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At His Word (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #6) Page 3
Author: Delilah Fawkes

Madeline tapped on her glass with a spoon, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Dinner will now be served, if you’ll please follow me to the banquet room.”

Her intricately-beaded dress rustled as she walked, her rings clinking together as she gestured for everyone to follow. I felt underdressed in my work clothing, despite the Gucci label caressing the base of my spine, but I placed my hand on Mr. Drake’s offered arm and let him lead me through the crowd. I noticed Veronica scowling at me as we passed, and suppressed a smile.

The food was exquisite. I managed to not embarrass myself with the myriad of forks and plates by keeping a close eye on what my boss was doing next to me. When he reached for the smallest fork, I reached for mine. When he placed his plate to the side, I followed suit. I made it through seven small and equally delicious courses without so much as a raised eyebrow from anyone around us, and the thought made me relax a bit.

Maybe I was almost blending in. Maybe I could traverse this strange new world after all.

After dinner, there were drinks, and after drinks, there was dancing. I thrilled when Mr. Drake extended his hand and led me out to the floor, holding me tight when the music began. It was a waltz, and I followed his lead, smiling like a schoolgirl as he twirled me in his arms. Couples surrounded us, young and old, their cocktail dresses glittering in the low light, cufflinks gleaming.

“You dance beautifully, Isa,” Mr. Drake said, drawing me closer as the music changed.

Instead of the crisp waltz, sultry piano jazz now filled the space, slowing the tempo of the dancers around us.

“It’s easy when I can follow your lead,” I said, meeting his eyes with a smile.

His pupils darkened as he gazed down at me, his grip tightening on my waist. “I wish I could take you away from here right now. I would lead you in so much more.”

He moved closer, pressing his cheek to mine, his breath tickling my neck.

“Would you like that, little slave?”

He kissed my ear softly, the warmth of his lips on my skin momentarily taking my breath away.

“Yes,” I said, leaning into him. “Yes, Sir.”

“Don’t you two look cozy?”

I looked up to see Alexander Smith smirking at me, his eyes traveling over my body pressed up against Mr. Drake’s.

“Your mother is asking for you, Chase. But don’t worry, I’ll look after Miss Willcox while you’re gone.” He winked at me, and I frowned back. “May I cut in?”

Mr. Drake sighed and pulled back. “Duty calls,” he said, giving me an apologetic look. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, and then we can get out of here.”

I nodded, my body feeling cold without him holding me tight. Lex held out his hand.

“Well? How about it? I haven’t gotten to dance with a single beautiful woman tonight, so it would mean a lot to me.”

I placed my hand in his and let him draw me close, swaying to the music. Something about his tone of voice made me wonder if he was making a joke at my expense, but I smiled up at him, not wanting to offend Mr. Drake’s partner.

“I don’t know if I fit the bill, but I’m happy to let you cut in.”

He laughed, his black eyes full of humor. “Very good, Miss Willcox.”

I couldn’t help but notice how his face changed when he smiled; how his entire demeanor lightened, his white teeth dazzling against his tan complexion.

“I hope you don’t think I’m forward for asking,” he said, his voice low, “but are you and Chase...? Are you seeing one another?”

I felt the necklace, cool against my throat, and swallowed hard, not sure what to say. What were we, after all? Slave and master? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Lovers?

This wasn’t exactly the kind of relationship I was used to.

“Why do you ask?”

I chewed my lips and met his gaze, not wanting to give too much away. What was Mr. Drake comfortable with me talking about? Hell, what was I comfortable talking about?

Lex’s hand moved lower on my back, and I flinched in his arms. He stopped, his fingers dangerously close to the curve of my ass.

“You are a lovely young woman, Isabeau.”

His eyes were serious now, all trace of mirth long gone. But what was reflected there shocked me. Hunger, raw and obvious shone in his eyes. He pulled me closer, almost imperceptibly, but I could feel him hardening against me through the thin fabric of my skirt. My breath hitched as I met him, stare for stare. What was going on here?

“Chase Drake is a complicated man,” he said, his body moving against mine to the slow rhythm of the song. “People who get close to him often seem to get hurt... I just want you to be careful.”

“What do you mean?”

My voice was higher than normal, but I couldn’t help it. My whole body was tensing under that stare of his, my body reacting to his touch, even though all I wanted to do was get away. But I didn’t want to create a scene in the middle of his mother’s party.

“Has he told you about the other women he’s seen, Isabeau? About how those relationships end? How they always end?”

I looked away, searching the crowd for a sign of Mr. Drake returning.

“Chase isn’t the only one out there, Isabeau,” he said, drawing my eyes back to his. “He isn’t the only one who sees what kind of woman you are.”

He pressed against me again, and I jerked back, breaking out of his grasp.

“Excuse me, I... I need a drink.”

I hurried off the dance floor, toward the far end of the room where dessert wine was being served. When I glanced back, Lex was still on the floor, grinning with his hands on his h*ps as if I were a mystery that needed solving. I took a glass of wine and raised it to my lips. The sweetness pouring over my tongue made me feel ill, and I put it back down.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Drake enter, followed closely by Veronica. He said something to her, then broke away, moving toward me.

“I’m sorry that took so long. Are you ready to go, Isa?”

Veronica grinned at me as if she’d won some sort of victory, but the smile faded as I took Mr. Drake’s outstretched hand in mine.

“Please. Let’s get out of here.”


I was quiet as we drove back to Mr. Drake’s home, my thoughts going a mile a minute. What was that on the dance floor? Was he seriously trying to seduce me, or warn me away? The way I’d felt when he’d held me made me shiver at the memory. He was handsome and charming, but it was all superficial. Something about him made my skin crawl.

Delilah Fawkes's Novels
» At His Mercy (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #2)
» At His Service (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #1)
» At His Side (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #9)
» At His Warning (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #8)
» At His Desire (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #7)
» At His Word (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #6)
» At His Instruction (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #5)
» At His Insistence (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #4)
» At His Command (The Billionaire's Beck and Call #3)