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Redemption (The Captive #5) Page 16
Author: Erica Stevens

Her hand fell back to her side as she and her cousin attempted to kneel. "Don't!" Jack's voice was far more thunderous than he'd intended as he rose out of his chair, but the thought of her kneeling before him made him feel like a volcano about ready to erupt. They froze in mid-kneel, Lucas tilted awkwardly but Hannah managed to snag hold of his wrist before he could face plant onto the floor. "Don't kneel for me."

The cousins exchanged a look before straightening back up. Hannah straightened the front of her dress and stared at Jack as if she were afraid he might leap on her and sink his fangs into her slender throat. It was a notion that he didn't find all that unappealing, even if exchanging blood was something that vampires rarely did with each other.

Sitting back in the chair, he stretched his arms up and folded his hands behind his head. Though she seemed to relax a little, she didn't come any closer. "What brought you here?" she asked in a bare whisper.

Jack shrugged as he tried to appear casual, but his muscles remained tensed. "New laws have been established in the land. We've been traveling around making sure those laws are being obeyed in the outer towns."

"There are no blood slaves here," Lucas told him. "There were few vampires in this town that used the practice to begin with."

"Calvin seems to have his own set of rules though," William pointed out.

Abe nodded his agreement. "Calvin has always had his own set of rules. I've known him for four hundred years now. The minute he stepped into this town he began to take charge of it. I suppose it was easier for him to do so here."

Jack frowned as the strange words completely pulled his attention away from Hannah. He dropped his arms down and flattened his hands on the table before him. "Why would it be easier for him to do so here?"

"This has always been an extremely remote community, hidden within the mountains and in a location that wasn't even appealing to the most diehard outdoor enthusiasts. I was seven when my family moved here six hundred years ago. Other than the people and vampires that were born here, there hasn't been a new outside addition since Ellen arrived twenty five years ago. We've had out-of-towners pass through, but most move on within a week and few have stayed for over a month. There is a boarding house at the end of the road, that's where most of the travelers that plan on being here for any length of time stay, but Tilly doesn't do much business."

Jack pondered Abe's words. The fact that they didn't get many travelers wasn't a revelation to him; vampires weren't exactly known to embrace new things, including new towns and new people, especially the older vampires who were far more settled in their ways.

"And Calvin decided to claim this town as his when he first arrived?" Jack asked.

"No one else would have." This comment, from Lucas, caused Hannah to elbow him sharply in the ribs. He frowned at her as he rubbed the offended area. "It's true, no one would claim this town," he protested.

"My brother does," Jack told him. "Braith is working to unite all of the towns and communities."

They stared at him before glancing at each other again. "To be united with other towns would certainly be strange for us," Abe said after an extended silence.

"We'll be staying here to work on it," Jack assured him.

Hannah shifted her weight from foot to foot as Lucas began to tap his fingers against his leg. "Perhaps you would be more comfortable at the boarding house then," Hannah suggested. "Tilly is better suited to accommodate long term guests."

"Hannah," Lucas said under his breath.

"What?" she whispered back to him. "It's true."

"He has coin."

Hannah held her hand over her mouth but Jack was still able to hear her words. "He's a prince."

Lucas glanced at him before shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, ok," he muttered.

Annoyance filtered through him, but he managed to keep his tone neutral when he spoke again. "The rooms here are fine."

She blinked at him and then opened her mouth to protest, but Abe cut her off. "And we will be happy to have you here. I think it's time we get some rest now. It will be time to open again before we know it."

Though she still didn't look pleased, Hannah didn't argue with her uncle's decision. "Is there anything we can get you first?" she asked him.

He found he couldn't tear his gaze away from hers as her full mouth compressed. "We'll be fine," he assured her.

"I need some sleep myself," William announced as he bounced to his feet. "It's been a tiring night."

Jack had to force himself to focus on his friend. "I'd like to take a look around town later today."

"Wake me when you're ready."

William turned and walked up the stairs with more energy than most humans would have after a night of no sleep, but lack of sleep was something William tolerated with far more ease than the average human. They had learned last year that William most likely had vampire DNA in him when Aria had survived the change from human to vampire.

Hannah released a soft noise when Jack rose from the table. Her eyes flitted away when he turned toward her. He hadn't thought it was possible but the color that crept into her cheeks made her even more appealing. There were few times in his life that he'd been enchanted by something, but he was beginning to feel a little bewitched by this woman before him.

"Just ring the bell if you need something," she blurted.

As she hurried up the stairs Jack couldn't help but wonder if something would include herself.


"This is one strange little town," William muttered as he looked around at the people and vampires staring at them with open curiosity.

Erica Stevens's Novels
» Redemption (The Captive #5)
» Refugee (The Captive #3)