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Redemption (The Captive #5) Page 57
Author: Erica Stevens

She'd forgotten that they didn't know, that Jack hadn't told them. Apprehension filled her, Jack had said they wouldn't reject her but he had no experience with the way others reacted to what she was. She did. However, Aria was a part of Jack's life and she hadn't grown up amongst the vampires that had rejected Hannah, her family, and friends. She couldn't think of any reason other than plain old fear not to share what she was, and she was tired of being afraid of rejection. Jack hadn't scorned her and that was all that mattered.

"Most of the vampires in this town have some defect or another. I'm unable to go out into the sun's rays without burning badly," she admitted.

Aria's eyes widened as Xavier said, "Interesting. That makes some sense when you study the legends of vampires and all of their supposed quirks. Anyone allergic to garlic?"

"No," Hannah assured him with a small chuckle.

"So most of the vampires here are like Council member Saul, but why do you consider yourself a... uh..."

"Undesirable," Hannah supplied when Aria forgot the word. "It's what we've always called ourselves as far as I know. The first Undesirables settled into this town centuries ago and created a place where they weren't persecuted by humans and other vampires alike. It's our home."

"I see," Aria said.

"I didn't realize there were so many like Saul. Though, if you were persecuted I can understand why you hid yourselves away. When was this town first established?" Xavier asked.

"Before the first human settlers came over. The original founders of the town passed away from one cause or another, but it is said that the first vampire settlers here fed on wildlife and established a home secure from the vampires that remained in Europe."

Xavier's eyes gleamed as he rubbed at his chin. "Fascinating, simply fascinating."

"He loves to hear about how other vampires and people have lived," Aria told her. "I've run out of forest stories so just be prepared for him to start bombarding you with questions as soon as he gets a chance. He has some good tales of his own though," Aria said with a wink at the man that was shaking his head at her.

Hannah's head bounced back and forth between them as she watched them in amazement. It seemed like such an odd pairing and yet she could sense the deep friendship between them. "I have amazing tales," he said to Aria before focusing on Hannah again. "There is no reason for the vampires within this town to remain hidden anymore."

Hannah shrugged. "Maybe not, but this is our home."

"Well I'm sure Jack wasn't bothered by the fact that you have to avoid the sun," Aria said happily.

"He isn't."

"I didn't think so." Aria walked over and stopped before her. The queen was smaller than she was by a good two or three inches, and though her appearance was youthful there was wisdom in her sapphire eyes that seemed far older than her years. "And I'm sure no one else would be, not anymore."

After all the years spent trying to keep what she was secret from the outside world, it was strange to be so open about it and to have others actually accept her, instead of shunning her.

She didn't know how to react to this open tolerance of what she was, but fortunately she was spared from having to respond by the front doors opening and the others reemerging. Relief filled her as Jack's eyes found her instantly.

"They haven't seen him since early yesterday morning," Braith said.

A chill ran down Hannah's spine, her gaze drifted down the road to Calvin's unlit house. Unlike Jack, she hadn't found it odd that his home was dark, it wasn't a normal occurrence but it had happened before. The fact that he hadn't been to the blood bank in over a day was unusual though. Calvin was one of the rare vampires that visited two sometimes three times a day.

"So what does that mean?" asked Aria.

"It means that we go check out his house now," Jack said.

Hannah couldn't tear her eyes away from the foreboding house as they made their way down the street. The hair on the nape of her neck stood on end as the crisp fall breeze drifted over her. She couldn't think of where Calvin might have gone, or why, but she didn't think he was in this town anymore. Braith stopped outside of the gate, Hannah started to warn him about the dogs but quickly realized that they were no longer behind the partially open gate.

"That doesn't bode well," William muttered.

"We can't just walk in there, can we?" Timber inquired.

"Normally I would say no," Braith said. "But the gate is open, Calvin is nowhere to be seen, and from what the others have told us there is at least enough of a reason for me to speak with him."

The gate creaked as Braith pushed it the rest of the way open and stepped into the courtyard. The other day was the first time Hannah had ever been inside this house and she had never expected to return. Jack used his arm to push her behind him as they climbed the stairs. Aria had been forced in between Braith and Xavier, a position she didn't look at all pleased to be in, but she didn't complain.

Jack exchanged a look with Braith who nodded for him to go ahead. "Stay here," Jack said to her before stepping forward to grab hold of the door handle. William's broad shoulders filled her vision as he stepped in front of her. She found it a little strange to have a human trying to protect her, but then again he was the one holding the mean looking crossbow in his hand and he had another long bow on his back.

Jack shoved the door open to reveal the darkened hallway. "Calvin!" he called into the massive structure. "Calvin, we're coming in!"

Panic filled her as Jack stepped through the doorway and disappeared. She almost shoved William out of her way, but he was already stepping aside to let her by. Jack was waiting for her, his arm out to keep her behind him. Someone large stepped in behind her and she turned her head to find that the king was the one pressing against her back.

Erica Stevens's Novels
» Redemption (The Captive #5)
» Refugee (The Captive #3)