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I Married a Master Page 8
Author: Melanie Marchande

"Can you start on Wednesday?" Maddy was asking me. Oh, hell. I shook myself back to reality.

"Absolutely," I said, smiling. Laura was stacking blocks very carefully, arranged by color.

"We should have one last hurrah before you start your job, though, right?" Maddy glanced at her husband. "You think your dad can handle Laura tomorrow? We can take Jenna out for some drinks that aren't made from Irish cream liqueur, and you'll get a chance to glower in the corner like Mr. Darcy and remember how much you hate everyone." She smiled affectionately. "It's a win-win."

"As long as I can admire your fine eyes." He glanced at me. "Assuming the guest of honor actually wants to go out."

"Sure," I said, chuckling. "You're right, Maddy, sobriety's overrated."

"Good." Maddy got to her feet, nodding like she'd just settled a serious problem. "Bet we can find you a man with some money - I mean, if you're interested."

"Well, I wouldn't say no." I glanced at Laura, like she was going to judge me for being a gold-digger. "But I'm not exactly on the prowl or anything."

Maddy grinned. "Billionaires can be very persuasive."

I had no idea.


We were at the kind of club that I thought only existed in movies. There wasn't even a line outside; people knew not to bother. Daniel Thorne and company breezed right in, although I was pretty sure the doorman eyed my dress a little askance. It wasn't exactly shabby, but it certainly wasn't billionaire apparel.

Inside, it was clean and quiet, with just the thump-thump of some unidentifiable music keeping a subtle rhythm under our feet. It wasn't quite so dark that I couldn't see people's faces, but I didn't recognize anyone - yet. I had a feeling this was the kind of place that designers and movie stars came when they wanted to be left alone.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Thorne," said the bartender, as we walked past. "It's been a while."

Daniel waved, but didn't pause on the way to our table.

As we glided past a throng of people, I caught a slightly familiar scent. I couldn't quite place it, but it made my heartbeat quicken a little.

"Daniel?" said a voice from behind me. I whirled around, and my jaw almost hit the floor.

It was him.

Grocery Store Jerk, in the flesh. I almost didn't recognize him, at first - but there was no mistaking his face, those blue-green eyes, that air of superiority and the built-in smug in his smile. He looked considerably more put-together this time. His hair was carefully combed, and he'd lost some of the haggard look he had during our last encounter.

He stared at me, and I stared at him. His smile faded, just slightly.

"Ben," Daniel was saying. I glanced back at him - his smile looked frozen. "Fancy meeting you here."

Sidling past me, this Ben went in for a vigorous handshake, and I tried to gauge Daniel's reactions. He seemed about as happy as I was to see the guy, which was definitely interesting.

"So this must be your lovely wife." Ben took Maddy's hand and patted it delicately, flashing her a dazzling smile. Oh, sure - a billionaire's wife got the full dose of charm, turned up to eleven. "It's so nice to meet you, finally."

He glanced at Daniel, then briefly at me.

"This is my friend Jenna," Maddy cut in. "She's just moved to the city for acting."

Oh, for fuck's sake. Ben turned to me, shaking my hand with a smile that was clearly stifling a laugh. "It's so nice to meet you, Jenna. Break a leg."

"Right back at you," I gritted, through the fakest smile I'd ever displayed in my life.

"So great to see you all here," Ben said, turning back to the group. "I have to admit, I've been a little bit of a hermit lately."

"Me too," said Daniel, his manner still heavily guarded, cautious. "But I'm sure you've seen me pop up in the news from time to time."

Ben nodded. "I've gotta say, I don't envy that."

His phrasing implied there was something about Daniel he did envy. I allowed myself a moment to study the two men - both were handsome, though in very different ways. Daniel was slightly taller, or maybe he just carried himself differently. More seriously. Ben's smiles came easier, but I wondered if he meant them.

There were clearly a lot of unspoken secrets between them. If I was judging the awkward silence correctly, it seemed like Daniel was afraid that Ben would spill something he didn't want to be general knowledge.


Judging by Maddy's reactions, she was just as much in the dark as I was.


"Ben, why don't you have a seat at our table?" Maddy suggested, finally. "You two can catch up."

Daniel shot her a look, but she just smiled innocently. As we herded over to the table, I began to ponder the mathematical impossibility of working out a way where I wouldn't have to sit next to Ben.

I ended up sandwiched between him and Maddy, and I was pretty sure there was no logical reason why he needed to be sitting so close to me. Once again, I noticed the hint of cologne that clung to him - something sharp and sweet, enticing, in a way that made me resent him even more.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" Daniel asked, still frowning slightly. Ben shrugged.

"You know. The usual. You've obviously been busy, though." He glanced meaningfully at Maddy. "I heard you've got a daughter now - congratulations."

A bit of Daniel's icy demeanor melted, and I saw the proud father shining through. "Thank you," he said. "It's certainly been an adventure."

"I never took you for a family man." Ben beckoned one of the servers in our direction. "Drinks are on me, everybody - what'll you have?"

"I'm good, thanks," I said, resting my elbows on the table. The last thing I wanted to do was accept a free drink from this guy.

"Oh, come on," said Maddy, nudging my arm lightly. "I'm not saying we have to do another Phi Beta Kappa drink-off, but don't be a wet blanket. I've only just started drinking again, I'll be easy to beat."

Her eyes sparkled. She didn't often roll out the persuasive charm, but when she did, she was almost impossible to resist. I wondered if that was how you landed a billionaire.

"Maybe just one," I conceded. "Vodka cranberry, please. But I'll open my own tab."

"No, no, no," Ben was saying, as I tried not to look at him. "I insist, Jenna. Please."

I shook my head. "Thank you, but no thank you, Ben." Shooting him a slight smile, I lowered my voice slightly. "You don't owe me anything."

Melanie Marchande's Novels
» I Married a Billionaire (I Married a Billionaire #1)
» I Married a Billionaire: Lost & Found
» I Married a Billionaire: The Prodigal Son
» I Married a Master
» His Secretary: Undone (A Novel Deception #1)