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Redemption (The Captive #5) Page 36
Author: Erica Stevens

"I suppose Hannah is capable of taking care of things," Calvin said.

Jack didn't miss Calvin's glance at him but he refused to rise to the vampire's baiting. The hallway opened into a massive sitting room with two sofas set against the wall across from them and the wall on his right. Instead of weapons lining these walls, there were suits of armor taking up almost every inch of available floor space.

The only source of light within the room was the six sconces lining the walls. The flickering candles in them cast dancing shadows over the blood colored rug and dark brown wooden walls. Calvin walked around the glass coffee table in the middle of the room and settled himself onto the red sofa across from where they stood. He leaned back and folded his hands behind his head to study them.

"Please sit. Would you care for a drink?" Calvin inquired.

"No," Jack said in a clipped tone.

Calvin waved his hand and a woman scurried from the shadows of the room beyond this one. The beat of her heart would have given her away as human even before he spotted the bite marks and bruises marring her wrists and neck. She wore a floor length dress but it did little to cover the ample cleavage exposed by her low cut top. Jack took a step forward as she poured a glass of what smelled like whiskey for Calvin.

"Pour one for Kane too Portia," Calvin said as the bull like man standing within the shadows strode forward.

Though Kane was shorter than everyone in this room, at about five ten, he was one of the stockiest people Jack had ever seen, and one of the ugliest. Unflinching hazel eyes, that reminded him of a lizard's, focused on him as Kane lifted the glass and swallowed the contents in one gulp.

A small clatter brought his attention back to Portia and Calvin as the young woman's hand trembled enough to bump the decanter against the crystal glass. "I know what you're thinking but Portia is here willingly, aren't you Portia?"

The young woman's sable eyes were shadowed as she glanced around at them. "Of course," she murmured.

"Some women just like a little extra danger in their men, right Portia?"

"Yes." She was saying it, but Jack wasn't buying it as her haunted eyes briefly met his before skittering away. He knew there were humans willing to fill the role that Calvin was describing, but none of the ones he'd encountered had appeared this unhappy and worn out.

Calvin slapped her butt before gesturing toward the alcove she had been standing in before. "Go on now Portia, let us have some privacy."

Like a mouse she scurried into the shadows. Irritation spurted through him, but he forced it back as he remained standing, his gaze unwavering upon Calvin's. "I'm sure you're aware of the laws Braith has instated and changed."

"You'll find no blood slaves here," Calvin replied casually.

"There were more than just blood slave laws that were changed. There is to be equality throughout the land for vampires and humans alike."

"You will find that here," Calvin smiled at him over top of his glass as he took a sip of his drink.

"I haven't so far."

Calvin's gaze slid to Lucas, but to his credit, the young vampire remained where he was with his shoulders thrust back. "I don't know what Lucas has been telling you..."

"Lucas has told me nothing. I have eyes; I see the way the people in this town react to you. You lead here by intimidation and that is going to end," Jack told him.

For the first time he saw a crack in the man's flawless demeanor. The smile slipped from his face as he leaned forward on the sofa and placed his drink on the table next to him. "I have been in charge of this town..."

"For too long." A dim part of him was aware of the fact that the authoritative tone of his voice sounded like his father, but for once he didn't shy away from the association. If it got Calvin to stay away from Hannah, and to stop tormenting the people within this town, he would do what he had to in order to get his way.

"You have no right," Calvin said in a low voice.

"My brother gave me every right to take charge and make changes as I saw fit. You saw these vampires as weaker and you took advantage of that. There will be equality here."

"Is this about Hannah?" Calvin inquired as he rose from the sofa.

William shot Jack a questioning look; Lucas took a step closer at the mention of his cousin. Jack didn't miss the subtle movement of William's hand to the small crossbow tethered to his belt, hanging down against his thigh. "This has nothing to do with her," Jack told him though a trickle of aggravation filtered through him.

"We all know how women can exaggerate things."

Jack's mind flashed back to their conversation in her room. It was Lucas that stepped forward to speak though. "What are you talking about?"

Calvin gave a casual shrug. "We simply had a pleasant conversation, but as you know women can be stubborn and they don't always know what is best for them."

"What are you talking about?" Lucas demanded again.

"Sometimes women must be persuaded," Calvin replied.

Jack recalled the shadows on her hand and suddenly he understood. What he didn't understand was the haze of red that descended over his eyes or the fact that he was moving without even realizing he was doing so. In less time than it took to blink, he was leaping over the table in the center of the room and seizing hold of Calvin's throat. He lifted the man and propelled him back three feet before slamming him against the wall. Calvin's body crashed into the wood with enough force to knock one of the suits of armor over. The clatter of the metal resonated within the large room.

Calvin's feet kicked against the wall, his hands clawed at Jack's but Jack only squeezed harder. Though Calvin didn't require air, his face became florid as his eyes bulged. "Don't even think about it," William grated out.

Erica Stevens's Novels
» Redemption (The Captive #5)
» Refugee (The Captive #3)