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Sing (Songs of Submission #7) Page 7
Author: C.D. Reiss

“How broke?” Margie asked.

I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to tell her. It was shameful, but I couldn’t avoid it any longer.

“I haven’t had a roommate in months. I haven’t worked since before I left for Vancouver. I bought clothes I shouldn’t have. I fixed a car I didn’t need to. Here I am.”

“Is he not taking care of you?”

“I’m not his whore.” I said it in a sotto whisper, but it seemed to amplify and echo against the hard walls and floor. Margie took me by the bicep and pulled me into an empty room. I followed because I didn’t want to make a scene, but by the time she closed the door, I was livid.

“Is bossiness a Drazen thing?” I said.

She held her finger up. “Don’t you posture with me. No one who ever saw you together would call you his whore. So stop it. How much do you need?”

I held my hands up. Taking gifts from Jonathan was one thing, having his sister write me a check was viscerally offensive.

“I’ll figure it out.”

“How?” she asked. “What’s your plan to stay with him and go to work at the same time?”

I didn’t have one, except closing my eyes and hoping I’d wake up at the end of it with a healthy Jonathan and an undamaged career. The signs did not appear to be in my favor. As a matter of fact, I was pretty sure I’d wind up unemployed, ten pounds lighter, and evicted by my own mother. In addition, my EP wouldn’t get cut and I’d have a reputation as a flake.

“I’m going to be there for him,” I said. “If it makes me broke and ruins my career, that’s the deal. And I’m not taking a dime from you or anyone else. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with him when he comes around.”

“You’re a real pain in the ass.”

“Can I have a roll call?” I leaned on the foot of the empty bed.

“Theresa’s calling but she can’t come in. Deirdre’s in chapel. Leanne is here but running off to some Asia backwater in three minutes. Fiona’s in and out with her entourage. Sheila’s ripping paper. Carrie’s still not coming.”

“And your mother?”

“Fully medicated. I spoke to her.”

I nodded. Margie and her mother had a sisterly relationship from what I could see, considering the elder Drazen was only fifteen and a half years older. “I spoke to her” meant Margie had reprimanded her own mother over her treatment of me, which included stone cold silences, saccharine kindness and blatant disregard when she was tired.

“Will she ever say more than two words to me?”

“She and Deirdre love Jessica. That’s not going to change.”

“I don’t expect it to.”

“Good. There’s something else.” She glanced to the door as if making sure it was still closed. “Jonathan hasn’t spoken to our father in fifteen years. He’s here. You might not see him, he and Mom are on the outs, but he’s in the building. If he meets you, whatever he tells you, grain of salt, okay?”

“I don’t know what he’d have to lie to me about.”

“He’d say something just to see how you react. My brother thinks it’s evil. I think it’s just a shitty hobby.”

“Can we go?” I collected my things and stood up straight, ready for the door.

“I’m not done. About the money.”

“You’re done.”



When I first felt like I was dying, I stood in a doorway at the LA Mod for half an hour, trying to get control of the tightness in my chest. I focused on my breathing, sat down, tried to think about anything else, but it kept getting worse, and I kept sitting there, thinking I had to get to Monica before my father did, and I really started panicking.

It all tumbled down from there, to that ridiculously long hospital stay, to getting wheeled into an operating room for surgery at 32. When I woke up, I had the feeling something had gone terribly wrong.

I swam to consciousness feeling like I was being choked. I panicked the same panic I felt in that doorway. I couldn’t control anything, my sensations, my body, my thoughts. I couldn’t see clearly. I couldn’t move my arms. I was bound like a prisoner. My voice was dead. My face itched. Was I warned it would feel like this?

Or was I dead and in the hell of everything I’ve ever done to every woman I’ve tied down and f**ked? I thought of Dante, his hells being the excess of our desires, and in the deepest circles, the pain of our victims. Here I was. Fuck. I was terrified, and for eternity, I didn’t think I could stand it. This blackness. The crippling paralysis. No control. Utter submission to emptiness. And my throat. I was breathing, but the pressure on my throat was enormous. I’d never choked a sex partner, because I never believed I’d be able to control the results. How could my hell include this? I never believed life was fair, but was God this unjust?


A voice. Female. I recognized it as Sheila’s. She always had a way about her, like she gave birth to the world and loved it to maturity, even when her words cut deep and rage twisted her mouth.

I realized I could open my eyes if I chose to. The whisper and beep of machines broke the silence of my anxiety.

Okay. Not hell. Not dead. But the choking feeling was real, and I started to panic again.

Sheila’s face blocked out the light. “You’re intubated. The machine is breathing for you. Keep still. It’s okay.”

I chose to believe her. And I waited. It was five minutes to three. I couldn’t speak to ask her to unbind my wrists, so I stared at the clock for five minutes, and when the hands met, I closed my eyes and imagined I could lift my arm and touch my lips.



Three pm came unexpectedly. I figured it would, since I was supposed to be in the studio, so I’d set my phone alarm to remind me. It dinged in my ear as I listened to Eddie launch into a diatribe. I closed my eyes, shut out Eddie’s aggravation, and touched my lips, thinking of nothing but Jonathan. The warmth in my chest and the smile on my face didn’t last.

“Are you f**king with me?” his voice was tight enough to shatter my reverie.

“He’s your friend too. It’s not like you can pretend to think I’m lying.” I was in the third floor stairwell, avoiding the mob scene in the waiting room. It was nice that Jonathan had so many family members care about him, it was also so overwhelming I took a phone call on the emergency stairs.

C.D. Reiss's Novels
» Beg (Songs of Submission #1)
» Jessica and Sharon (Songs of Submission #3.5)
» Sing (Songs of Submission #7)
» Resist (Songs of Submission #6)
» Burn (Songs of Submission #5)
» Rachel (Songs of Submission #5.5)
» Monica (Songs of Submission #7.5)