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The Buchanan's Baby (Buchanan Brothers #7) Page 21
Author: Alexx Andria

“And why is that?”

“Because I’m Penny Buchanan — Nolan’s sister-in-law — and you and I have a lot to talk about.”

Buchanan? Shannon couldn’t help the scowl that followed. “My lawyer says-“

“Let’s leave the lawyers out of this for now. I want to talk to you woman-to-woman because whenever men are involved, chances are they’ve screwed it up somehow.”

Wasn’t that the truth, Shannon thought wryly with a grudging sense of appreciation for the woman’s style. “About that water though…”

“Oh! I’m sorry,” Shannon jumped up to get some water. She returned and handed a bottled water to Penny, taking in the woman’s obviously pregnant belly and plump features. There was something about Penny that Shannon liked, even though she probably shouldn’t. Penny was obvious on Team Buchanan and not likely to side with Shannon but she was curious as to what Penny had to say. “So, why are you here?”

“Because I knew Nolan was probably screwing everything up and I wasn’t wrong. My husband thinks I’m out shopping for baby things but I took a drive instead. He’d have a fit if he knew.” She giggled for a second as if she were pleased to be pulling one over on her husband, then continued more seriously, “It wasn’t hard to find your address after I did a little snooping around – which, I might add, is a safety hazard. You need better security.”

“Well, to be fair, this is the first time I’ve been stalked by a wealthy family,” Shannon quipped darkly. “I’ll know to go off the grid next time.”

“Listen, I want to tell you about the Buchanans. I will be upfront and honest with you about anything you want to know but I want you to listen with an open heart. The Buchanans are good men but they’re covered in a layer of hard stone as a protection mechanism. You see, they had terrible childhoods. Their father — well, I would never speak ill of the dead but it’s probably a safe bet that he’s not up in heaven chasing butterflies — and they’ve had to deal with a lot. They all made some really bad decisions but deep down, they are very good men. I promise you that.”

“How do you know them so well?”

“Oh, I’ve slept with all three of them,” she admitted cheerily, shocking the hell out of Shannon.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, it’s a sordid story and one that shamed me for a long time until I realized that if things hadn’t unfolded the way they did I wouldn’t have met the love of my life — Nolan’s oldest brother, Dillon. And I wouldn’t have this beautiful bundle growing in my belly right now. I have no regrets. Not one. But if I had listened to my anger and hurt rather than my heart, I never would’ve known true happiness was just around the corner.” Shannon peered at the lush, curvy woman and blushed at the thoughts running through her mind but Penny smiled graciously. “Shannon…love can change a person. I know you’re wondering if it’s possible for Nolan to change and I can tell you, without a doubt: yes. And Nolan has definitely changed.”

“He had oral sex with my intern,” Shannon said flatly. “That doesn’t sound as if he’s changed much to me.”

“Yes, he told me.”

“He told you?” Shannon was aghast. “Why?”

“Because he didn’t know who else to talk to. He wanted to talk to you,” she added gently. “But you wouldn’t take his calls.”

This was true. “What did he say?” she asked, curious in spite of herself. “Not that it matters. Can’t change what happened.”

“He screwed up, plain and simple but big change doesn’t happen without a little backsliding. The fact is, he wants to be the man you and Aubrey deserve but without a little guidance, he has no clue where to start.”

“So you think I should just forgive him?”

“I’m sharing information — what you do with it is your business. I’ve said my piece and that’s all I’ll say. I wanted you to hear a different perspective before you made a permanent decision that you can’t take back.”

“You think Nolan will make a good father?”

“I think he’s going to do his damnedest to try and honestly, what more can you ask for? Did you know you would be a good mother before the baby arrived?”

Fair point. Shannon hated the clear logic because it pierced through the emotional haze clouding her vision.

Penny glanced around, clearly looking for Aubrey. “Now, where is that beautiful niece of mine that I’ve heard so much about?”

“Sleeping but you can peek in on her if you like.”

Penny grinned with delight and lumbered from her seat, breathing a little heavier. Shannon smiled in memory of being that pregnant. Hard to believe but Shannon had carried an extra forty pounds on her lean frame while carrying Aubrey. Thankfully, breastfeeding had melted away the weight but Shannon had a feeling Penny was just fine with her curves as the woman radiated confidence.

Penny’s gaze lit up with pure joy as she gazed on Aubrey and her hand went instinctively to her rounded stomach. “Those Buchanan genes are strong,” she remarked softly, looking to Shannon.

“Yeah, I knew right away just by looking at her that she favored Nolan.”

“Luckily Nolan is almost too pretty for a man,” Penny said, winking.

Shannon chuckled and they left the room. “Does Nolan know you’re here?”

“Oh goodness, no. He’d have a fit if he did. He’s still licking his wounds and being a total ass. I’ve never seen him so agitated. Nolan is the cool kid who never gets ruffled but you’ve really turned his world upside down, which is a good thing. Nolan needed a little chaos in his perfect little world. My Papa used to say that certain people come into our lives to give us the opportunity to grow but growing pains are often painful, that’s the part that often gets overlooked. You and Aubrey did for Nolan what I wasn’t meant to do; challenge him to grow as a person.”

Shannon digested that information and marveled at Penny’s wisdom. Behind that merry smile and dimpled cheeks was the brain of a very smart woman. No wonder Dillon had snapped her up. She regarded Penny to ask in a quiet voice, “Do you think Nolan could love me eventually, not just as Aubrey’s mother, but as a woman and a partner?”

Penny’s eyes sparkled mischievously as she answered, “I think he already does.”

Alexx Andria's Novels
» Bought By The Billionaire Brothers
» The Buchanan's Redemption (Buchanan Brothers #8)
» The Buchanan's Baby (Buchanan Brothers #7)