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Billionaire Black (My Billionaire Boss #4) Page 6
Author: Emily Cantore

He glanced up at me and then held my gaze, his face smooth and unreadable. Then he winked and slid his free hand into his jacket pocket. I was so absorbed with seeing him that I didn't realize what him sliding a hand into his pocket meant until it happened. The powerful vibration surged to life and I gripped the banister, holding on so I wouldn't collapse to the ground.

Somehow I managed to hold his gaze when all I wanted to do was moan and fold down to the ground. The buzzing stopped and Mr. Stone removed his hand from his jacket and waved at me to come down to him. I took a deep breath, put my shoulders back and, keeping a firm grasp of the banister, walked down the stairs. Halfway down I saw Mr. Stone smile at me, down his scotch and then excuse himself from the group of men.

He met me at the bottom of the stairs and held out his hand to me. I took it and stepped down, feeling like I had floated all the way.

"You are beauty itself," he said.

He smiled at me but then winked again and I suddenly remembered the switch he had in his pocket. At any moment he could press it...

"Thank you, sir," I said, the essence of formality.

He stepped closer to me, his strong arm encircling my waist, his lips near my ear. I breathed in his scent and felt myself relaxing.

"I will tear this dress off you later," Mr. Stone whispered in my ear and then stepped back. To everyone watching, it may have just looked like a quick embrace but my heart was thudding at the thought of being with him again.

"Now come with me," he said and led me through the crowd.

As we approached a group of women gathered around an older women holding court, a low vibration started, causing me to breath in sharply. Mr. Stone glanced at me but said nothing. The group of women moved away leaving the older woman waiting for us.

"Jackson Stone you must learn to return phone calls." She wiggled her finger at him and he smiled in return. I tried to smile but even the low buzz was making it difficult to focus. "And who is this beautiful girl?" she added.

"Ms. Delilah Neri, my date. Delilah, this is Andrea Wright, owner of Wright Technologies and currently on the cutting edge of solar panel research and manufacture."

"Number one in the sun," she deadpanned and held out her hand to me. I smiled and her and shook it, hoping that the beautiful madman next to me would have the sense to shut off the vibration so I could talk. The buzzing suddenly ceased, as though he'd read my mind.

"Very nice to meet you, Ms. Wright. I've read a lot about you." As I said it, I realized it was actually true. In the mass of contracts and work I'd done this week I'd read plenty about her and her company. They were simultaneously partners and competitors with Stone-Black, sometimes working together and sometimes competing against each other.

"Call me Andrea. All my Swedish tennis instructors do," she said and grinned at me. She laughed and walked away to a young blond hunk in a suit nearby who handed her a drink.

"That's her son, not her tennis instructor," Mr. Stone whispered to me. "She has a strange sense of humor," he added. He smiled at me and suddenly the buzz was back, full power. I felt my knees go weak and I bit my lip.

"How are you feeling Ms. Neri?" Mr. Stone asked.

"Just wonderful," I answered, gritting my teeth. The buzzing stopped and I managed to hold back my sigh of relief. Another moment and I would have been on the ground, howling like a mad woman.

Mr. Stone led the way again, this time directing me to a handsome man in his early thirties. As we reached him, the vibration started on low again.

"My business partner, Matt Black."

Like his surname, Mr. Black had dark hair and dark eyes the verged on black. I'd seen the odd photograph of him but never one of he and Mr. Stone together. He was as tall as Mr. Stone and it was a good thing they were never photographed together because the sheer sexual energy of that picture would melt any woman into a puddle.

"Good to meet you, Delilah," he said and kissed my hand.

His eyes were twinkling, like he held some deep secret, but there was something in him that made my skin suddenly crawl. It sounded like he'd said good to mate you, Delilah. The buzzing stopped and I smiled politely at him.

"Very good to meet you too," I said and took my hand back.

"I have heard so many wonderful things about you from Jackson. Your extraordinary work for the company. How you go to great lengths to provide the very best."

He grinned at me and I felt myself flush red. Had Mr. Stone told him about us together? They were business partners and presumably friends. What did he know?

"Always a pleasure," Mr. Stone said in a flat voice.

"I hope to see you again," Mr. Black said and winked at me before walking away to join a beautiful woman near the window.

I looked at Mr. Stone and saw the expression on his face. It was more than simple annoyance. He was actually angry. Then it washed away and he smiled at me before leading me across to the bar. He handed me a glass of white wine and ordered a scotch on the rocks for himself.

"No one has a photograph of you two together you know," I said, seeing what I could find out.

"Photographs are for friends," he said and swallowed half his scotch in one gulp. I sensed I was walking on thin ice here but I needed to know more.

"Weren't you friends? I thought you started the business -"

"We were. Once," he said and swallowed the rest of the scotch before depositing the glass in the hands of a waiter who appeared from nowhere.

"So many questions," he murmured and stroked his fingers down my back. His voice was soft and he was almost smiling but I could feel the hard edge under it. Question time was over. I sipped my white wine and missed his hand slipping into his pocket. The vibration started and I clenched the stem of my wine glass, holding on for dear life. I managed to gulp down the wine and set the glass down on the bar before I had to step into Mr. Stone and grab on to him. I simply couldn't hold back any more. I squeezed my eyes shut, tried to hold my breath, clenched my hands but nothing worked. Mr. Stone smiled down at me, his eyes absorbing. He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek.

"Come now, little slave," he whispered.

His words were like the switch in his pocket. I came, shuddering and shaking against him, unable to even hold myself up. The vibration hit a crescendo and then vanished, leaving me trembling in his arms. I felt his hard cock pressing up against me and wanted it inside me. I managed to compose myself, even as I felt ripples of pleasure still flowing through me.

"Are you always so obedient?" he murmured to me.

Emily Cantore's Novels
» Billionaire Bind (My Billionaire Boss #7)
» Billionaire Bought (My Billionaire Boss #6)
» Billionaire Broken (My Billionaire Boss #8)
» Billionaire Blackmail (My Billionaire Boss #5)
» Billionaire Black (My Billionaire Boss #4)
» Billionaire Bondage (My Billionaire Boss #3)
» Billionaire Bond (My Billionaire Boss #2)
» Billionaire Bound (My Billionaire Boss #1)