)
» Billionaire Bond (My Billionaire Boss #2)
» Billionaire Bound (My Billionaire Boss #1)